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The Orion: Rise- Part 1

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Level 49 : Master Ninja
Hey guys! I wrote this story, for some fun! Anyway, I'm planning of taking this to the next level, maybe get 50 pages out of it, maybe 100. I don't know. But if you can let me know what you think, if I should add anything etc. Anyway, I hope you like the story! <3

Want to see this story in the making? Go here! Get private access!

o I demand an explanation!!!!o A man of great height and power furiously bangs his fist on his chair. o I will not settle for this outrageous claim!!!o he bellows. The other gods glance at him. Steaming, the god does no notice a woman standing up.
o My lord, if we were to send the gem to earth...o she pursed her lips, o Maybe we could have a chance of saving it.o The man grunted.
o Very well.o he swept his hand toward another male god. o You shall take the gem to Earth.o The other man bellows.
o Why should I?o he grunts. o I have clearly proved myself in these grounds, I should not have the most difficult task to do. My Lord, dono t you think that maybe a minor god should take the challenge?o he asks. The godo s whiskers start to steam.
o THERE SHALL BE NO SUCH THINGo he thunders o YOU SHALL TAKE IT DOWN TO EARTH!o The other godo s eye twitches, and then he takes his pallium and walks off. The god sighs and shakes his head. o Zeus, dono t you think you have maybe given this man a bit too much to live up to?o a woman asks.
o Hera, you know your place, now everyone leave me.o Once all the gods had left the room, he sighed and his head drooped. o Please, we need a hero...o

Adam wiped his hand across his head. He had been working continuously all day, not stopping for any breaks. His family needed the grain and crops, so he needed to work. He flinched as his plough broke through the dirt. Adam was a short man, at the age of 16, yet, still not in the form of a man as of yet. He smashed his plough into the dirt again. His family was not able to afford clothes that were comfortable, so he wore simple breaches, torn from many hours in the fields. He didno t think of farming as a chore, as it took him away from his worries and stress. He usually came out onto the fields to think, not to work. His family, starving and shivering on some nights, proved to be a big enough worry for him. As his father had passed away many years ago, he was the only capable person to work on the fields. His mother and sister worked indoors, working on simple clothing to sell, or if they were lucky, keep the clothes for themselves. Sometimes he would come home from a hard days work, to be surprised by a brand new piece of clothing. It was the only way he was able to receive presents these days. When his father had lived, he had been able to get gems or crystals form his father, who worked in the mines. Unfortunately he had been in the mines when they crashed down. The thought still brought tears to his eyes. He remembered the day when he had been waiting for his father to emerge from the black abyss...

o Adam, please stand back for the men to come past,o his mother scolded. So far, his father had not came out of the mine. Several hundred men had been pouring out for a while now, but there had been no sign of his father. He looked around at the dark, solemn faces of those who had survived. Many of them looked at me in pity, some of them just averted their faces. Strange, he thought. His mothero s grip tightened on his shoulder.
o Ito ll be alright my son,o she sounded ashen. Not a good sign. Finally a man in his middle ages walked up to them. I recognized him as the manager of the mines. He sighed and looked towards us.
o How do I put this...o he stuttered, o Io m sorry. He didno t make it.o His father had been one of the most known workers from the mines. Obviously a lot of people were thinking of him right now. As the truth dawned on me, I almost collapsed. My Mother kept on holding onto me, tight, though.
o No.o I whispered. The manager looked at me with pity. Mum directed me back towards the track, on our way home.

