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What is a Minecrafter? A Reflection of Our Species

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Chron's Avatar Chron
Retired Moderator
Level 47 : Master Cowboy

Have you ever truly thought about who we are? What makes us Minecrafters different from other gamers? Through my experience playing Minecraft, and existing with others that don't play Minecraft (they don't know what they're missing), I've learned quite a bit about why we are what we are.

Part 1: Who We Are

First of all, I would like to say that I'm generalizing a bit here. Not everyone is like this, but most of us are. What comes to mind when you hear "Minecrafter"? Creepers, Steve, the Nether, Endermen? That only makes up a small fraction of us. We can play Minecraft, and not be Minecrafters. We can not play Minecraft, and be Minecrafters. It all depends on how we play the game.

1. We're One Big Community.

How many other games do you know that you can create something, post it on a forum site, and allow others to interact with it/play it? There really aren't that many. We like to share what we do with the rest of the world, and not keep our creations to ourselves. We work together constantly to help make the game better. Minecraft isn't about the achievements, like other games are. It's not about a high score. It's about using your imagination to not only build things, but to survive in a unique way, and do it with others.

2. We're Skilled In Many Aspects.

No offense to those who enjoy FPSs, but what do you do, other than shoot/stab/explode people and avoid getting killed? Nothing, really. Minecraft isn't like that at all. Yes, it has its own fair share of violence, but that's not what it is. We can build, destroy, design, survive, pretty much whatever we want. We have a broader range of skills, for most of us don't stick with one aspect of Minecraft, which includes things outside of the actual game, like skins, blogs, texture packs, and mods. It takes more to be a good over-all Minecrafter than it does to be skilled at anything else.

3. We are Not 'Pure'.

(I do not mean this in a sense of a Minecrafter that just does projects, but in a sense of someone who just plays Minecraft.) Who here plays only Minecraft? Nothing but Minecraft, 24/7, 365? That's just it. There are almost no people that do that. Minecraft is a melting pot of games, and is meant to be influenced by other games. Wasn't Minecraft itself inspired by Infiniminer? Minecraft is so flexible, and we almost always don't keep true to just it. We've created mods for it based on other games, such as the Pokemon Mod or the Lightsaber Mod (I'm being general). We take our experiences from other games, and put them into Minecraft to produce an experience that is unique and never gets old.

Part 2: Why We Are Who We Are

There's a reason for everything, right? Creepers creep to get revenge, Paril is Super Mod to take the blame for anything that happens to this site (just kidding), and 10-year-olds rage and cry to fulfill their destiny. We're Minecrafters for a reason.

1. We Don't Fit Any Other Molds.

As I've said before, Minecrafters don't just play one game. We're a melting pot, and we don't just have one skill set (usually). We don't fit the mold of any other kind of gamer, because we want more in a game than any non-updated console game can give us. Minecraft really combines practically every other game that has ever existed, and nothing else does that.

2. We Want A Game With A Game Outside The Game.

It may sound confusing, but it's true. Minecraft has a game outside of it. We make texture packs, blogs, mods, and skins, and they're part of Minecraft. However, at the same time, they're not technically part of Minecraft. We can do more than just play the game. We make it our own, and don't have to choose from a selection of personalization options made for us by the creators of the game. Minecraft is a game of the people, and the people are the game of Minecraft.

3. We Can Make It Our Own.

This may be a bit general, but most server owners (including me, even though my server is a WIP) are control freaks. Why? Because we can be. We can basically run our own game in the form a server. Minecraft can be changed so easily, and servers can be made just as easily. Minecraft is a blank canvas, and us Minecrafters take advantage of that. How hard is it not to personalize your Minecraft, and express yourself through it?


Like I've said before, I'm generalizing. However, we can all relate to some part of this. Whether you're a redstoner, skinner, Youtuber, server owner, blogger, or even just a player, if you care about Minecraft, you're a Minecrafter. We take Minecraft more seriously than more games, because we're different from other gamers. It's a different game. Minecraft was meant for us to take and be ourselves, not simply play with others, or alone. Minecraft is like life in so many ways. Don't you agree?

Thanks For Reading! Don't forget to Diamond, Favorite, and/or Subscribe to show me what you thought of this blog! I also appreciate your comments! :)


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Chron 12/22/2012 10:17:20 amDec 22nd, 2012

Made some grammar changes. Or did I?

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08/15/2014 10:00 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
Minecraft is actually the only game I'm still playing *I'm super loyal to it ahaha*  And the only game I play now. This blog explains everything I've been thinking about really awesome(Oh and you missed a o in about in the first sentence 3 3rd one I think you missed a Of  and other games instead of more.) Other than that really awesome blog Loved the read hope to see more from you :)
04/08/2013 4:53 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Really great blog, you earned yourself a subscriber.
03/18/2013 6:03 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fisherman
penguinluv1117's Avatar
Just plain Epic!!
12/23/2012 4:22 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lad
3D's Avatar
I generally play a fair bit of FPS games and Minecraft...mainly Minecraft xD
12/21/2012 1:10 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Bunny
Typhlosionboy's Avatar
A Minecraftian is a weirdo who gets chased by other weirdos all the time =P
12/21/2012 1:56 am
Level 26 : Expert Mage
LesbiamLucy's Avatar
I actually play only minecraft 24/7 365 days a year XD
but it's a good blog.
Planet Minecraft


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