Hardcore RP Server, Aurelias |Recruiting a build team|

Roran234's Avatar Roran2343/9/13 12:45 pm
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4/9/2014 2:10 pm
llevente1996's Avatar llevente1996

Welcome to Aurelias! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Roran234. I have moderated/administrated/participated in many role play servers. I always wanted to start one of my own, but have been lacking in the money department for quite some time now. I have a job and within the next 2 weeks or so, I will a dedicated server ready to host this dream of mine. We already have a world done, but we need a creative build team with enough skill to make the world come to life with buildings and towns. I will be in charge of creating the lore and story, and we will also have custom plugins to make this a better gaming and role play experience.

This will be a whitelisted, hardcore role play server, meaning if you go out of character for any reason other then when you first join or leave the server, or if the server is being updated, then you WILL get a warning. If you fail to follow this main rule, you will get 1 strike.

1.You must stay in character unless you first join/leave the server, or if the server is being updated.
2. No griefing of any kind!
3. No profanity of any kind!
4. Faction PVP is allowed, but only if you role play it! (To be implemented when Factions is ready to be assimilated into the server.)
5. You must listen to ALL staff!

We will be implementing a 3 strike rule.
First strike broken, you will be kicked.
Second strike broken, you will be temporarily banned for an hour to 1 day depending on what happened.
Third strike broken, you will be banned until I deem you worthy to be unbanned.

This will be a dedicated server capable of running up to 100 people at a time for the best experience possible. While it would be nice to have a large group of people playing at the same time, it just is very unlikely. Don't expect 100/100 people everyday, it will be around 30-50 when we are pretty successful. The server will be bought in 2 weeks, or just about that time. If you wish to talk to me more on this subject, either reply for more info down below, or message me!

Donations are also going to be entirely appreciated. We have custom plugins made for your benefit, but they don't just come out of no where. The money I use to pay for the box is also the same way. I work at a job where I get payed by the hour, but only if there is a job to be done. If there isn't a job, then I don't get to work, which means no money for that week.

We will be setting up a website later to keep you all up to news on the going ons of the server! We will post story updates, conflicts between people, and you will have the ability to post your characters journals, life stories, and hell, even a story of your own as long as it mixes in with the lore.

1. Have you even been on a hardcore role play server before:
2. What can you provide the server with:
3. What does OOC mean:
4. In Game and Roleplay name:
5. Character's Backstory:
6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this):
7. Give a paragraph of a role play please (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.)
8. What are you looking for in this server:


List of all who was accepted (will be edited in the future)

World Border
World Edit
World Guard
Voxel Sniper
Hero Chat
A custom race plugin
And many more to be added along with this list.
If you want, please suggest some plugins that should be added.

Races are the creatures of this world of Aurelias. They populate the world, and you get to choose what race you would like to be.
Races and Classes for races

If you wish to add any more, feel free to pm me, and if I like the idea, I will put it in.

Backstory and Lores of all the races.
This section is made to help other people understand which races like or hate other races. Some also have the possibility of being neutral to each other. You can choose what kind of special character that allows you to like a race that your race normally does not like, but I wouldn't recommend it, because the other race might not have any people that like you. Throughout the role play, I will be changing this, so it will be updated frequently. It will be changed because of how people interact with each other and do things for each others races. If you have any questions, just PM me and I will try to answer them as best as I can. This will also keep people from posting that they are Slime ninjas.

Long ago, a meteor crashed on the world known as Aurelias, and carried small microbes that multiplied as the world had perfect living conditions. Food, Water, and Air they did not need at first, but as they grew, they grew with the world, so they required these things. The other species on the Planet named them Humans as they grew to be Intellectual two-legged creatures. They reigned supreme over most of the world's resources. That is, until the Elves came.
Humans live shortly compared to the other races. They live to be around 80-90 years old. They are kind of muscular, varying on the person. They are medium sized, and kind of Agile. They are smart and can figure out almost any problem when given the time to think. Humans are friends with Elves and Dwarves. They hate Orcs and, in some cases, Trolls. Humans are thought down upon by most of the other races because of their short lives. They are very religous and sometimes have wars with each other because of this. Humans are not easily corrupted, due to their strong will and intelligence. They can not wield Magic unless they have been corrupted by a stronger being.