As I come back to the past, I think of how far that track between our home and the mines is. Not very far, but when you were walking, it was twenty miles away maybe? He got out his scythe and whacked the top of a weed off the barren land. His Mother and sister were probably in town right now, trying to sell off their produce.
o A normal day for Adam.o he muttered. Suddenly a bright light flashed, and a brilliant man broke out of nowhere. A man around 12 feet tall emerged out of the blinding light. He was tall and muscular, and only had this dress on. His hair was short cropped and he had some leaves on top of his head.
o Um, do I know you?o I asked. The man stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable.
o I am Hermes, the god of messages and travelling. I have come to give you a quest.o I raised an eyebrow. For some reason I felt like I should be disobeying this guy, not doing what he asked. o I... accidentally lost a very important gem, that I want you to retrieve.o he explained. I stared at him in return. A god was asking me for help.
o Io m sorry, I dono t do help, I am trying to get my family on in life.o The god, Hermes, flared his nostrils.
o If you dono t help me, you and your family will all die. I will give you some simple directions. Travel to the town called Port Alba. There you should meet up with a man. He will give you money, and all the other things you will need to survive. From there on, you will have to find your own way. But I can tell you this. If you dono t succeed, this planet may reduce to nothing but a pile of ashes.o I stared at him.
o Yeah right. Youo re just trying to scare me.o I went back to ploughing the dirt. Hermes waved his hand and the plough came back and hit me in the head. Luckily it didno t hurt me. I groan as I pick myself up, rubbing my forehead.
o Go. Now. Travel to Port Alba. You will have all you need.o And with those last words, he disappeared, in a blinding light.

As I sat down with my family to dinner, I thought about the dayo s previous events. I had been just doing my everyday work, working through the fields, than BOOM, a god appeared, and gave me a quest. The equal of giving him a sword and saying, o Hey! Kill yourself!o I couldno t believe it. And not only that, the god had said if I didno t go, or succeed in the quest, my family would all die, and the world would turn to nothingness. I was disturbed by my mother, talking about her day.
o It was wonderful! Got 600 pounds for a single lace garment! Lovely!o I looked at her. She always looked on the bright side of life, not thinking about what else could come or occur. I sighed. Sometimes she was too nice.
o Then he said that-o she frowned and looked at me. o Adam, you haveno t said much tonight.o I looked up from the bowl of slop. Mash potatoes and maybe some peas.
o Io ve had a rough day.o She shrugged and went back to talking about her day. She was nice, but sometimes she liked to leave things alone, another part I like about her. I sighed and dropped my spoon into my food. Mother sighed and glanced at me. o Are you not hungry Dear?o she asks. I shake my head, inches away from my plate. o Okay dear, off you go to bed then. As I stomp up those steps, up to the attic, I do not know that this would be the last time I saw this house in a long time.

Want to see part 2? Click here!
Want to see part 3? Click here!
Want to see part 4? Click here!

Also, btw, this story is not totally finished.

Note: If this blog is removed, I understand, it doesn't really have anything to do with minecraft.
CreditMah friend Storm75x

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by LOLDA 06/05/2012 3:10:00 amJun 5th, 2012

added part 4

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06/07/2012 7:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
rituparno123's Avatar
this should be on youtube
06/09/2012 9:55 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
It is going to be soon. I'm making a machinima for it.
06/04/2012 8:32 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Zeylander's Avatar
dude....all i can say is.....damn
and also a dia and a sub XD
06/04/2012 8:39 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
thanks <3
06/03/2012 12:49 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
_Ezio_'s Avatar
..............i want more
06/03/2012 12:50 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
:D thx, im still working on it furiously. I never knew I loved story writing so much! <3
06/03/2012 12:51 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
_Ezio_'s Avatar
Well at least your good unlike some other people who post for fame and stuff...BTW diamond well spent haha
06/03/2012 12:55 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
btw, theres a link above, if you wanna see it being written
06/03/2012 12:54 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
:D thx again
06/03/2012 1:00 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
_Ezio_'s Avatar
You and someone else ;) should make a machinima of this in game and post it with like port alba and such in it
06/03/2012 1:02 am
Level 49 : Master Ninja
LOLDA's Avatar
Ok, but the story is LONG to be finished. I was thinking of making an animation as well. A friend and I have already made a game out of it, but we bailed on it. I guess I'm just continuing on the story.
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