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UltraSquishy's ULTRAblog Of The Week! - 7/22/12

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SquishyZaUltra's Avatar SquishyZaUltra
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate

Heyo~ UltraSquishy here! And this is week 2! Every week, I think up a topic for the ULTRAblog, so this is the topic of the week!
Don't tread on us! -Bronies/Pegasisters
1. The conclusion
It makes me SOOOO annoyed when I see blogs like, "Dear Bronies, LEAVE PMC!". Bronies are no worse than you! So what's the BIG difference? Well this is what it is--what they like. If they want to like My Little Pony, they can like My Little Pony! It's JUST like culture! If someone wants to be an Atheist, he/she can BE an Atheist! There shouldn't be a Buddhist saying, "I'm better than you, so you have to be a Buddhist!". (I'm not an Atheist or Buddhist, I'm just giving an example.) All of this leads to the big thing that happens every day to some people--trolling! So if a brony wants to be a brony, let them be a brony, and don't tease them and pick on them! They aren't telling you to be one, too! They aren't saying that bronies are better than non-bronies! So cut it out! Enough with the rude blogs that say, "GET RID OF BRONIES!"! It really isn't nice! Treat other how YOU want to be treated!
2. Put yourself in the "brony-position"
Let's say that you've LOVED Toy Story EVER since you were just a little kid. (Or you still like it and you're a kid.) You're an everyday person at college/school and this other guy says, "Hey, Toy-Story-Kiddy! You know, you REALLY don't deserve to have friends! You're an outer! You're different! You shouldn't be with anyone! You should LEAVE!". And then his buddy comes and says, "Yeah, he's right! You should leave, you no-good loser!". You get teased and pushed around and in the next few days, there's a whole rebellion of students holding up signs saying, "Toy Story Lovers, become NO MORE!".
This is what it's like in PMC. Someone likes Toy Story, (My Little Pony) and this guy (user) comes and says that you shouldn't be at college/school (you shouldn't be on PMC). They say you should leave. And then his buddy (another user that has the same opinion) comes along and agrees that you should leave. The next few days, there's a rebellion against Toy Story Lovers (bronies) with signs saying that Toy Story Lovers should leave. (In other words, there are blogs up that there shouldn't be bronies on PMC.)
3. Bronies are like people--you never know who's one until you ask
How are you supposed to know if your online friend is a brony and you never asked. How do you think your friend would feel if you talked bad about bronies and put blogs up that bronies shouldn't be on PMC? That's a way to eliminate friendship, guys. You never know even if someone is lying to you so you don't laugh. This is why you need to be careful what you say. So~ next time you want to put up a blog against bronies, think about how YOU would feel if someone put up a blog against YOU.

4. Announcement(s)!
Okay, this is the first time I'm doing announcements! So~ let's get started!
If you have a topic idea for next week's ULTRAblog, or any future ULTRAblog, comment your idea OR you can PM me. I'm ALWAYS looking for more ideas so don't be afraid to contact me! Thanks for your time!
-Squishy <3
P.S. If you liked this blog at all, please show support with a diamond! Thanks!


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07/28/2012 4:18 pm
Level 28 : Expert Explorer
BUHU's Avatar
Brony hate? So true. Anyone can be what they want!
07/28/2012 6:52 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Be who you wanna be!

Lol, sry. Barbie moment hit me. xD

-Squishy <3
P.S. Yes, I USED to watch Barbie. Not now, though.
07/26/2012 10:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pony
Miss_Pie's Avatar
Aww. You beat me to the punch. -3- Oh well. I've been getting requests, so I haven't had time to get to blogging. Back to the juicer~ And that's what it was like for me one time. Some time ago, I played on a server where people thought I was a guy, so when I told them I like MLP, one of them started hating on me. Then I told everyone I was a woman. XD Should'a seen the guy's text reaction.
07/26/2012 10:38 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
ROFL that does NOT sound good! xDDDD

But I mean, seriously! No one should hate on someone else JUST because they like something the hater doesn't.

-Squishy <3
07/26/2012 6:04 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
hillsygirl101's Avatar
Love it! (When I first saw "bronies" I thought you had misspelled brownies, haha.)
07/26/2012 6:06 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
HAHAHA!!!! xD And it's only by a letter, too! xD And thanks!

-Squishy <3
07/26/2012 6:36 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
hillsygirl101's Avatar
;) You're welcome. You deserve it; you had the patience to finish that BIG blog.
07/26/2012 6:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Lol. xD

-Squishy <3
07/26/2012 3:08 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar

love it btw
07/26/2012 5:09 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
You bet! ;3 I'm glad you like it! =3

-Squishy <3
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