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What Makes a Good Minecraft Server?

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marcopolo84's Avatar marcopolo84
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Minecraft servers are the best way to play Minecraft with your friends. LAN servers are great and easy to setup, but players outside your home network cannot play your server. You also can't download plugins to enhance your gameplay. Minecraft servers are easy to make but only some of them are good servers. Here are some things that make a good Minecraft server:

  • Bukkit Servers. Bukkit servers enhance server gameplay by using customizable plugins to do things like prevent griefing, cheating, and hacking. They can also implement new mechanics or items into the game that you otherwise would not have in Minecraft Vanilla(Or just regular old Minecraft). They can also add minigames into Minecraft.

  • Moderators. Moderators do basic monitoring of the server and have permission to kick or ban players. Moderators are crucial to keeping the server organized and removing players from the server that have fun at other players' expense such as griefers or hackers. I have seen some servers where there are absolutely no moderators online to manage the players. I think the ratio of moderators to players should be about 1:30. Having not enought moderators makes the server vulnerable to hackers and griefers reducing server uptime, which nobody likes.

  • Good Server Plugins. Server plugins are what defines what type of server you have. You need a good selection of plugins to make your server fun instead of just downlaoding random plugins to have fun. Using plugins like Punishmental or a Herobrine plugins to punish players is irrisponsible and let's face it, nobody will vote for your server if they get turned into a potato or random blocks appear to break themselves. You should choose exceptional and useful plugins to help with your server management and player experience like Essentials, WorldEdit, or BOSEconomy.

  • Preventing Lag. Preventing lag is absolutely vital to having a good server, a decent amount of players, and lots of voters. There are multiple ways to reduce lag on your server. I will be making a blog post post on how to reduce lag on your server. Players do not like lag in a server because it can be hard to play. Make sure your server runs well!

  • Server Theme. Server themes will attract a large community of players that love a certain type of Minecraft gameplay. As they say, you are either good at everything, or you are a master of your trade. Servers that dedicate their server to a certain type of Minecraft gameplay will attract more players from that portion of the Minecraft community. Ubercraft for example, is dedicated to being a hub for minigames, LIHP is dedicated to Dwarves vs Zombies, and others. It is good to have a server theme, but it is okay to have an all-around server like Mineplex or NobleCraft.

  • The WOW factor. When you have a Minecraft server, it attracts players when you have something to WOW the player such as a large land structure, a cool spawn, or statues of the mods and builders. Each server needs to have something different and unique to wow their players. Just having a itny little spawn sonsisting of some cobblestone and a sign welcoming you is not cool and will not appeal to players. They will probably sign of of your server. You need to have something to woe the player into playing your server and voting!

  • Votifier. Votifier is helpful to your server because it gives an incentive for players to vote for your Minecraft server. In case you don't know what Votofier is, it is a Minecrfat plugin the logs all the votes that your server gets. You can downlaod an extension to votifier that gives the player diamonds, exp, or whatever you want to give them.

These are all helpful ways to enhance your Minecraft server hand hopefully, get some people to come on it! Server advertising does not make your server better. It just promotes yours server so people can find it. if you want people to come on your Minecraft server, you will need to go on Minecraft server lists to advertise your Minecraft server.

Edit Mar 2015: Due to copyright infringment issues, Bukkit cannot be legally distributed and cannot be obtained from bukkit.org. You can still get Bukkit from torrenting websites. I am not responsible for any trouble you get into.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by marcopolo84 03/11/2014 12:10:03 pmMar 11th, 2014

Added some more info about server advertising.

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03/21/2014 1:39 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Altitude Community
Altitude Community's Avatar
Lets see...
Bukkit- Check
Moderators- We are good for now
Plugins- I think 45 will suffice
Lag- Do you think 45 plugins will cause lag? Yeah me too. I'm worried. I mean we have ClearLagg, but survival is very demanding on the hardware and the computer running it right now might not be able to handle it when players come on
Theme- Survival with RPG in mind. Got that.
WOW- Giant fountain spawn by Thorsbro? Got that too.
Votifier- Now THIS we don't have. I figured no need to put yet another plugin on the server.
03/11/2014 3:31 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
I agree that for a good server you should at least have thought about all of the points, but this doesnt make your server successful in anyway. This only gives the option that players will start "advertising" themself, and this would get it successful. You should consider adding "Events" as an option to keep players active.

One more thing just from my POV, for me the "Server theme" is much more important than a nice spawn. Sure joining a server and then "WOW" is a nice gimmick, but it lasts 15 secs, then you want to leave to start playing. This is where the theme comes in, if you have a nice community which plays feeding the theme you will hours, days and weeks of gorgeous gameplay and funny stories. For me a player who is telling about funny stories and nice gameplay of ONE server over and over again is doing far better advertisement than somebody who comes everyday with "yesterday i was on a new server, god they had a great spawn, then i was killed".

I tell some stories about our server trying to get more active people in my blog.
03/11/2014 9:25 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
marcopolo84's Avatar
I agree that server spawn is not as important as server theme, but I am not teling people make their server successful. I am telling people what makes a good server. Thx for the advice!
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