MCPatcher Mod Problem

MikuDesu's Avatar MikuDesu11/6/13 12:20 am
1 emeralds 535
So I download a 32x texture pack (DokuCraft), and it tells me to get this thing called MCPatcher, which allows the texture pack to utilize neat graphical features through mods, but when I run MCPatcher I get this:

You see, the check boxes toggle the mods. But when I try to click the boxes, nothing happens. I even tried "enable all" under mods but nothing happens. So the mods are permanently disabled. What the heck? Yes, I do have a clean .minecraft. What's going on?
Oh, I also have the log entries:
MCPatcher version is 4.2.2
OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64
JVM: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_45 (64 bit)
Classpath: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Applications\mcpatcher-4.2.2.exe
Fetching s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/versions/versions.json...
Minecraft version is 1.7.2 (md5 7a304554fdea879a799efe6eaedd8c95)
WARNING: version is newer than any known version

Analyzing C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.7.2\1.7.2.jar (2818 files)
FontRenderer matches bag.class
renderDefaultChar matches a (IZ)F
readFontData matches c ()V
FontRenderer matches bag.class
renderString matches b (Ljava/lang/String;IIIZ)I
WorldClient matches biz.class
WorldClient matches biz.class
EntityBubbleFX matches bjo.class
EntityDropParticleFX matches bjr.class
onUpdate matches h ()V
EntityFireworkOverlayFX matches bjv.class
EntityFireworkSparkFX matches bjw.class
EntityFX matches bkf.class
EffectRenderer matches bkg.class
addEffect matches a (Lbkf;)V
renderParticles matches a (Lqn;F)V
EntityPortalFX matches bkm.class
EntityReddustFX matches bkn.class
EntitySplashFX matches bkr.class
EntitySuspendFX matches bks.class
EntityAuraFX matches bkt.class
EntityRainFX matches bky.class
java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Block -> aic because there is already a class map for Block -> ahu
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap(ClassMap.java:94)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addMap(ClassMap.java:175)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.afterMatch1(BytecodeSignature.java:142)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.match(BytecodeSignature.java:100)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.match(BytecodeSignature.java:82)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile(ClassMod.java:72)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses(MCPatcher.java:314)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.checkModApplicability(MCPatcher.java:285)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MainForm$18.runImpl(MainForm.java:593)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MainForm$UIWorker.run(MainForm.java:1058)
RenderBlocks matches ble.class
renderBlockPane matches a (Lamm;III)Z
renderBlockByRenderType matches b (Lahu;III)Z
renderBlockBrewingStand matches a (Laic;III)Z
renderStandardBlockWithAmbientOcclusion matches a (Lahu;IIIFFF)Z
renderStandardBlock matches q (Lahu;III)Z
renderStandardBlockWithColorMultiplier matches d (Lahu;IIIFFF)Z
hasOverrideTexture matches b ()Z
RenderBlocks matches ble.class
renderStandardBlockWithAmbientOcclusion matches a (Lahu;IIIFFF)Z
EntityRenderer matches bll.class
updateFogColor matches i (F)V
updateLightmap matches h (F)V
getNightVisionStrength1 matches a (Lxl;F)F
ItemRenderer matches blq.class
renderItemVanilla matches a (Lrh;Labp;I)V
RenderGlobal matches bls.class
renderSky matches a (F)V
renderClouds matches b (F)V
RenderGlobal matches bls.class
renderSky matches a (F)V
Tessellator matches blz.class
draw matches a ()I
addVertexWithUV matches a (DDDDD)V
startDrawingQuads matches b ()V
addVertex matches a (DDD)V
startDrawing matches a (I)V
setTextureUV matches a (DD)V
Tessellator matches blz.class
draw matches a ()I
addVertexWithUV matches a (DDDDD)V
startDrawingQuads matches b ()V
