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Why the hate?

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BaconEater512's Avatar BaconEater512
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
Now before I start I have to say if you are a hater of the updates and wish it was in alpha then you could have your opinion but please don't start ranting online it wastes your and my time. Oh wait that's what I'm doing...
Now I am making this blog to tell the haters to stop and some reasons why the updates aren't terrible.
If I remember people started hating during 1.8 prerelease. The stuff people complained about is hunger, too many food, new mobs, useless blocking(It's not) and other stuff that was new. I still hear people complain about hunger and stuff but people originally complaining about how it's not realistic enough but when hunger was added they go crazy about it!

Now let's talk about horses. Horses are the best thing added to Minecraft in my opinion. You can ride it fast to places it can jump high and it could wear armor. People complain "Ughh it's from a mod when will Jeb get an original idea?!?!?" Again these are the people complaining about horses not in the game. Now I don't want to talk about anything else mostly because I don't like to rant for 4783 hours.

Guys don't hate if you're gonna hate do it in your mind. Hope you enjoyed.

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02/28/2014 9:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
multipleskins's Avatar
i LOVE da horsies. i can be a knight in vanilla!
02/27/2014 5:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Dwurban's Avatar
Honestly, I don't HATE the 1.6 update, but I certainly don't enjoy it. Horses are meh with me, I prefer riding my pig with a carrot on a stick or making a minecart system, but I can avoid horses. I have the choice to ignore them. However, things like that blasted update to Hunger, where as you take ONE heart of damage and then end up using about one unit of hunger just to ger it back, its really, really annoying. Then we get to the zombie AI update. I don't have a problem with mobs being a little smarter. But, the zombie update in Minecraft 1.6 is insane. You punch one zombie, and then about 17,000 more spawn right behind you. Now this wouldn't be so bad...if you could walk around a zombie and have it not notice you. But alas, they can see you from miles and miles away. Then of course you fight the zombies, take some damage, and end up losing your hunger in the process. So you eat food, regen a little bit, and then you're forced to eat more. This is espicially annoying when you're trying to live on a Survival Island for the first couple of nights. Little to no food, too many zombies, and no easy regen, you're screwed if you try. The only thing I actually enjoy about 1.6 is stained clay. That cyan clay comes in handy for making steel colored structures. But everything else, most importantly the Zombie Apocolypse and World Hunger features, is what made Minecraft 1.6 not the worst, but certainly one of the most annoying Minecraft updates of this time.
02/27/2014 5:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
BaconEater512's Avatar
That makes the game harder and I like hard games sometimes. Horses also has more and better stats then pigs thats why I like them and it's more of a hassle to get a pig plus they can't wear armor which would be cool if they could wear armor. I don't really notice the hunger thing a lot though and the zombies don't seem to multiply a lot and food is plentiful when on a normal world. The zombies are also more realistic and people like realism except when they are added.
02/27/2014 6:23 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Dwurban's Avatar
No no, I'm not complaining about the game being too hard. I'm complaining about it becoming more hard with artificial difficulty. Making hunger depleat faster is not an efficient way to say "Now with added difficulty!". Also, perhaps the insane zombie spawning and hunger would be fine for Hard Difficulty. But on easy or normal, its a little irritating. Maybe they could make the game more difficult in those regards as the difficulty setting goes up. And also, you said the zombies are more realistic. With all due respect, how would we know what real zombies would be like if they do not and have not existed? Also, the "realistic" look on zombies is from how the film community portrays them, not how Minecraft made zombies back when they were added. I'm not trying to be rude to you, but it just doesn't seem right that the whole "realistic" thing works there
02/27/2014 7:00 pm
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
BaconEater512's Avatar
Wait so your NOT complaining about it being to hard but you're complaining about it becoming MORE hard with artificial difficulty? Plus I always play on hard and I barely notice any of this stuff.
02/27/2014 7:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Dwurban's Avatar
I said I'm not complaining about small added difficulty, or elements that make the game challenging but still fun. NOT stuff thats added as a cheap way to make the player try much harder to achieve tasks that were once much, much simplier. As I said, this stuff would be great for Hard or Hardcore mode because it makes the game much more difficult. But on a regular normal world it just gets so obnoxious over time. The same kind of mob overpowering goes for the Skeleton AI update in 1.5. But at least 1.5 brought many more positive features with it than 1.6 did. Instead, they added a lousy way to make zombies a nuesence to kill and unforgiving hunger loss. Put the two together and you have a disaster waiting when you try to kill monsters in the night unprepared
02/28/2014 2:39 pm
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
BaconEater512's Avatar
I agree with the hard thing. They should add exclusive hard things to hard and hardcore that would be cool and since I always play on hard it actually would make Hard unique instead of half or a whole heart of difference. Also yeah the skeletons are kinda annoying. I don't know that's not our decision that's Mojangs. Also people sometimes complain about it being to easy and thats the main reason they added this stuff in to make it harder so its the complainers fault even though I like the changes done but that's just my opinion. What do you think of the 1.7 update. (Stil trying to understand all the command block features of 1.8. It's a little hard to understand.)
02/12/2014 4:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
ycooldog's Avatar
There is haters for a reason and if they want to hate they should just play classic minecraft for free
02/12/2014 8:11 pm
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
BaconEater512's Avatar
They don't need to get it for free if they already have Minecraft they can just use the launcher to go back to the old versions which is awesome!
02/12/2014 9:29 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
Everyone has to admit though, if one good thing came out of 1.6, it was the launcher. Now those people who whine and rant about how Alpha was better can go back to Alpha and have the time of their life's.
02/12/2014 8:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Hunter
BaconEater512's Avatar
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