All of the commands for command blocks

ColbaltHD's Avatar ColbaltHD6/26/13 5:17 pm
1 emeralds 121.1k 16
6/20/2014 12:32 am
RobhieMattz's Avatar RobhieMattz
Here are all of the commands that you can enter into a command block hope you enjoy
Redstone Related

/pulse [x,y,z] <length in ticks>
If length not set, default button pulse.
/power [level] [x,y,z]
Powers a block as specified in the xyz.

Mob and Player Related

/tag @* ["ID"]
Tags the target with an ID.

/spawnentity (mob name|entity ID) {if entity with extra data, supply data here} [number to spawn]
Spawns an entity.

/launch [player][x][y][z]
Launches the player as if getting knockback from a mob
The x, y and z values determine the strength of knockback in their respective directions

/giveitem [player]
Use: This would require a box somewhere on the command block GUI which you could place one item in. You can put any item in here,
including enchanted items or dyed armor (Which you currently can't give with the /give command,
they have extra values besides damage and data values that describe them), and, when activated, this command would give the player specified that item.
With this, you can give out enchanted things, dyed armor, or written books without a dispenser. No amount or damage value is specified in command because
this can be applied directly
to the item before putting it in the slot (if you put a stack of items in the slot, it will give the player a stack of items)

Block, Item and World Related

/place <item ID> <amount> <stacked?> <inventory?> <coordinates>
Places the <item ID> with the amount of <amount> at the chest you are looking at, or if <inventory?> is true, it will place it in your inventory. <coordinates> will let you place the items in the chest at <coordinates>.

/remove <item ID> <amount> <stacked?> <inventory?> <coordinates>
Removes the <item ID> with the amount of <amount> at the chest you are looking at, or if <inventory?> is true, it will remove the item in your inventory. <coordinates> will let you remove the items in the chest at <coordinates>.

/fill <item ID> <inventory?> <coordinates>
This command will fill the chest you are looking at with that item, or at the coordinates <coordinates>, and if <inventory?> is true, then it will fill your inventory instead.

/empty <item ID> <inventory?> <coordinates>
This command will empty the chest you are looking at with that item, or at the coordinates <coordinates>, and if <inventory?> is true, then it will empty your inventory instead. If there is no item ID, then it will empty everything.

/explode [x,y,z] <radius>
Makes an explosion at x,y,z with a radius of radius. If no radius specified, creates a creeper explosion size.

/equip [target/selector] <item/chest direction>
/apply [target/selector] <item/chest direction>
/give [target/selector] <item/chest direction>
Does what they say they do.

/name [target] [item] [name for item]
Names the item.

/lore [target] [item] [lore for item]
Gives lore to an item.

/pblock [block ID] [xyz] (override existing block: t|f)
Places a block

/cblock [xyz] <block IDs not to remove>
Removes a block

/gamerule dispensersConsumeItems [true|false]
If false, dispensers can keep dispensing without actually using up the items

/togglespawner (on|off) <x,y,z>
Toggled whether a spawner's active or not.

/triggerspawner <x,y,z> <number of mobs>
Makes adjacent spawners or the one specified in xyz spawn the number of mobs specified or 1 if not.

Toggles world pause.

/sethead [player or mob name]
Changes the held Head into the specified one.


/gamerule cheats (true|false)
Sets if cheats are enabled or not.

/gamerule breakable [IDs or all] (true|false)
Sets whetehr the block is breakable or not. This overrides Adventure Mode.

/gamerule fall @ (true|false)
Sets whether fall damage is on for the target.

/gamerule usable [function] (true|false)
Sets whether the function is usable.

/gamerule explosions (true|false)
Sets whether explosions are enabled or not.

/gamerule fire (true|false)
Sets whether fire is allowed to exist.

/gamerule liquidPour (true|false)
Sets whether fluids can move

/gamerule blockArea <@> (x,y,z) [owner]
Prevents modification of an area except by the owner. If a target is set, it prevents them from modifying it.
Hope you learned!
Posted by ColbaltHD's Avatar
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd

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06/19/2014 5:00 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nerd
ColbaltHD's Avatar
Guys this post is old ignore it
06/20/2014 12:32 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
RobhieMattz's Avatar
It bumps that's why I got interested -.-
06/19/2014 1:56 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
TL;DR but many of these look to be from plugins. Also, let me point out that this post was made on 6/26/13 -_-
06/19/2014 1:45 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Ranger
ean521's Avatar
First of all, almost none of these are from vanilla Minecraft, and second of all, vanilla Minecraft offers many more commands, especially with the 1.8 update, therefore rendering this entire post nearly useless because we have no idea what mods or plugins you are using to have these commands in your game. Anyway, redstone/command blocks are more useful in vanilla than when using bukkit or some other Minecraft server platform.
06/19/2014 1:32 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
RobhieMattz's Avatar
I thought this was included to the new snapshot so I become a dumbass and Tried it,
06/19/2014 12:36 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
extantaxe's Avatar
This is way great, And must have been really hard to do, But I do need a little bit of help with the Cblock command, My command block doesn't register it as a command nor will it work either way. Thanks
11/16/2013 8:30 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Falconblade99's Avatar
What command block mods/plugins are you using? /give is the only command in that list that actually exists and has the correct command written for vanilla. Some of the others eg: /spawnentity exist but don't have the correct name for the command, rendering them completely useless, in this case you are looking for /summon.
11/16/2013 6:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
um, some of these commands are not in vanilla minecraft, look here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands
11/16/2013 6:31 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
Hmmmm, a lot don't seem to be working, here's what I'm putting in for /launch

/launch @p 46.61477 69.000 218.55162
06/19/2014 1:11 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
48productions's Avatar
extantaxeThis is way great, And must have been really hard to do, But I do need a little bit of help with the Cblock command, My command block doesn't register it as a command nor will it work either way. Thanks

...and many other people.

These aren't vanilla Minecraft commands!

Wherever these came from, they sound really cool!

I think some of them are 1.8 so you'd probably have to use snapshots

None of these are in the snapshots.
06/19/2014 1:09 am
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter
Wyvernian's Avatar
I think some of them are 1.8 so you'd probably have to use snapshots
10/29/2013 5:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
MC Albert Minestein
MC Albert Minestein's Avatar
10/24/2013 3:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
WhalePlaysMC's Avatar
Thanks! You should make this into a blog! I WOULD TOTALY DIAMOND IT
10/24/2013 3:20 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
SwooceRoDah's Avatar
This is really useful, thanks!
10/24/2013 1:24 pm
Level 25 : Expert Waffle
Gjed's Avatar
Do you know if all the commands work also with 1.6.4?
06/26/2013 5:24 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Ranger
pikakill41's Avatar
There is More that come with different plugins,However that would take hours to type up.
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