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The How to series: Protecting against griefers for players.

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deathblade64's Avatar deathblade64
Level 24 : Expert Cowboy
Hey guys!

So yesterday I got a request from a fellow PlanetMinecraft member on my How to for server owners.
Today we will move on and give you 5 tips on how to protect yourself against griefers ( for the players :) )

Tip 1. Don't be caught off guard

So yeah, when you get onto a new server you'll probably just think " go towards the wilderness in front of me " that's a bad bad idea. By doing that you may encounter other players who are starving and dying, and these players will usually kill anyone they can to gain items, food, resources, etc. Usually they will be unarmed, if not holding a block of dirt or something which isn't very useful. The best thing to do is to run, or move to a different chunk of the world.

Tip 2. Hide everything

This is now assuming that you've made it out of the wild and you are now in a small house and settled. You are safe from most hostile mobs, but not for long. In my experience as a raider and being raided, your first enemies will show up about 3-4 days in minecraft time after you've been in the area. Some people ( like myself ) watch to see you and how you do, if you collect good stuff it's worth the attack. Hide chests, hide furnaces, hide anything you wouldn't want to lose to someone else.

Tip 3. Hiding your chest under floorboards will NOT work.

Look fellas I'm sorry, but hiding your chests underneath the floorboards almost never works. Half of the time when i raid I peel up the floor and find that one double chest filled with all your stuff. This is NOT the way to hide it. The best hiding spots you can have are places like underneath trees, inside of treetops, inside of the wall to a mine, or if you really want to, dig far down and hide them, yes, under the floorboards.

Tip 4. Attack and Defend

Now some people will actually advise against this, but if you are defending yourself you should also try and gaint items from other people. It will help you to collect a stockpile of things, and I've never killed an armed person and not gotten anything useful.

Hope you find this useful. Diamond and subscribe to keep up with my posts :D

CreditNope, this was made by myself

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03/28/2012 10:49 am
Level 45 : Master Lava Rider
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