Elves came after the Human, they evolved from a specie called Ravors, who were agile, nimble, long living creatures. They were forced to live in trees because of the predators living on forest floors. After years of Evolution, they came to be Elves. These Elves are friendly with Humans, because they resemble so close to them. The Elves and Humans stick with each other most of the time, unless they are corrupted by the great evil spreading throughout the land. Elves live to be 900-1000 years old, are tall, and VERY agile and nimble. They are skilled swordsman and Rangers, and can shoot anything if given a bow. They always keep to their word and never go back on it. Elves are easily corrupted, as their mind hasn't advanced as much as their bodies. They are friends with Humans, are neutral and make fun of dwarves, causing many disputes among the two races, and they hate Trolls and Orcs.

Dwarves have always been on Aurelias, they just were never known until now, due to them always being deep underground, mining. They are the best among the races at mining and brute fighting, due to them being the strongest, next to the orcs. Dwarves aren't very agile, but make up for that with brute strength. They use axes as their preferred weapons. They are short and stout. They are also the best at Blacksmithing and can create the best tools and weapons in the land. They are friendly with Humans and Trolls, are neutral towards Elves, and hate Orcs. They live to be 500-700 years old.

Trolls were once Orcs, but split off into the wild instead of living in hot, magma filled areas. They evolved to become tall and agile and nimble and very witty. They hate Elves because they believe the Elves think they are a superior race to them. They are friends with Dwarves, and Orcs. Their preferred weapon is the Spear and Axe, but are better with a Spear. They are tall and live to be 800-1000 years old.

They have also been on Aurelias since the beginning of its creation. They have been at everlasting war with the Dwarves trying to control Aurelias. They are very strong and good at mining and blacksmithing, and are good at fighting fist combats. Their only friends are Trolls, and hate the rest of the races. They are very intelligent, but just don't choose to show it around other races. Their preferred weapon is the axe, and are medium sized. They live to be 500-700 years old.

This will be added on to later, as this is more of a concept than anything else. Feel free to send me applications! They would all be appreciated!

Build Team Applications
We WILL need a group of some very talented builders. You will all earn a special title in the game for helping create and populate the world of Aurelias. If you enjoy creating medieval/fantasy builds, and sometimes floating islands and steam punk themed things as well, than you will love this project. The world itself will be posted onto PMC w/o a download to show what we have done with this, and to attract more attention. All credit for the world will go to the build team!

1. Post 3 pictures of your builds here, I will also be checking your PMC projects to see what you feel should be posted:
2. Are you good at collaborating with other people?
3. Are you able to take command of a build operation and lead it?
4. What is your favorite genre of building?
5. How good are you at terraforming [1-10]?
6. Do you have a terraformed world I can look at?

I can't wait to see the applications, and I will be glad to work with all of you! Get the applications flowing in!
Posted by Roran234's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Architect

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04/09/2014 2:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
llevente1996's Avatar
Build Team Application:

2: I guess so... I've only built on my own so far, but collaborating should not be a problem
3: Yes, I think (the same again, never tried before). I'll tell my opinion and ideas then I'll try to do what they tell me. I hope I'll get the chance sometimes to be creative and work on a project I think of.
4: medieval and mainly gothic (I plan to build something like the grey-white castle on the pic)
5: With tools not so good, but if I have the time I'll do it with my own hands (If you mean foundations for a building I can do it, but I won't try making mountins... I'll leave it to the professionals)
6: Not really. I made mountins (without any tools) for a Pyke-looking castle (from GoT) but it is not like terraforming the whole map.
+1: I have to admit I'm from Hungary so there may be problems with me understanding the others. I can speak English at a C1 level, but I don't know much about slang or abbreviations...