addVertex matches a (DDD)V
startDrawing matches a (I)V
setTextureUV matches a (DD)V
Tessellator matches blz.class
draw matches a ()I
addVertexWithUV matches a (DDDDD)V
startDrawingQuads matches b ()V
addVertex matches a (DDD)V
startDrawing matches a (I)V
setTextureUV matches a (DD)V
Tessellator matches blz.class
draw matches a ()I
addVertexWithUV matches a (DDDDD)V
startDrawingQuads matches b ()V
addVertex matches a (DDD)V
startDrawing matches a (I)V
setTextureUV matches a (DD)V
TileEntitySignRenderer matches bmj.class
RenderEnderman matches bne.class
Render matches bng.class
RenderXPOrb matches bnh.class
RenderFish matches bnk.class
renderFishingLine matches a (Lvq;DDDFF)V
RenderBiped matches bno.class
loadTextureForPass matches b (Lri;IF)V
renderArmor matches b (Lri;IF)V
RenderItem matches bnq.class
renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI matches b (Lbag;Lbpx;Labp;II)V
renderDroppedItemVanilla matches a (Lvw;Lps;IFFFF)V
RenderSnowball matches bnv.class
doRender matches a (Lqn;DDDFF)V
RenderLivingEntity matches bnz.class
doRenderLiving matches a (Lrh;DDDFF)V
RenderLiving matches boc.class
doRenderLiving matches a (Lrh;DDDFF)V
RenderLeash matches boc.class
doRenderLiving matches a (Lrh;DDDFF)V
renderLeash matches b (Lri;DDDFF)V
java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot add class map Block -> ahu because there is already a class map for Block -> ahz
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addClassMap(ClassMap.java:94)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addTypeDescriptorMap(ClassMap.java:217)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMap.addMap(ClassMap.java:178)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.afterMatch1(BytecodeSignature.java:142)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.match(BytecodeSignature.java:100)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.BytecodeSignature.match(BytecodeSignature.java:82)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.ClassMod.matchClassFile(ClassMod.java:72)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.mapModClasses(MCPatcher.java:314)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MCPatcher.checkModApplicability(MCPatcher.java:285)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MainForm$18.runImpl(MainForm.java:593)
at com.prupe.mcpatcher.MainForm$UIWorker.run(MainForm.java:1058)
RenderPlayer matches boh.class
renderArmor matches b (Lbkz;IF)V
RenderSheep matches boi.class
RenderSnowman matches bom.class
doRenderLiving matches a (Lrh;DDDFF)V
renderEquippedItems1 matches a (Lvd;F)V
RenderSpider matches bon.class
RenderWolf matches bow.class
RenderWolf matches bow.class
AbstractTexture matches bph.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
AbstractTexture matches bph.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
AbstractTexture matches bph.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
DynamicTexture matches bpi.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
Texture matches bpi.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
Texture matches bpi.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
SimpleTexture matches bpm.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
load matches a (Lbqp;)V
SimpleTexture matches bpm.class
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
load matches a (Lbqp;)V
TextureAtlas matches bpr.class
refreshTextures2 matches b (Lbqp;)V
getGlTextureId matches b ()I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
method b (Lbqp;)V failed xref #2 getFrameRGB (I)[I -> a (I)[[I
TextureAtlasSprite matches bpv.class
updateAnimation matches j ()V
TextureAtlasSprite matches bpv.class
TextureManager matches bpx.class
TextureManager matches bpx.class
updateAnimations matches e ()V
TextureManager matches bpx.class
updateAnimations matches e ()V
TextureObject matches bpz.class
getGLTexture matches b ()I
load matches a (Lbqp;)V
TextureUtil matches bqa.class
newGLTexture matches a ()I
