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The Hero of Bentrand

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Oreo_Bubble's Avatar Oreo_Bubble
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Hello everybody,

Now I have noticed that I haven't been making any skins. That's only because one, school and two, I don't have any ideas on what I should make a skin of! Nobody has been making any requests for any I have been to busy doing homework and studying that I don't have any creative juices flowing to think of one.

Since it's school (we all love that -sarcasm-) and I thought why not write a story.

I got this idea after reading Timberwolf7869's blog about the chocolate milk. I giggled reading this and I must say it was well made with wonderful details. You should go read it and perhaps subscribe to him -wink wink nudge nudge-


I'm into the whole fantasy and medieval stuff. So I made a story about that. I made this up as I went along. Hoping you would like it. I had fun making it. Leave any suggestions of how I could maybe make it better and maybe continue more chapters (Did I mention this is only one chapter?) Have fun.

The Hero of Bentrand

In a world of peace and joy, lies an evil force wishing to destroy all good and happiness. For thousands of years, peace of the people had remained. Till the day one foolish man, released the monster, that had been locked up for all those years, to rain horror amongst all things living. Till one young boy, changed it all

Chapter one: The Beginning of it all

One beautiful, sunny day, there was a boy. A boy named Alistair. Alistair was just a normal young lad, entering his teen years as the son of a shop keeper. "Business isn't very high today is it my boy." Said the boy's father Caine. Alistair looked his father's way and gave a slight nod of his head and continued his day dreaming.

Staring out the store window he wondered, "What is life like outside the protection of the Kingdom walls?". Not a few minutes after his thoughts, a strange man in a black cloak walked into the store. This man wasn't from the Kingdom, he was tall and thin. A pouch with items clinking together, and a small dagger at his side. "Tis' a fine day is it not good sir?" asked Caine. The strange man replied "Tis' a fine day indeed, sir." in a voice of deep mystery.

The strange man poked around the items they had to offer, all neatly arranged on the oak wood shelves. The store had many items, ranging from small household decorations to herbs used for healing the sick.

The man finally picked up an item off one of the shelves. A small pot, common amongst the Kingdom. "This is a fine pot here it is" Spoke the man. Alistair sat by the window, watching the man with curious eyes. The man had made his purchase of the pot and left without another word. Alistair had watched him walk down the road until he turned a corner and went out of sight.

Caine spoke at last, "First customer of the day, doesn't seem as if anyone else with come. With it being so nice outside.". Alistair had still been staring out the window in the direction of where the man walked, barely listening to what his father had just said. "Alistair, close up the shop. I think it's time we spend sometime together." Spoke Caine in a louder voice in hopes his son would respond this time. Alistair looked at his father, and did as he was told. They soon left the shop walking down the dry dirt road.

Neither had spoken a word since they walked through the door. They only noises around them were the cool settle winds and the loud chirping of the birds amongst the trees. Alistair had noticed that no shops were open. He wondered if something had happened. His father had noticed the same. "Perhaps we should check the castle yard. To see if anyone is there." Spoke Caine ending their long silence. Alistair had looked at his father, and continued walking down the road by his side.

They had finally reach the castle gate, only to find two guards protecting it. "What brings you to the castle of Bentrand" Asked the guard to the left, in a loud confident voice. Caine was the first to respond, "We are here to see where everyone has gone to. As you may have noticed, all is silent except the wind and birds.". Alistair had been staring past through the gaps in the gate. Only to spot a girl more beautiful than any other he had ever laid eyes on. She was a tall slim girl, with light brown hair that bounced in perfect curls on her shoulders. Bright blue eyes, high cheek bones and lovely lips. She wore no make-up except a small amount of blush and eye shadow. She was wearing a dress of blue elegance. With darker purple lacing the bottom and waist. Short sleeved and the bottom just slightly above the ground, careful not to let it touch.

Not soon afterwards, she had been escorted away by a guard. Up the elegant stairs and into the castle. Out of his sight. He thought to himself, "I must see this girl again. I need to know who she is."

I hope you enjoyed reading it. Leave a comment on how it could improve and leave a skin request if you want to as well.

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1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Oreo_Bubble 09/16/2012 7:17:45 pmSep 16th, 2012

If I get 50 Subscribers, I'll show my face ;> if anybody cares

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09/17/2012 4:02 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Artheties's Avatar
that was entertaining, i look forward to more :I
09/17/2012 5:01 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Oreo_Bubble's Avatar
:D lol
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