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The Truth on Haters [PR]

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charman305's Avatar charman305
Level 43 : Master Ranger

Haters. We all know them. We may even have a hater. All are different, but they all share one thing: hating other people or things. Why do they do this? What's "good" hating, and what's "bad" hating? Can we stop them? All will be explained shortly.

Why Do Haters Hate?

So why do they hate? Usually it's for one reason mostly: jealousy. Haters tend to be jealous at what/who they hate. It's usually because of a possestion or a status. Someone might have an iPhone and someone else doesn't. They may become jealous of them and hate them, for that trait. They may also hate someone because they are popular but the hater isn't.

There are other reasons, of course. You could also hate because of someones personality. The hater could hate someone because they brag about something. He/she could also hate a person for being annoying. But is hating good? Or bad? Or both?

Good Hating VS Bad Hating

Is there good hating? Yes, but very little of it. It's usually bad hating. Here is a comparison of both of them.

Good Hating:

Good hating is generally for something that is meant to be hating, i.e. a creeper. It's not "good", but it falls under that catigory because it isn't mean. Good hating is used only in movies, games, and tv shows. Anything else falls under that catigory of:

Bad Hating:

Bad hating is the everyday hate we see. Hating a real, living person with their own personality and such is bad hating. I'll admit, everyone has that one person they dislike, or evendespise, but being a hater isn't good. If youcompletely, utterly hate someone, rethink it, and look at that person differently. Maybe that'd help.

Now you can see the difference between good and bad hating.

Can We Stop Haters?

Of course we can. I started on it a little bit in the "Bad Hating" paragraph in the last section. Rethink hating. It's not right, and you shouldn't do it. It's almost bullying. I know, some people you just come to dislike. That's okay. But full on plotting-their-doom hating isn't okay. Everyone has a good trait, whether you believe it or not. No matter what.

So stop hating. The world would be better.


Now you know some facts about hating you may not have known. And if you are a hater, it'd be great if you stopped. It's almost bullying, as I said up there^. Think differently about people.

Thanks for reading,


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10/07/2013 1:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
BlackHawk185's Avatar
I just gotta say here, jealousy and envy are two very different things. jealousy can lead to envy, and envy leads to hating. When you envy someone or something, you feel complete contempt and hate toward the object in question.
10/07/2013 6:10 am
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
The truth on haters: they don't exist. The term "hater" is overused to the point where it holds no meaning. People throw the word out when people simply state an opinion, correct someone, or give constructive feedback. If your message isn't 100% positive someone may call you a "hater".

There *could* be legitimate "haters" out there, such as someone who *actually* hates you for seemingly no (or little) reason to, following you on the net, disliking (if an option) any content related to you, or making negative, non-related comments. Ex: Someone commenting "Wow, the author of this SUCKS!!11!" while ignoring the content. But seeing as this word is overused, people like this aren't haters, but jerks and/or flamers.

And seriously, if you feel like calling someone a "hater" take a few breaths, take a few steps back, and stop being so sensitive. Look at the situation again. Giving an opinion is not wrong, and giving constructive criticism can help the person improve. This site ESPECIALLY needs more people giving criticism, but most people here seem content giving getting the occasional "cool" comment. I get that some people feel like they're going to die if they get actual feedback, but it can help them improve greatly.
10/07/2013 6:20 am
Level 43 : Master Ranger
charman305's Avatar
I'm talking about people who hate other people, which are haters. The term is overused by haters do exist.
10/07/2013 6:48 am
Level 40 : Master Pixel Painter
insomniac_lemon's Avatar
"Good hating is used only in movies, games, and tv shows."
to me implies that you're using the "popular usage" of the word hater, or in other words saying something like
"You can't express a negative opinion of PMC submissions, or disagree with anyone."
Which is fairly boring and won't lead to any improvement or learning.If you aren't mixing the more "original" version of the word, I feel like there is much better advice to be given, such as:
  • don't insult someone personally
  • try to ignore people you don't like
  • if you're giving feedback, don't just tell them what is wrong, but also why, and how they can fix it. "this sucks" doesn't help at all (and is flaming). You can criticise and help without being a jerk.
  • if you're giving feedback, don't just give what they did wrong (especially if there's a lot). Also say what they did right, and things that just need to be improved a little. Try a "compliment sandwich", it should help people see your good intentions and hopefully prevent them from being insulted.

And due to the word being twisted and overused, it's best not to use it. "Rivalries", "enemies", "flaming" seem like better terms to use that will be more tangible to some of your points (such as in the "can we stop haters?" section.
10/07/2013 11:11 am
Level 31 : Artisan Button Pusher
ChaoticLogic's Avatar
I have to agree with Lemon completely. I've seen many upon many people who do foolish things, dress poorly/outrageously, or state outlandish things in desperate attempts to draw attention to themselves. When they are called on doing said things, their standard cookie-cutter response is "haters gonna hate!". An example might be people who let their pants hang around their thighs. One might point out that this is a poor choice for many reasons: exposure of underpants (sometimes even dirty ones...) or the inability to move freely/quickly without holding them in place. What you see mostly are expressions which reveal the ignorance of their speakers on both sides of the arguement such as "nah man, it's what's cool" or "you look stupid".

Ignorance is what breeds hate. When both sides seek to understand, then there will be less hate. Sorry, but you'll never stop hate. As long as there are two people left in this world, they will hate SOMETHING about the other person.
10/06/2013 11:57 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
10/07/2013 6:19 am
Level 43 : Master Ranger
charman305's Avatar
10/06/2013 9:10 pm
Level 22 : Expert Lumberjack
blockplacer's Avatar
Congratulations on getting the blog uploaded correctly
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