TextureUtil matches bqa.class
newGLTexture matches a ()I
TextureClock matches bqd.class
updateAnimation matches j ()V
TextureCompass matches bqe.class
updateNeedle matches a (Lafn;DDDZZ)V
updateAnimation matches j ()V
AbstractResourcePack matches bqf.class
DefaultResourcePack matches bqg.class
FallbackResourceManager matches bqh.class
FileResourcePack matches bqi.class
FolderResourcePack matches bqj.class
ReloadableResourceManager matches bqm.class
method2 matches a (Lbqq;)V
method1 matches a (Ljava/util/List;)V
Resource matches bqn.class
getInputStream matches b ()Ljava/io/InputStream;
isPresent matches c ()Z
getMCMeta matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrf;
Resource matches bqn.class
getInputStream matches b ()Ljava/io/InputStream;
isPresent matches c ()Z
getMCMeta matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrf;
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceLocation matches bqo.class
ResourceManager matches bqp.class
getResource matches a (Lbqo;)Lbqn;
getNamespaces matches a ()Ljava/util/Set;
getMCMeta matches b (Lbqo;)Ljava/util/List;
ResourcePack matches bqr.class
getInputStream matches a (Lbqo;)Ljava/io/InputStream;
getName matches b ()Ljava/lang/String;
hasResource matches b (Lbqo;)Z
getPackIcon matches a ()Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;
getNamespaces matches c ()Ljava/util/Set;
getMCMeta matches a (Lbrh;Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrf;
SimpleReloadableResourceManager matches bqx.class
loadResources matches c ()V
getResource matches a (Lbqo;)Lbqn;
getNamespaces matches a ()Ljava/util/Set;
method2 matches a (Lbqq;)V
getMCMeta matches b (Lbqo;)Ljava/util/List;
method1 matches a (Ljava/util/List;)V
SimpleResource matches bqz.class
getInputStream matches b ()Ljava/io/InputStream;
isPresent matches c ()Z
getMCMeta matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lbrf;
Profiler matches ov.class
endStartSection matches c (Ljava/lang/String;)V
endSection matches b ()V
startSection matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)V
Icon matches ps.class
getIconName matches g ()Ljava/lang/String;
getMaxV matches f ()F
getHeight matches b ()I
getInterpolatedV matches b (D)F
getInterpolatedU matches a (D)F
getWidth matches a ()I
getMinU matches c ()F
getMinV matches e ()F
getMaxU matches d ()F
Icon matches ps.class
getIconName matches g ()Ljava/lang/String;
getMaxV matches f ()F
getHeight matches b ()I
getInterpolatedV matches b (D)F
getInterpolatedU matches a (D)F
getWidth matches a ()I
getMinU matches c ()F
getMinV matches e ()F
getMaxU matches d ()F
Icon matches ps.class
getIconName matches g ()Ljava/lang/String;
getMaxV matches f ()F
getHeight matches b ()I
getInterpolatedV matches b (D)F
getInterpolatedU matches a (D)F
getWidth matches a ()I
getMinU matches c ()F
getMinV matches e ()F
getMaxU matches d ()F
Icon matches ps.class
getIconName matches g ()Ljava/lang/String;
getMaxV matches f ()F
getHeight matches b ()I
getInterpolatedV matches b (D)F
getInterpolatedU matches a (D)F
getWidth matches a ()I
getMinU matches c ()F
getMinV matches e ()F
getMaxU matches d ()F
Icon matches ps.class
getIconName matches g ()Ljava/lang/String;
getMaxV matches f ()F
getHeight matches b ()I
getInterpolatedV matches b (D)F
getInterpolatedU matches a (D)F
getWidth matches a ()I
getMinU matches c ()F
getMinV matches e ()F
getMaxU matches d ()F
IconRegister matches pt.class
registerIcon matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lps;
Potion matches qi.class
setPotionName matches b (Ljava/lang/String;)Lqi;
Potion matches qi.class
Entity matches qn.class
setPositionAndRotation matches a (DDDFF)V
EntityList matches qt.class
EntityLivingBase matches rh.class
setPositionAndRotation matches a (DDDFF)V
EntityLivingBase matches rh.class
updatePotionEffects matches aO ()V
EntityLivingBase matches rh.class
EntityLiving matches ri.class
getCurrentArmor matches r (I)Labp;
EntitySheep matches vb.class