Sorry for extra large pics... I've only seen how big they are after I posted them...
08/05/2013 3:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cyanora's Avatar
1. Have you even been on a hardcore role play server before: I have been to a few bad ones on minecraft and then lots of them on WoW.
2. What can you provide the server with: I like roleplaying and I find it fun to write engaging stories that have all kinds of characters and explore different genres.
3. What does OOC mean: OOC is an acronym for Out Of Character and in this case means when you want to talk when you don't/can't be in character.
4. In Game and Roleplay name: Well I really need to buy a new account because I messed up my username which at the moment it is ProMiner730 but I prefer Acearus.
5. Character's Backstory: Acearus is one of many heroes created when two planets at war created an alliance to destroy the planet Cyanerus. The heroes were used to fight the evil guardians of the planet but most of them ended up getting killed after the battle ended badly for the alliance. Acearus betrayed one of the planets by killing the leader of their legion and bringing down their whole civilization.
6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this): Acearus was created by me when I started writing a story for a comic book, but it has become much more than just a simple story from a comic book.
7. Give a paragraph of a role play please (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.) Celestius led his fellow heroes into battle against the Corrupt Order. They stormed a fort established by the Corrupt Order and nearly took it over but one last valiant effort from the Corrupt Order pushed the great heroes back and killed Celestius and took back over the fort.
8. What are you looking for in this server: A fun experience that I can enjoy because I love a good story and playing the story out. I have been to few other servers but they have greatly disappointed me by people not being committed to it. So I hope that I can enjoy this community
07/14/2013 8:33 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
Lucky_Moon1's Avatar
Please stop bumping :i
07/14/2013 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rtw444's Avatar
07/14/2013 2:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rtw444's Avatar
07/14/2013 1:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Button Pusher
Lucky_Moon1's Avatar
1. Have you even been on a hardcore role play server before:No, but it sounds interesting

2. What can you provide the server with:I don't really know..I could try to make people laugh with my bad jokes.

3. What does OOC mean:Out of Character

4. In Game and Roleplay name: IGN: Myeku6457 Rp Name: Christina Dawn

5. Character's Backstory:Christina was five years old when her parents died in a car crash. Since then she's been the outcast in the orphanage. Trolls attacked the orphanage, and only a few of them survived. Christina wasn't really friends with them, but she had to help them. So, now 4 kids are living in an ally way...

6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this):Christina is now currently ten, and human (I will PM you some idea's for different species.)

7. Give a paragraph of a role play please (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.) "Christina, wake up," a voice said into her ear. Christina just grunted and rolled over. "Come on, Christina, we need to leave!" said the voice urgently. "One second.." grumbled Christina, blinking her eyes open. "What, Karen?" she asked the girl in front of her. (Is this long enough?)

8. What are you looking for in this server:Good people to RP with!
07/14/2013 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rtw444's Avatar
1. Have you even been on a hardcore role play server before: unfortunately not on Minecraft, but I have played many MMORPG online and have role played before.

2. What can you provide the server with: I can be a great asset to your Build Team, as well as a great Mod when the server finally starts. I'm also imaginative so I think role playing on her will be a great time.

3. What does OOC mean: Out of character

4. In Game and Roleplay name: IGN: rtw333. RP name: Thane Striger( a name I made for a book I'm starting to write)

5. Character's Backstory: Thane was born to a small tribal village within the dense norther jungles. He had to learn to fight when he was young because only the strong survived in the wild. While many of his friends died from mistakes they made, Thane learned and became stronger physically and mentally. Eventually he couldn't stay in his small tribe any longer, the loss of friends and family were just to much for him. So he decided to leave home and travel South to the capital where he is starting to make a name for himself as a excellent warrior and tactician.

