Conquest Survival | A Towny Survival server

ConquestSurvival's Avatar ConquestSurvival5/4/17 7:29 pm
5/21/2017 11:28 am
Conquest Survival's Avatar Conquest Survival

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/axVn5KS

What is Conquest Survival?

Greetings Traveler! Welcome to Conquest Survival, a Survival, Towny server that takes place during the Medieval era. The overall goal is to survive, and to work your way up to become a wealthy player, but also to be feared among others!

What Positions are Available?

(1/2) Staff ★
We’re looking for one more person to become a Staff ★ on Conquest Survival. Typically to become a Staff ★ you would have to be promoted from Staff but that is not the case for this. We highly recommend that you apply for Staff ★ if you’re able to spend at least one hour daily on any platform of Conquest Survival, have plenty of prior experience, have a strong desire to be a leader when needed, are able to work hard at stressful times, and is an efficient communicator. Again, if you believe you fit these traits of what we look for in a Staff ★ member we recommend you apply!

(4/6) Staff
Conquest Survival is looking for two more people to become a Staff on the server. Staff is the lowest achievable Staffing rank on the server. Though they have less commands than those with the rank of Staff ★ they do have all needed commands to do their job efficiently. If you have time to dedicate towards this server, if you have a passion of helping others, and if you love friendly communities consider applying for Staff today!

Sounds good! Where is the Application?

1) What is your Discord username?
2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
4) Is there anything else you would like to add?

Awesome! Anything else I should know?

Open Beta is scheduled to be on 5/6/2017! Other than that we appreciate you taking the time to read this recruitment thread, and we hope you will consider applying! We will leave you with a picture of the server!

Posted by ConquestSurvival's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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Conquest Survival
05/21/2017 11:28 am
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
Still looking!
Conquest Survival
05/20/2017 1:42 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
Mawdature1) What is your Discord username:
= My discord username is

2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
= I was a moderator at EldarGuard. I helped keep the pace of the server and
keeping it moderated without abusing my position. What I was on Windlex
was a server builder, so that goes to show that I could build to. I've had
position on several servers before, some were shut down, some are still
open and unfortunately, I forgot some of its names.
= In terms of moderating the game, I think that since mostly of the minecraft
community are minors, one of my visions for each server I had a position was
to keep the community of the server away from people who does damage to
the server and has nothing good to give for the server. For example, those
people who hack, those people who tries to be tough, and more.
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
= Why do I want this staff position? Simple, I want to make the minecraft
community more enjoyable, including the servers I have a position on. I
personally think that Minecraft Servers are failing or getting closed is because
of the the players. Why the players? Players include people with positions.
Players because sometimes the people with power get abusive, and when
some new player gets in a new server, he or she does not feel like it's a good
server or a fun server to play, even with the servers great features. So, by
wanting to try to be recruited to Conquest Survival, I will make sure that each
of your players will be able to enjoy every bit of the servers features. I also
expect that there will be law breakers, I don't abuse the sanctions to abusive
players. I follow the rules for sanction and don't go beyond it. I also listen to
fellow comrades and always there to keep the positivity all throughout the
server. My vision for this server is for it to grow as what we would expect and
the community enjoying every feature of this server and feeling like home, on
a virtual game.
4) Is there anything else you would like to add?
= There are times I could get real busy with school, but no problems. I always
take the time to look at my calendar on my phone and check for any
schedules. I also do builds, and I am pretty good at it, my builds do often look
great because I have OCD, which makes my builds built to perfection, well not
so lol. I can be an all around staff member. Just message me for further questions. Thank you!

Accepted to move onto the next stage! Please join our Discord and message Tybalt upon your arrival. https://discord.gg/TFhYbBj
Conquest Survival
05/20/2017 1:40 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
Applications closing today! Apply while their still available! 
05/20/2017 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Network
Mawdature's Avatar
1) What is your Discord username:
= My discord username is