EntityItem matches vw.class
EntityPlayer matches xl.class
getCurrentArmor matches r (I)Labp;
ItemArmor matches zn.class
ItemArmor matches zn.class
ItemDye matches aav.class
ItemSpawnerEgg matches acq.class
getItemNameIS matches n (Labp;)Ljava/lang/String;
getColorFromDamage matches a (Labp;I)I
PotionHelper matches acz.class
getPotionColor matches a (IZ)I
PotionHelper matches acz.class
RecipesDyedArmor matches adg.class
ColorizerFoliage matches afj.class
World matches afn.class
getSunAngle matches b (F)F
World matches afn.class
getRainStrength matches j (F)F
WorldChunkManager matches agn.class
BlockFluid matches aki.class
colorMultiplier matches d (Lafx;III)I
BlockRedstoneWire matches alm.class
randomDisplayTick matches b (Lafn;IIILjava/util/Random;)V
BlockStem matches amg.class
getRenderColor matches i (I)I
BlockLilyPad matches amv.class
WorldProvider matches apa.class
getFogColor matches b (FF)Layk;
WorldProviderHell matches apb.class
getFogColor matches b (FF)Layk;
WorldProviderEnd matches apd.class
getFogColor matches b (FF)Layk;
MapColor matches avh.class
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched TextureAtlas (best match: bpr.class, 4 signatures)
no classes matched NBTTagCompound (best match: azc.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched IBlockAccess
no classes matched Block
no classes matched BiomeGenBase (best match: agg.class, 7 signatures)
no classes matched BiomeGenSwamp (best match: azd.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched Item
no classes matched ItemBlock
no classes matched ItemRenderer (best match: blq.class, 2 signatures)
no classes matched BlockLeaves (best match: akx.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched Entity
no classes matched Tessellator (best match: blz.class, 3 signatures)
no classes matched TextureAtlas (best match: bpr.class, 6 signatures)
no classes matched IBlockAccess
no classes matched Block
no classes matched WorldRenderer (best match: bir.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched Block
no classes matched IBlockAccess
no classes matched WorldRenderer
no classes matched EntityRenderer (best match: bll.class, 2 signatures)
no classes matched RenderGlobal (best match: bls.class, 3 signatures)
no classes matched Minecraft
no classes matched NBTTagCompound (best match: azc.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched NBTTagList
no classes matched NBTTagCompound (best match: azc.class, 1 signatures)
no classes matched NBTTagList
no classes matched Item
no classes matched ItemStack (best match: abp.class, 3 signatures)
no classes matched RenderLivingEntity (best match: bng.class, 1 signatures)

Analyzing C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.7.2\1.7.2.jar (methods and fields)
Profiler (ov.class)
TextureManager (bpx.class)
field texturesByName matches b Ljava/util/Map;
method bindTexture matches a (Lbqo;)V
method getTexture matches b (Lbqo;)Lbpz;
method refreshTextures matches a (Lbqp;)V
TextureUtil (bqa.class)
AbstractTexture (bph.class)
field glTextureId matches a I
SimpleTexture (bpm.class)
field address matches b Lbqo;
Icon (ps.class)
TextureAtlas (bpr.class)
method registerIcon matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)Lps;
method refreshTextures1 matches a (Lbqp;)V
method refreshTextures2 matches b (Lbqp;)V
DynamicTexture (bpi.class)
method getRGB matches d ()[I
ResourcePack (bqr.class)
DefaultResourcePack (bqg.class)
field file matches c Ljava/io/File;
AbstractResourcePack (bqf.class)
field file matches a Ljava/io/File;
FileResourcePack (bqi.class)
field zipFile matches c Ljava/util/zip/ZipFile;
FolderResourcePack (bqj.class)
ResourceManager (bqp.class)
ReloadableResourceManager (bqm.class)
SimpleReloadableResourceManager (bqx.class)
field namespaceMap matches c Ljava/util/Map;
FallbackResourceManager (bqh.class)
field resourcePacks matches a Ljava/util/List;
Resource (bqn.class)
ResourceLocation (bqo.class)
method getPath matches a ()Ljava/lang/String;