6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this): ( It's all in my back story). Stalking through the forest

7. Give a paragraph of a role play please (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.) Thane stalked through the forest, paying close attention the the forests floor checking for his prays tracks. Not two days before a goblin scout party was spotted near his tribes village, and now it was his job to take care of them.

Finally catching a break, after two long days of tracking, he found his targets setting a camp along rivers bend. Slowly making his way along the river through the reeds, Thane was able to get within ear shot of the green creatures.

From the noises they were making, Thane was able to make out 3 different voices, and assumed that's how many he now had to face.

Sliding his rapier from its sheath on his hip and a dagger from his cloak, Thane left the reeds behind and ran in the open towards the half finished camp.

However, just a second after he left the reed two arrows flew past his head, missing by an inch. Instantly two crazed goblins appeared from a grove of trees and charged him with swords drawn.

With a swift motion he threw his dagger at the lead goblin, striking him in the chest and killing him instantly.

Knowing the goblins from the camp would be alerted by now, he had to finish this last goblin so his back wasn't to the main group.

Parrying the first strike, Thane slashed down a deadly blow at the creatures head. But before it landed it sidestepped and caught the blade in his shoulder, locking the blade between bone.

With now weapon in hand Thane rolled to the side as the goblins sword passed through where his stomach once was. Diving towards the goblin he killed with the dagger, he grabbed the creatures sword and cut the goblin from navel to chin before it could cut him down.

Shrieks of rage came from behind Thane. Turning around he saw three more running for him now and all he had was the rusty goblin sword to defend himself with.

Grinning, Thane charged ahead, ready to face what was to come.

8. What are you looking for in this server: Im looking for a great server to put my all into. Right now after seeing your lore and what your vision is for this server I know it won't fail. I'm looking for a bunch of great people to have fun with and just have a great time building an amazing server.

1. Post 3 pictures of your builds here, I will also be checking your PMC projects to see what you feel should be posted: ( two if these were quick builds cause I don't normally take screen shots, and I had to use my phone for the pics cause I'm doing this from my phone)




2. Are you good at collaborating with other people? Yes, I love working on projects with others and I always have a good time doing it. I always end up learning something new when working with someone who has a different perspective and opinion them mine.

3. Are you able to take command of a build operation and lead it? Yes, when something needs to be done I will be able to take charge and get it done on time.

4. What is your favorite genre of building? Medieval. ( I like hidden passages/rooms as well as towers)

5. How good are you at terraforming [1-10]? About an 7 or 8 in all honesty

6. Do you have a terraformed world I can look at? No sorry :/
07/13/2013 5:50 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Jax3636's Avatar
Sent a PM to ya with my application about a day ago. Im leaving for summer camp tomorrow, and won't be back until Sunday, so.. Can you answer it, pwease?
06/20/2013 3:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
rockerkidd's Avatar
1. Have you even been on a Hardcore Roleplay Server before: Many yes
2. What can you provide the server with: A good, detailed roleplay, and a happy face
3. What does OOC mean: Out Of Character
4. In Game and Roleplay name: rockerkidd, Reladrin SwiftGale
5. Character's Backstory:
Name: Reladrin SwiftGale
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Hair: Back length dirty blonde hair
Eyes: Dark green

Reladrin, what is there not to say about Reladrin? I'll start with her past.
She started out like any normal elf should, raised by her family out in the forest, growing up happily, and was very proud of how she was living. Soon after she turned 19 her life took a turn for the worst. Her mother came down with a horrible sickness, killing her in a matter of weeks but her father wasn't around to be there because soon after she got sick he went off the look for someone to help, never returning. After her mother died her along with her little brother slowly began loosing their sanity. Her brother too kit a lot worse and the only reason Reladrin stayed sane was to help her brother who didn't eat, didn't sleep, only sat in the corner of the room only to die off from malnourishment, leaving her on her own.