2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
= I was a moderator at EldarGuard. I helped keep the pace of the server and
keeping it moderated without abusing my position. What I was on Windlex
was a server builder, so that goes to show that I could build to. I've had
position on several servers before, some were shut down, some are still
open and unfortunately, I forgot some of its names.
= In terms of moderating the game, I think that since mostly of the minecraft
community are minors, one of my visions for each server I had a position was
to keep the community of the server away from people who does damage to
the server and has nothing good to give for the server. For example, those
people who hack, those people who tries to be tough, and more.
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
= Why do I want this staff position? Simple, I want to make the minecraft
community more enjoyable, including the servers I have a position on. I
personally think that Minecraft Servers are failing or getting closed is because
of the the players. Why the players? Players include people with positions.
Players because sometimes the people with power get abusive, and when
some new player gets in a new server, he or she does not feel like it's a good
server or a fun server to play, even with the servers great features. So, by
wanting to try to be recruited to Conquest Survival, I will make sure that each
of your players will be able to enjoy every bit of the servers features. I also
expect that there will be law breakers, I don't abuse the sanctions to abusive
players. I follow the rules for sanction and don't go beyond it. I also listen to
fellow comrades and always there to keep the positivity all throughout the
server. My vision for this server is for it to grow as what we would expect and
the community enjoying every feature of this server and feeling like home, on
a virtual game.
4) Is there anything else you would like to add?
= There are times I could get real busy with school, but no problems. I always
take the time to look at my calendar on my phone and check for any
schedules. I also do builds, and I am pretty good at it, my builds do often look
great because I have OCD, which makes my builds built to perfection, well not
so lol. I can be an all around staff member. Just message me for further questions. Thank you!
Conquest Survival
05/19/2017 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
Positions filling up quick! Apply now
Conquest Survival
05/18/2017 10:53 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
We're still looking! A few positions still avaliable
Conquest Survival
05/16/2017 7:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
Looking for more Staff!
05/15/2017 7:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EchoSolar's Avatar
1) What is your Discord username? KangarooYourSelf#9530
2) What is your experience moderating a server or game? I have a lot of experience moderating servers on Minecraft. I was a helper/moderator/admin on InfernalMC, which was my most memorable server to be staff on. I was also staff on GhostPVP, RageMC, VRWorld and EnderWorld, but none of these are still up and running. They closed down due to lack of money. I have been staff on a number of servers over the last year, but none of them succeeded, and they shut down within a few weeks. As far as my plugin knowledge, I am fairly good with WorldEdit, and probably others that I cannot remember. All of these servers were SMP/Creative except for GhostPVP which was a KitPVP server.
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival? I want this staff position because I can be active almost every day, I enjoy playing Minecraft, and I like to help others. As I said above I have a lot of experience moderating on servers, and I have broad knowledge over hacked clients and hacking in general. I used to hack myself, although I stopped in 2015, and I don't plan on ever going back to it. On InfernalMC, they tested us on what we would do in situations regarding higher staff members abusing their powers, when people were advertising, when people were hacking, spammers, and cursing. I passed all of these tests, except cursing, because I don't find it a very large offense. I don't abuse my powers, and I always screenshot/record evidence of hackers etc.. I think that I would be a good addition to your staff team.
4) Is there anything else you would like to add? I am changing my name to something less offensive soon. My friend dared me to change it to this. Thank you for reading my application and have a nice day.
Conquest Survival
05/15/2017 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Conquest Survival's Avatar
You have been approved to move onto the next stage! Join our Discord if you have not all ready! You will receive a message from the Manager soon! 
05/14/2017 8:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
1) What is your Discord username? Gerby#6466

2) What is your experience moderating a server or game? In the past, I have had many different and unique positions as Staff on a diversifying list of Minecraft Servers. I understand how to use not only the basic moderating commands, such as /kick, /mute, /ban, /vanish, etc., but I have also, through much work with different servers and staffing teams, learned the ins and outs of each command, customizing every punishment duration and every punishment reason so that if needed, I am able to look back and quickly find prior punishments if the case may arise. I also have experience with separate punishment plugins, from plugins with just different commands to plugins which have a completely different GUI to them. Moving on, in terms of server count, I previously moderated on servers with gamemodes such as Prison, Factions, Minigames, and Towny/Survival type gamemodes as well. Since being a member of the Staff Team on so many variants of server gamemodes, I believe that I have the capability to be versatile when it comes to informing players on different commands and actions that they can perform. For some evidence and examples, I would like to speak more on a server that I was once a Co-Owner on, GalaxyPrison. I had began at GalaxyPrison as just a Head-Moderator, but I proved myself trustworthy and loyal enough to be promoted to Head-Admin, and eventually, Co-Owner on the server. I would interact daily with the players, making their experience noteworthy and memorable day in and day out, while at the same time getting rid of those players who chose to come online solely to break server rules and ignore the other players' attempts to have fun on the server. I got myself involved in many different projects and completed many assignments that had ended up being a foundation for what eventually became the GalaxyNetwork, and I feel that I can do the same for Conquest Survival.

