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Things you should know about contest judges on PMC

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plyr's Avatar plyr
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
*This is just to clearify things, nothing more*

So as many of you know, ever since the colored names were added for contest judges, many of you have mistaken them as moderators. Judges may have colored names, but that does not mean that they have any moderating 'powers' or abilities.

There are a few however that are mods themselves, but that doesn't mean that all judges are mods. Some of these judge mods include people like The_Soup, Happybandaid, and ZaphodX just to list a few off. But those with purple names in chat are not the ones that are able to kick/ban people from chat. Nor are they part of "the team" (except for those that are mods).

Another thing I've been noticing as well is the fact that since the update for those who are not mods but are still judges and aren't purple and still known to be a judge are asked "why aren't you a judge any more?" in chat. Just because we aren't purple doesn't mean we aren't judges. The update that I'm talking about is the one that was put into place about 3 weeks ago for those judges who aren't listed for judging a "live" contest at the time will be marked as a "normal" user in chat (as in they will have a white name).

This does not affect mod colors. Mods that are judges, like The_Soup and ZaphodX, will still be yellow (or whatever colors correspond with their level of moderation level at the time) even if they're listed as a judge for a "live" contest, they will still be their mod color.

As for those of you who are wondering why there was an update to have some judges as purple and not just have all the judges be purple, the update was installed for these reasons:
  1. People were mistaking them for mods.
  2. To ensure that they (the judges) weren't getting 'extra' attention because of their names being purple all the time.
  3. And to create less confusion amongst users in chat.

Now not all judges judge the same kind of contest. There are some, however, that judge multiple kinds of contests. The three types of judges currently are blog, skin, and build judges. And like I said before, there are some that are judges for more than one of these. For example, ZaphodX is a blog and skin judge, and Avalanche_Ali is a build and Skin judge.

So to sum all this up:
  • Judges with purple names in chat aren't mods.
  • Judges aren't able to ban/kick people from chat.
  • Mods that are judges will not have their mod colors affected by the fact that they're judging for a contest at the time, nor will they be affected by not being listed for a "live" contest.
  • Not all judges judge the same kind of contests as other judges.
  • Not all judges are "active" as judges, so some will be marked as "normal" users when they are not listed for 'live' contests

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10/08/2012 9:42 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
lp998's Avatar
just a quick question, how do you become a judge? by hosting and entering a lot of contests?
10/08/2012 9:57 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
you get asked to become one. it used to be where you would go under "user groups" in the forums part of the site and you could submit a request to become one but now it's much like becoming a mod where you have to become a judge.
09/12/2012 3:18 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
CaptKnuckles-FACT's Avatar
lol you wrote way too much, you could have easily summed all of this up with a couple examples (like example (name), and after the name say what their status on pmc is), +1 for your hard work though
09/11/2012 11:34 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Demolitionist
Camo7's Avatar
Now if only there was an update that made people in chat read this...
09/12/2012 12:02 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
agreed XD
09/11/2012 3:55 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
Unnatural's Avatar
good, this should clear stuff up. so there are building and skinning judges . . ok
09/11/2012 12:55 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
Avalanche_Ali's Avatar
wow, people need to be told this stuff even though it clearly says "Contest Judge" by their name
09/12/2012 3:19 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
CaptKnuckles-FACT's Avatar
you are forgetting how many little kids are on this site lol
09/11/2012 12:59 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
i meant on chat dude. most people don't even bother clicking the person's name while in chat.
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