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+snakeonthebus+'s Avatar +snakeonthebus+
Level 30 : Artisan Grump
Ben sat in his nearly lightless room, staring down at the glowing screen of his phone. He was furiously writing down every thought that raced through his buzzing head. He sat there unknown to the world. Surrounded by darkness.
See. That's just it, kid. One day--maybe tomorrow, maybe twenty years from now--but one day, you're going to look back at all those people you tore down, lied to, and cheated. You know what, you are going to look back and it'll be your turn to weep because they've had the time to heal. They were earning the right to hold back tears when they pulled your bloody red knife out of their backs. Thing is, it will be their turn to smile in your face, but they won't. Want to know why? They will all be out of your life; so far away you won't be able to bring them back. But you'll be begging for them. You'll be crying to a howling wind. And just when you begin to think its over, you will realize how they felt, how insignificant someone can make you feel. Then you will understand their hopeless, reckless pain. The hollow sorrow will be too much for you to bear. Still, every day you will tell yourself, it'll be better tomorrow. Just hold on. Still, in the back of your mind that little voice will be there shouting at you, demanding your attention. And every day, the painless sorrow will come upon you, it will tear you to shreds from the inside out. Just for you to rebuild yourself as you sleep with whatever remnants of yourself is left. Still, tomorrow will be better. Then you will get to start all over again. You're shouting out in hopes of a savior to come rescue you, but no one is there. Tomorrow will be better. I wish I could tell you those people you tormented don't think about you late at night when all is dark and quiet, but they do. They keep wondering what happened to you. No, they're done thinking about what they ever did to you. They already know why you did what you did. It was not because you hated them. It was because you hated what you saw in the reflection of their eyes. You hated that you saw your reflection shine in their once-bright eyes. They were flawless and you were confused. You loved them. You hated yourself. But, yes, tomorrow will be better.
Ben had no idea what was going to happen next. He felt trapped...consumed, by his conscience. The world was so dark around him. He wondered the point of continuing...anything. But, in Ben's wandering around his restless mind and wondering, at some late hour in the night, he realized the whole world was not dark; it was simply waiting for him to rest and then rise again. Eventually, he would get up from this nightmare, stare at the rising calm sun, and  remember how to smile.

Someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe twenty years from now it'll be better. Not perfect, but better.  You always have a choice. It is not hopeless. It is not useless. The world is not without love. You are needed. I need you. Please, please, just stay with me one more day. It'll be better tomorrow.

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