3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival? I would like to become a member of the Staff Team on Conquest Survival for these main three reasons: ability to adapt to difficult or adverse situations, passion for creating a large yet close-knit player and Staff community, and for loyalty and trustworthiness. Beginning with my ability to adapt to tough situations, due to my year(s) of experience with moderation on Minecraft servers, I have seen or heard of nearly all common everyday troubles and I have also experienced a majority of uncommon/rare situations to appear on servers as well. As an example, I was an Administrator on a very small server called Exodus Factions (5-10 players each day) and there was one player who logged on with a cheat which allowed this player not to gain access to OP, but the player had somehow given themselves the "*" permission node, and it was irremovable. After I and the other Staff noticed cheating in various forms coming from this player, we attempted to teleport to the player and catch their name, since he was able to hide his name from all players he cheated against. After searching for only a couple of minutes, since it was such a small server, we as Staff managed to narrow it down to one person. However, since they were exempt from being banned, and they were also not on the tab list, the Staff realized that the player had a cheat which constantly reinstated their "*" permission node to him, which is why no one Staff could remove this node. Therefore, I and another Admin worked together, and one of us removed the node while the other simultaneously banned them. This is just one of many examples in which I have learned to change my normal style of punishment or moderation to fix a troubling issue. In addition to this, common issues, like players who are abnormally difficult to work with, punish, or assist, can be dealt with by me because of not only my patience, but my determination to solve every issue brought to the table. Next, my passion for creating a large, but still close-knit, non-toxic player and Staff community. Ever since I began Minecraft, my main joy for the game came from seeing players able to work together and create something with a helping hand, and not doing everything alone. This joy has evolved, and I now have a consistent belief that strong communication should happen between all players and all Staff, and that players and Staff alike should conjoin and get to know each other on a more personal basis, so that people on every server are not complete strangers to one another. My hope is that as a Staff member on Conquest Survival, that I am not only able to create a good working relationship with players and Staff, but also maintain and make new and existing friends which I can go to for advice and suggestions, without fear of any unnecessary filtering. Near the top of my list of foundational values and beliefs, having a community where everyone understands each other and can cooperate with one another is probably one of my highest priorities on that list. Finally, my loyalty and trustworthiness. I can, without a doubt, tell the Conquest Survival Management Team that I will be one of the most trustworthy and loyal Staff members the server has seen to date. On every server I have moderated on, I have been with them from nearly beginning to end. There is not one server that I have looked at, gained a Staff position on, and stayed with for less than two months, unless there was a large controversy that was not resolvable. I understand that the server foundation is many times, based off of the Staff members who are not the Managers or Owners, and I understand that every server needs these Staff to contribute the highest and most quality work each and every day. I plan to be that Staff member for Conquest Survival. 

4) Is there anything else you would like to add? I would sincerely like to thank the recruitment personnel who sat down and took the time to read this entire application. It was a lengthy and detailed application to write, but I felt that I needed all of these details to really send the right message across. I really hope that I can work with Conquest's Staff Team in the future! 
05/14/2017 6:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sserpxe's Avatar
1) What is your Discord username?: dingbatjack#6196
2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?: Because I have been an administrator on a big server, I am experienced with certain plugins such as CoreProtect and a bit of WorldEdit. I also learned to be very vigilant of the chat, so I know how to stay on top of players breaking the rules or asking for help. In addition, I'm very active on Discord, for I have the application on my phone. All in all, I have had years of experience moderating a server.
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?: I want a staff position on Conquest Survival because I know I have what it takes to moderate a server; For one, I am an honest and trustworthy person. Therefore, I won't become corrupt and abuse the permissions I’m given. Instead, I would use them strictly to benefit the server, meaning I will utilize my power for good, or for helping those who require assistance and for enforcing the rules. In addition, I am very mature, and henceforth, I am able to accurately represent the server and be a role-model for the rest of the staff or players. I also want to be a part of this server because I know that it is going to be successful, seeing how hardworking and professional the team is. 
4) Is there anything else you would like to add?: I've been playing Minecraft since 2012, and I can speak fluent Spanish.
05/13/2017 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sserpxe's Avatar
Still looking for staff members!
05/10/2017 6:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
We are still in need of Staff members!
05/07/2017 3:11 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ICMPv6's Avatar
1) What is your Discord username?

2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
The best examples of this was MCByte.us which I was a part of for the majority of its life cycle and was practically the 2nd in command right next to the owner. Additionally, I've been a part of a TF2 network for years and left around a year ago in search for something else. On that network, I was one of the highest ranked staff members (Admin+ EC, basically a Staff ★ but with extra permissions) which was everything I needed for the Jailbreak server, but I also helped out with the Saxton Hale, Trade, and Deathrun servers (At least until the DR server was closed). In more minor cases, I've helped out with Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 servers on Xbox 360/Xbox One but those typically didn't last long due to being so expensive. I've also helped with smaller Enjin Minecraft servers that like the Battlefield ones on console, didn't last long and probably don't have much of a trace but they were PandaCraft.mc, EnderCraftMC, and Nagrasea (the last one is now some sort of educational server, so I'm not too sure if it was sold off or what, but it used to be a PvP server).