Personality wise of Reladrin is mostly a long list of different mental situations she developed over her hardships.
She was born with ADHD,
She developed Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) (None of which are in danger of harming anyone mind you) after her mother fell ill, and after many self conflicts over what she should do to help her
Depression, again when all the bad occurrences fell through
And, Bi-Polar, that usually comes out when she remembers her dark past, and will become very different from her day-to-day behavior
She is basically a mess of different personalities and moods, that can change at a moments notice, keeping people on their feet whenever around her.
6. Extra Information (will be helpful for other player reviewing this): (oops, kinda put extra into the backstory..)
7. Give a paragraph of a Roleplay (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.)
Reladrin is sitting against a tree as she does most of the days, smoking on her favorite pipe and reading from a book, and at the same time doodling what she sees around her. She stands up, still holding her book in one hand, and stretches out her arm, palm downward. Reladrin chants word from the book as her hands begins to glow a bright blue and green, and a patch of ground below her hand begins to rumble and shake. After a few more moments of that a short sprout creeps from the soil and raises til it has become an entire plant, an entire tobacco plant that is. She plucks off the tobacco and crushes it, packing it into her pipe and relighting it, going back to her reading and drawing.
05/19/2013 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Gizelda's Avatar
1. Have you even been on a Hardcore Roleplay Server before: No
2. What can you provide the server with: Fairly well grammar and punctuation, decent imagination, also decent english (I hope)
3. What does OOC mean: Out of Character
4. In Game and Roleplay name: My IGN is Gizelda, my RP name is Edith Lose
5. Character's Backstory: Edith was born into a poor family of the human race, along with an identical twin sister, Margot. She and her sister were abandoned on the hill at the age of one, their family realizing they couldn't afford us. The elves found us helpless, and they took us in for ten years or so, and raised us to be Archers, but after some time we weren't good enough so we were also farmers. After an attack on their home, watching her adopted father and Margot being killed, she ran off on her own with some supplies from her now burning village. She came across a village of her own race and she was adopted for the second time by another family, with a decent amount of money. Edith is 14, has some experience with archery and farming, and is emotionally strong due to seeing her own sister being killed. She tries to help others with comforting words when she is in distress, and when things seem hopeless she will do whatever she can for those she cares about and herself, and if everything has gone wrong she will run to safety with whatever and whoever she can.
7. Give a paragraph of a Roleplay (for instance: Alduron walked down the road and was attacked by 3 trolls and etc.): Edith was walking in the forest, looking for supplies, when she saw a small abandoned cottage. She went into the cottage, and she started taking some of the supplies, when she heard the door open behind her. She bolted through the nearest door, into a safe hiding place. She took out her small bow, and notched an arrow, in the complete darkness of the room. As the steps came closer to her hiding place, she noticed a small hole behind her, so she crawled through it and ran back to her base, with some supplies that she had dishonestly stolen.

(I posted this on both threads. I was confused on which one to use.)
03/17/2013 2:56 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Still looking for builders and people who are interested in the idea.
03/13/2013 4:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
I read it, I liked your application, but you need to learn how to make paragraphs. It was very hard on my eyes. >:
03/13/2013 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Horatio116's Avatar
Sent you an app in a PM.
03/12/2013 10:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Anybody at all?
03/10/2013 8:16 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Alright, do you have a skype?
03/10/2013 8:19 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
03/10/2013 8:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
03/10/2013 8:09 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
If you'd like, I can host a hamachi server real quick since I don't feel like port forwarding and we can see your skills there?
03/10/2013 8:14 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
03/10/2013 7:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
ThunderFang*Silently Cheers* I've been waiting for a while; I can't build though. :C

That's okay! Feel free to make an application my woman!

Fixed! Anyways, I am currently trying to recruit some talented builders, no promises that they will reply though.
03/10/2013 7:55 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
03/10/2013 7:37 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc195880's Avatar
03/10/2013 7:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
That's okay! Feel free to make an application my woman!
03/10/2013 7:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
If you need any more information, don't be afraid to ask me!
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