method getNamespace matches b ()Ljava/lang/String;
ResourceLocation (bqo.class)
method getPath matches a ()Ljava/lang/String;
method getNamespace matches b ()Ljava/lang/String;
Resource (bqn.class)
Icon (ps.class)
TextureObject (bpz.class)
AbstractTexture (bph.class)
field glTextureId matches a I
Texture (bpi.class)
method getRGB matches d ()[I
TextureUtil (bqa.class)
no match found for method copySubTexture1
method copySubTexture2 matches a (Ljava/awt/image/BufferedImage;IIZZ)V
method setupTexture1 matches a (ILjava/awt/image/BufferedImage;ZZ)I
method setupTexture2 matches a (III)V
TextureManager (bpx.class)
TextureAtlasSprite (bpv.class)
field textureName matches i Ljava/lang/String;
method init matches a (IIIIZ)V
method copy matches a (Lbpv;)V
no match found for method loadResource
field animationFrames matches a Ljava/util/List;
SimpleTexture (bpm.class)
field address matches b Lbqo;
TextureCompass (bqe.class)
TextureClock (bqd.class)
SimpleResource (bqz.class)
FontRenderer (bag.class)
method getStringWidth matches a (Ljava/lang/String;)I
method getCharWidth matches a (C)I
method getUnicodePage matches a (I)Lbqo;
ResourceLocation (bqo.class)
method getPath matches a ()Ljava/lang/String;
method getNamespace matches b ()Ljava/lang/String;
Tessellator (blz.class)
field instance matches a Lblz;
method setColorOpaque_F matches b (FFF)V
Entity (qn.class)
field entityId matches ab I
field nextEntityID matches b I
EntityLivingBase (rh.class)
method getEntityTexture matches aT ()Ljava/lang/String;
no match found for method writeToNBT
Render (bng.class)
method loadTexture matches a (Lbqo;)V
method getEntityTexture matches a (Lqn;)Lbqo;
RenderLivingEntity (bnz.class)
RenderLiving (boc.class)
RenderSpider (bon.class)
RenderEnderman (bne.class)
RenderSheep (boi.class)
RenderWolf (bow.class)
RenderSnowman (bom.class)
RenderFish (bnk.class)
RenderLeash (boc.class)
Tessellator (blz.class)
field instance matches a Lblz;
method setColorOpaque_F matches b (FFF)V
BlockFluid (aki.class)
Potion (qi.class)
PotionHelper (acz.class)
ColorizerFoliage (afj.class)
World (afn.class)
method getWorldChunkManager matches u ()Lagn;
WorldClient (biz.class)
WorldProvider (apa.class)
WorldProviderHell (apb.class)
WorldProviderEnd (apd.class)
WorldChunkManager (agn.class)
method getBiomeGenAt matches a (II)Lagg;
EntityFX (bkf.class)
EntityRainFX (bky.class)
EntityDropParticleFX (bjr.class)
EntitySplashFX (bkr.class)
EntityBubbleFX (bjo.class)
EntitySuspendFX (bks.class)
EntityPortalFX (bkm.class)
EntityAuraFX (bkt.class)
EntityLivingBase (rh.class)
EntityRenderer (bll.class)
BlockLilyPad (amv.class)
BlockRedstoneWire (alm.class)
EntityReddustFX (bkn.class)
RenderGlobal (bls.class)
BlockStem (amg.class)
MapColor (avh.class)
field mapColorArray matches a [Lavh;
field colorValue matches L I
field colorIndex matches M I
ItemDye (aav.class)
field dyeColorNames matches a [Ljava/lang/String;
field dyeColors matches c [I
EntitySheep (vb.class)
field fleeceColorTable matches bp [[F
ItemArmor (zn.class)
RenderWolf (bow.class)
RecipesDyedArmor (adg.class)
EntityList (qt.class)
method addMapping matches a (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;III)V
ItemSpawnerEgg (acq.class)
FontRenderer (bag.class)
TileEntitySignRenderer (bmj.class)
RenderXPOrb (bnh.class)
Icon (ps.class)
ResourceLocation (bqo.class)
method getPath matches a ()Ljava/lang/String;
method getNamespace matches b ()Ljava/lang/String;
AbstractTexture (bph.class)
field glTextureId matches a I
Texture (bpi.class)
method getRGB matches d ()[I
IconRegister (pt.class)
TextureManager (bpx.class)
TextureAtlasSprite (bpv.class)
field textureName matches i Ljava/lang/String;
Tessellator (blz.class)
field instance matches a Lblz;
method setColorOpaque_F matches b (FFF)V
Icon (ps.class)
ResourceLocation (bqo.class&#4
Posted by MikuDesu's Avatar
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Senpai

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