3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
After playing on the server for a fair amount of time in the open beta stage (7+ hours so far), I can confidently say that this is one of the most promising smp servers I have seen that stays nearly true to the vanilla style of gameplay while putting forth a lot of effort into the server through plug-ins (truthfully, the only problem I truly see on the server is the permissions not being fully set up, but of course this is just a beta). I would be more than happy to invest my time daily into securing a safe and friendly environment on Conquest Survival.

4) Is there anything else you would like to add?
I have been playing Minecraft since the very early stages of its beta, even before sprinting was a thing, but stopped for quite a while after release. As such, I'm not entirely accustomed to the new features of recent updates, but I've been learning.
I'm also an avid gamer and have played numerous games like World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, Battlefield Bad Company 2 up to Battlefield 1, Battlefront 2, Call of Duty MW2-3, SMITE, the original Halo up to Halo 5, and a little bit of League of Legends. I usually use my Xbox One for gaming because of my weak end computer, but I do still use my PC for Blizzard games and Minecraft.

05/07/2017 4:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
You have been accepted to move onto the Interview Stage. Please Direct Message Eastview on the Conquest Discord to begin your Interview! Discord: https://discord.gg/dFhtB
05/07/2017 1:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ConquestSurvival's Avatar
Still looking for Staff!
05/06/2017 9:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ramennnnx's Avatar
Ramen's Application

1) What is your Discord username?
My discord is: Ramen#2510

2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
I have only ever been admin on a server, and I installed plugins and set them up. I also handled most of the bug fixes and such. I began to learn Bukkit API (I already knew java.) as we needed a few custom plugins and couldn't afford a developer and a few days after I began learning Bukkit the owner shut the server down and removed us all from skype. After that I continued learning Bukkit API, and have been for about a month, as I think being able to develop addons for a game I play so much is really interesting. I also understand many plugins and know their commands. I am a very good problem solver too so I can solve bugs very quickly. Not only that but I play a ton of towny so helping players with issues or questions wouldn't be a problem for me at all.

3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
I dont really see many towny servers that get popular and successful. Being a part of a server and helping to make it popular would be really cool, as well as I can continue learning Bukkit API while developing for Conquest. Ill also get to meet some people to play minecraft with and in general have a good time.

4) Is there anything else you would like to add?
I like turtles ;P

05/07/2017 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
You have been denied for detail issues, and since Conquest Survival is not in need of a developer at this time. Feel free to re-apply in 2 days!
05/06/2017 6:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Xen0n's Avatar

Hello, before we start I'd like to thank you for reading my application and wish me good luck. anyways let's start!
1) What is your Discord username?
My discord username and tag is EX0DUS#0265
2) What is your experience moderating a server or game?
I can handle the technical/plugin side of things along with me being extremely knowledgeable about plugins and I can also go to the other aspect of the spectrum and be very kind but strict with players and rule breakers depending on how they treat me and other players, if they treat someone unfairly then that's what they should expect to get from other users right back to them, if they treat someone nicely they should expect to get a nice PM from me thanking them for being kind and supportive of other players. I know most/all of the games default mechanics and I can help users with questions on how to craft things and what not. I am a chill user who just wants to make sure everyone gets the most fun they can have on the server. I also know when to be strict with players or laugh about and take a joke. I also have owned multiple servers that have been semi/decently successful in the past and am willing to help bring yours along the path of success further than my own did.
3) Why do you want this staff position on Conquest Survival?
I want this staff position not to show I am better than anyone else but to show that I am there for when players or even other staff members need help I want only the best for the server and I will always do what I think is right, if I do something wrong I go back and fix my mistake and apologize for doing what was wrong and go on with my work with the server and know how to better approach that situation next time.
4) Is there anything else you would like to add?
I may not always be able to get on the server sadly because I am a dedicated swimmer and am on a swim team and will guaranteed try my best to make 2 - 4+ hours a day on the server to committed hard work! Thanks for taking your time to read this please do consider me for the position of staff. That is all thank you.
05/06/2017 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
You have been accepted to the Interview Stage! Please join our Discord for your Interview: https://discord.gg/ngJ8T
05/06/2017 6:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Scribe
Quellv's Avatar
Oh man, here we go.

1) Discord: Quellv#0786
2) I have very minor moderating experience, but I am willing to help in any way you see fit. I tend to get along well with team members and the community.
3) I would like a staff position because I enjoy helping others. The format is very interesting to me and I'd love to help the community grow.
4) I am 18 years old, several weeks from graduating high school, and then I'm off to college. I have a very open and schedule and I take full responsibility for my actions. Thank you for this very unique experience and I cannot wait to hear back from you.

05/06/2017 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GCGerby's Avatar
You have been denied for lack of detail. Feel free to apply again in two days!
05/06/2017 5:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ConquestSurvival's Avatar
We have now released for Beta!  
05/06/2017 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sserpxe's Avatar
I'm so excited for Open Beta.
05/05/2017 12:22 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ConquestSurvival's Avatar
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