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UltraSquishy's ULTRAblog Of The Week! - 7/29/12

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SquishyZaUltra's Avatar SquishyZaUltra
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate

Hello! This is this week's ULTRAblog! And I hope you like it! ^w^

Levelism - The Level Belief
Okay, we ALL have our goals. (Well, I don't know about ALL of us, but you get the picture.) Some of us aim for subscribers, and some aim for a certain amount of diamonds on a single submission. And SOME of us aim for reaching a certain level. MAYBE even as far as they can.
It's just a level, so what's the big problem about it?
Well, HERE'S the problem--some people will do ANYTHING to achieve their goal. And when I say, "anything", I mean ANYTHING! They'll steal skins, and text packs, and mods, and MANY things! They'll spam a skin constantly, and they'll even make worthless ones.
Now, I've talked about the skin page on the very first ULTRAblog. Like I said, it isn't a fun thing to look at ESPECIALLY for the REALLY good skinners like DinowCookie and Sneeze7. It's sooooooooo frustrating! And where do all these bad skins come from? Well, a fraction of it is SPAM! Another fraction is THEFT! And it really is sad, but a fraction of the people doing it are exp-hungry people. And what I mean by, "exp-hungry people" is that those are the people who will do ANYTHING to achieve their goal. They want to get to the level they wish to reach FAST!
That's pretty bad. But is that all?
Oh, NO! That's just part of it! There's another problem with it--people compare themselves with their level. I can't say HOW many times someone that's at level 1's been called a "noob". I've seen comments that are really not nice. Like example:
"This is horrible! Come on! I've seen noobs WAY better than this!"
"Hey, noob! Why not you make a blog that's on how stupid you are!? I'm pretty sure EVERYONE would love to see that!"
Now I mean, COME ON! Not EVERYONE that's at level 1 is a noob! SOME people have joined long ago, but isn't too active with their account, so they don't really have time to post something to get exp! But that's how it all usually starts:
1. A person joins
2. They're so busy, they don't have time to post stuff (Therefore, they can't get exp.)
3. A few months later, (or at least a single month later,) once they have at LEAST one thing out, a troll comes along and makes fun of them and calls them, "noob", and trolls
4. The person feels really bad, so they steal skins so they can be higher leveled than the troll, HOPING that they won't be trolled anymore (They also SPAM)
5. They get possibly addicted
6. They become an exp-hungry person
And THAT is one of the ways that someone ends out being a spammer and thief. ALL of this by just ONE troll!

Levelism - What is it?
Levelism is to where....
1. Someone believes that in order to not be trolled they have to level up
2. Someone believes that leveling up is the ultimate goal
3. Someone believes that levels show how much greater than someone else you are
4. Someone believes that if you're at a low level, (e.x. 5, 3, 1, ect.) you're less valuable than the people that are at a higher level than you
these are some of the things that levelism is. As you can see, it's like people believe that levels make the world spin. Without levels, people can't live. But....
It's a big lie! a big thing that makes comparison and judging! And NO ONE should want that! How would you feel if you were judged by someone you don't even KNOW and is only 1 level higher than you? Well, that's pretty much what it is!

Yes, I know, I USED to be that way! But I didn't steal skins or spam, I made worthless skins. (Yes, Steve skins, too. But I didn't see it in the rules.) And YES, I do still have some worthless skins at the back of my submissions. But I AM fixing them! I'm making them better, and fixing them. (I already did 2 or 3. Yes, I know, it's not much. But I've been busy with requests lately. But I AM still doing it.) So, if you've changed you're style to a better quality, then I suggest you do the same.
I believe that if we ALL can get over the levelism issue and work together and clean OUR submissions, the skin area can be a clean place! And if we can KEEP it clean, we can all get more inspired, and not have to search SOOO many pages JUST to find good inspiration.

I am looking for ideas for future ULTRAblog, so please: If you have an idea of what to do, please do comment your ideas OR you can PM me them (Or you can do both. But either way...) So please do send me ideas! Thanks!

If you agree with me in this, please show support with a diamond! (NO, it's not for exp. It's so I can see how many people agree!) Thanks!
-Squishy <3


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SquishyZaUltra 08/04/2012 10:59:43 amAug 4th, 2012

Fixed improper grammar. XD

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08/06/2012 5:17 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Darkrai48's Avatar
:D very true, squishy
08/06/2012 6:02 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Thanks. :D Hope you check out the most recent ULTRAblog!

-Squishy <3
08/04/2012 10:19 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
hillsygirl101's Avatar
There's only 1 flaw in the WHOLE blog;"(NO, it's not for exp. It's so I can see how many people agrees!)"
Improper grammar. How many people agree* Other than that I LOVE IT:D
08/04/2012 10:58 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Hm.....I think you caught me. LOL! Thanks! I'll fix that. xD

-Squishy <3
08/07/2012 7:31 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
hillsygirl101's Avatar
:D Also, did you make up the word,"levelism"? It's soo fun to say<3
08/07/2012 7:33 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Let's just say I was creative and that it's my word for it. :D

-Squishy <3
08/08/2012 2:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Architect
hillsygirl101's Avatar
08/04/2012 8:51 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
can't wait for this weeks one squishy :P

always love reading these xD i just can't believe i inspired you so much to actually use the idea of the ULTRAblogs :P

but hey, glad you're writing these though
08/04/2012 10:57 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
I'm glad you GAVE me the idea! So unique! :D And personally, I can't wait to write it! Yesterday, I was SO tempted to release it early!!!!!!!! XD

-Squishy <3
08/04/2012 11:05 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
plyr's Avatar
bahahaha is it that good? :D
man........ now you're making me want to get down on my knees and start begging you to do it XD

lmao but ya i really wanna read it though when you release it though XD
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