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The story problem: Jman's PSA on stories

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jman5000555's Avatar jman5000555
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Ok, this might be long or not but grab some popcorn anyway (popcorn is awesome).

Ok, now we all know the story section on PMC, a sub-genre of blogs consisting of stories. Now this means you write an awesome story post it in this section and get recognized right?

Wrong, you can only post stories that relate to PMC, or minecraft. Now how many or you are shocked by that. Two, ok well that's enough to prove my point.

The fact is that Stories is misleading. It seems to be a place where you can post stories of your own creation and the awesomeness that follows. And if you look at the stories section, nothing will suggest otherwise. Yes, there are some minecraft related stories, but there are just as many non-minecraft related stories as well. To a person who forgot to read the rules, or even to one who has, this seems commonplace. now for those who have read the rules (everyone right? XD) it is confusing. You know that these non-minecraft stories are not allowed but yet they flourish. Why is this you may ask. Now, I'm not saying moderators aren't doing their jobs, there are too many for them to delete. However, this all stems from the original problem, which is people are confused, not educated, or plainly don't care.

This is a major problem, and I see that there are two ways to fix it.

Option 1. You change the rules to allow non-minecraft related stories to be posted. Now for some this seems to be the logical solution. However,a something was pointed out to me by the moderator Palaeos. This website is called Planet MINECRAFT after all, why should you get to rank up and become famous with something that not at all pertains to the website's core. It's like going to the Pokemon wiki and making an article about Dragon Ball Z. Yeah sure, lets say it was the most awesome Dragon Ball Z related thing on the planet, it still doesn't belong on the Pokemon Wiki. but with Planet minecraft it is even worse considering you get levels, and generally more fame for stuff like this.

Option 2: If I have convinced you to go against option 1, here is an alternative. Take out the Stories section completely. Yes, I know this is a radical idea but hear me out. If you do this it would get rid of all confusion, and people getting famous, off works that don't belong. There would be no more non-minecraft related stories and everyone would be happy right? Nope wrong again, this isn't fair against the people who do make minecraft related stories. They make amazing stories and they deserve to be recognized just as much as the best skinners out there. It is not fair to punish everyone for the mistakes of the few (or many in this case).

Now do either of my ideas sound good to you, no? Well, then I did my job. I was pointing out this problem and showing how each idea would play out. Now, maybe you have some third idea. Like

Option 3: Let people post stories that aren't minecraft related in their own section, with a catch. If you post a story here you won't get any XP from it, but it will still be able to get marketed and shown on your page. but even with this idea, there would be problems, like would these projects be able to be on the front page? Will this really stop people from posting non-minecraft related stories in the stories section? Also, will this stop people from posting quailty content, because they will get nothing from it aside from the enjoyment of people reading it.

(Quick answers, depends, people always break the rules, people should get satisfaction from sharing there work with people and the postive comments, not the meaningless exp earned on here.)

This is my public service announcement on this topic. Thanks for reading. Like if you like it, favorite if it is your favorite (who favorite's rants anyways XD) If you disagree with anything discussed in this post. Please feel free to post your opinions down below. Stay awesome everyone.
CreditPalaeos(quote), Supernova666(for bringing this to my attention) Niklon, and Xoyjays for being awesome debaters.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by jman5000555 11/17/2013 9:01:34 amNov 17th, 2013

Getting rid of all these A things what are up with these things?

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08/08/2013 8:16 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
Creamyman's Avatar
funny thing you have a few nonminecraft related storys xD might wanna delete it so you dont look like a hipocrit. not trying to be mean. just some advise
08/08/2013 8:17 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
I have one yes. Not a few.
08/08/2013 8:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
Creamyman's Avatar
and you have 2 hexxit
08/08/2013 8:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
Creamyman's Avatar
oh lol i was thinking about someone else. but your hexxit was advertised under this post.
08/08/2013 8:19 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Hexxit is minecraft related XD
08/08/2013 8:20 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
Creamyman's Avatar
really? oh i feel like a dodo right now :P ignore my other comment
08/08/2013 8:20 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Hey, lets forget the feud over hexxit shall we?
08/07/2013 1:37 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Cake
CalPal_'s Avatar
This is actually a VERY recent rule change (about a month now), and it's for a reason. There was SO MANY non-MC stories, that it was clogging up the blog section even more then it is now. Sure, some people won't read the rules, but their stuff will be deleted. Also, there ARE people who read the rules, so it will help... some...
08/07/2013 1:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Right that is why people need this PSA on the rule and just it in general
08/07/2013 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
GokuDoesMinecraft's Avatar
08/07/2013 10:49 am
Level 40 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
jman5000555's Avatar
Also the rundown is stories not related to minecraft can't be published in the stories section and what we can do to remedy that
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