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To protect or to harm? Are Guns worth it?

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Retired Moderator
Level 47 : Master Lad
Now, hello again. This is my third blog since making the pop reel and I am happy I got there, it is just that I felt I wanted to go there again. But now my view has changed. I got a bit too excited, I must admit to you. I got that out of my system and have set myself down to write this blog about guns. But I may be doing a commentary on my channel for this sometime soon.


Now, I am going to assume you all know what a gun is, otherwise I doubt you would be here, and if you are and don't know what a gun was (like I did prior to all the shootings in America this year jks then I give you a godzilla facepalm)

Godzilla Facepalm

And so, let's move on to a more relevant introduction. I live in Australia guns, except on private property are illegal (unless you are the cops or the military forces of course). Now it is pretty hard to make purchase of a gun in the first place here. Now, look at the events over 2012 and 2013, look at the shootings and deaths by guns. There has been a lot on the news, from the African Paralympian shooting his girlfriend to the Newtown school shooting.

Now all of these are horrific things, death is not a good experience. Now I wouldn't say I haven't been exposed to death and weaponary. I have had my grandparents die over several weeks in terms of death, gangs have shot outside my house and people have been bashed and had weapons used in fights before. Also I have seen people with weapons and my friend stabbed another with scissors (for a good reason, even though violence should not be excepted, but that story kids is for another day).

So I play a lot of fps games where you shoot people, now I know I myself will never go out with a mp5, ak-47, stakeout or ms16 (Yeah I know most of them are from Far Cry 3, but I only have mw2, I will be making purchase of Battlefield 4 and/or CoD: Ghosts when they are released). But the first thing I will talk about is a very famous shooting, where two boys at a high school had gotten the original Doom game into there head and thought it would be cool to shoot people like the player did in Doom. Also I want to talk about how this has changed over the years since 1999.

Let's talk about the Doom shooting in 1999. In America, on April 20, two boys decided to go on a shooting rampage. They killed twelve children, a teacher and then killed themselves. This could have been prevented, in two ways. Most guns owners will agree with the first, but a sane person will agree with the latter option.

1) Removing that video game, in this case Doom, so the person who does not have a straight, logical mental capacity cannot be introduced, but that is affecting people such as myself who are avid fps players and do not wish to kill anyone after playing a few days worth of them.

2) Removing the gun. As to most shootings, this occurred in America. We hear on the news fairly frequently (well at least for the past few months) that there has been a shooting in America. Now, when was the last time, you Americans heard about a shooting in say Australia, New Zealand or England. The only shooting I am aware of in those countries in relatively recent times is the 1988 (I think it was 1988) in Australia, where the government decided, guns are not helping, the easier it is for one to get a gun, the more likely it is to happen. The number of major shootings have gone up in America, although shootings have gone down, major shootings are occurring more and more. Yet here in Australia the last major shooting was in 1988.

Now, I want to talk about a few ideas, first of all Biden. Joe Biden wants to tax violent video games. Let's discuss.

Now, as I don't live in America the actual taxing probably won't affect me, but those in America who want to release or play a violent video game will have to play extra to be able to do so. When a game is published into a certain country it has to get rated, accepted and pay its way onto the legal market. Now the American government wants to tax this. This means it will cost more for their production. They believe that this is the way of solving all of their issues with gun violence, too many people are playing violent video games and going out and massacring lots of people at big events or at places like movies or schools. This is not the case. I doubt most of these people who have been part of these shootings have touched a video game, let alone gone shooting people in a fps.

If you are enticed by fps games to go out and kill people, frankly, you shouldn't be able to have them; you would either have to have some mental dysfunction or some sort of mental issue which is not normal (not like Autism, but you don't understand right and wrong). So this will not help, and just turn people off a great, growing market, video games. Probably most people's favorite form of electronic entertainment.

Finally I want to talk about one thing, which is not related. My computer. My old computer is basically dead, so I convinced my parents to by me the ASUS ROG Tytan cg8565. So now I can game and that really well. I'll be able to start doing great videos on my channel and will be doing a lot more seeing as this computer is very powerful indeed.

So, thank you for reading, don't forget to diamond, favorite and subscribe if you wish to see more of my blogs. Comment down below on your thoughts and opinions and what other topics you would like me to talk about.

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10/06/2015 3:56 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
Chowee's Avatar
The gun laws in america are good and bad, because they are only there because if the country becomes a dictatorship, the government wants the public to be able to fight back.
08/07/2013 1:52 pm
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
Do you know what happened in Norway in 2011? Horrible... I also was in a car driving at that place, horrible chaos all over the place.

Peace will not exist, ever... :(
08/08/2013 5:03 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
One day peace will exist, just not with humans here. As long as we are here peace will never exist, not enough people like us are in this world who are kind and do not wish to harm one another.
07/31/2013 6:52 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Ninja
360Gamer 072
360Gamer 072's Avatar
I Wish guns were just used for hunting.
08/01/2013 2:48 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
Not even for hunting. Why can't we live in peace with everything?
08/01/2013 2:52 am
Level 30 : Artisan Ninja
360Gamer 072
360Gamer 072's Avatar
I Dont think true peace will be possible in this generation.
08/01/2013 3:35 am
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
Not until humans are dead will true peace ever exist.
06/30/2013 9:52 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Famousie0's Avatar
I kinda want to hear about your friend stabbing another kid with scissors.
06/30/2013 10:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Lad
Doggle's Avatar
I probably shouldn't tell you but here it is:

The kid was being annoying hitting him with a pencil thinking it was funny, he was so annoyed he pulled out his scissors whilst he was working and casually stabbed him. But he did deserve it.
06/16/2013 10:37 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
TripleThreatNinja's Avatar
You sound like you live near Kings Cross, NSW or Frankston, VIC cause I live about 10 mins from there and i go to school in frankston and you always hear about people getting stabbed, but if it was me making the law this would be it.

All violent games over M are not to be sold to children even with parent consent.
or All children must have a parent watching them while they are playing these games.
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