Herocraft Plugin devs taken down by Craftlandia.

Kainzo's Avatar Kainzo8/12/12 8:07 pm
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8/13/2012 1:44 am
Paril's Avatar Paril
-snipped entire post-
Posted by Kainzo's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Miner

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08/13/2012 1:44 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
PMC is not your personal army; this isn't something we want here.
Bukkit's response is exactly the same response I would have given, so just refer there for the same way we feel about this.

If it's against the law, contact the police.

08/12/2012 11:13 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Kainzo's Avatar
Yup - we've turned over all information necessary to have this person locked away for a long time. Whether or not the authorities take action is up to them heh.

I really just want the DDOS's to stop on Brazil servers. They have no protection.
08/12/2012 10:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pix3lL0ve's Avatar
Im curious, you did hand the ip/logs to the Brazilian authorities or????
08/12/2012 11:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Angyles's Avatar
I do believe information has been passed on, but no one is holding their breath for help. It is my understanding from various players, the authorities in Brazil do not really care all that much.
08/12/2012 10:18 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Xepherlink's Avatar
All I can say is if we talk about how we'll take down those gay BR's, we'll get in trouble. Challenge Accepted.
08/12/2012 10:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pix3lL0ve's Avatar
He lives in Brazil, Brazil doesn't care about anybody.
08/12/2012 10:10 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
but when it comes to the authorities, there is just not enough information for them to do anything.

Now that is a good point actually, unless he has something up his sleeve so to speak, He will have a hard time getting the authorities do do any thing about it.

I must say the one blog has a good point with the records in pastie. That sort of thing could be faked by a 6 year old on notepad. I would like to see some actual screen shots just to put this thing to rest

On the plus side the herocraft owner could get his ISP to "validate" some of those charts and that would help. He also has a great case for the cracked client because at the moment craftlandia still has that download link working.

I really do try to be fair to both sides
08/12/2012 10:07 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
ThatsMyPickaxe's Avatar
Wow, that sounds awful! Shame on them, what good can they get from doing this? Anyways, good luck bringing them down!
08/12/2012 9:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Honestly, it is just like EvilSeph said though too. There just isn't enough information from either side to actually prove this is true.

There are a lot of other servers that have been taken down by this. I don't know how you could say there is not enough evidence when there were dozens of people on the mcforum version of this thread, who had owned servers or had been on servers that had been taken down by craftlandia. I would link to these posts but mcforum decided to delete the thread.

Once again, I don't DOUBT it, but there is just not enough information at all. You can't really make a solid claim without all the information pertaining to the DDoS. Yeah, you can win people over if you SOUND like it's all happening, but when it comes to the authorities, there is just not enough information for them to do anything.
08/12/2012 9:54 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Kainzo's Avatar
They deleted it because they are afraid to be taken down.

Minecraft / Bukkit is no longer a community for Minecraft players - they are a business and they only care about those who give them money or help them get larger.

how it started:
Spunkiie of CraftLandia messaged Sleaker (main coder) - he wanted him to join craftLandia to see the issues - Sleaker declined - due to being too busy/etc

Spunkiie responded by DDOS'ing Sleakers net - when he reconnected on IRC, he would send him harassing messages like "Now you can suck it, how do you like that"

Realizing that sleaker wouldnt push anything while being harassed, Spunkiie decided to msg me and ask when 1.3 for Herochat would come out. I told him not until there's an RB of Bukkit because we're waiting for code to be finalized.

He responded by DDOsing our Minecraft server. We took it for 24 hrs - and then when we posted publicly on MCF / HCO / Spout forums - he started to DDOS our website / TS3 servers.

It went from him wanting an update as soon as possible to him trying to cover his tracks. At this time, we have been down for a good 4-5 days. We have changed hosts and are investing in anti-ddos protection.

That's the short story.
08/12/2012 10:00 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
Ok, and do you have the IP addresses of the ones that are DDoSing you? I am just going to go with yes. This is what I wanted to hear. Now, also, just in case that one person is still viewing this:

If I remember correctly, all of the plugins made by Herocraft have an open source. If your plugin dev. team was good enough, you could easily update the plugin yourself.
08/12/2012 10:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Kainzo's Avatar
The source is closed (and has always had a license)
In either case, we have been advised by authorities to not release the ip / logs of this event for security and possible intervention from unreliable sources.
08/12/2012 10:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pix3lL0ve's Avatar
What the hell is the point in making this thread then? All you did was make people mad and go vigilante.
08/12/2012 10:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
well people can do things like help with the emails. Also getting this out into the public will put pressure on people to do something.

I am genuinely concerned that if he is not stopped now he will go on to servers like Minez.
08/12/2012 10:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pix3lL0ve's Avatar
If i read correctly, this spunkiie person has only gone after servers,sites,or people that have anything to do with his server? Correct me if i am wrong.
08/12/2012 9:53 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
Honestly, it is just like EvilSeph said though too. There just isn't enough information from either side to actually prove this is true.

There are a lot of other servers that have been taken down by this. I don't know how you could say there is not enough evidence when there were dozens of people on the mcforum version of this thread, who had owned servers or had been on servers that had been taken down by craftlandia. I would link to these posts but mcforum decided to delete the thread.
08/12/2012 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
darke_magyk's Avatar
ok i agree ddos'ing is wrong and im ashamed to even have played on craftlandia me and my friends and others shall attempt to help you herochat is what we are mostly based off of. tell me how you will need help
08/12/2012 9:43 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Roran234's Avatar
So I took a look at that blog. It really seems like this guy is just trying to turn others against you. No matter how I look at it, who would think of an "evil plan" except for someone trying to make an excuse? Now, DDoSing is a large ordeal, and if you plan to accuse someone of it, you better have facts, and that means it shouldn't be taken lightly. Honestly, it is just like EvilSeph said though too. There just isn't enough information from either side to actually prove this is true.

If anything should be answered, it's this: How did this all start to begin with?
08/12/2012 9:37 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie
epiczombeh's Avatar
Heh... this is very amusing. This spunkiie guy seems to be really obsessed with Herocraft actually. Being a selfish freak pays off in the end, badly. If you are reading this spunkiie, get prepared to pay a large fine and possibly go to jail. I've seen concerns about this on many websites now, and people are even contacting mojang about this issue, so there you go.
08/12/2012 9:34 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
I love how when I posted several things of clear proof on the kainzolies page, they disabled the comments.

Any comments on this @netolokao?
08/12/2012 9:22 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
Snurf_Goggler_1's Avatar
Hey, is anyone else seeing the error code when you go to the link? Mabey that's because it was shut down?
08/12/2012 9:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Angyles's Avatar
What link? If you mean Craftlandia, they blocked all the outside IP addresses the other day. If your IP is not from Brazil you cannot access it, unless you go through a proxy.
08/12/2012 9:01 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
theawesome2's Avatar
Wow dude. I love your plugins and they are an AWESOME help on the server I co-own. If there is anything we can do we are glad to help. Really hope we can all grow up and get this settled in a peaceful and humane way.
08/12/2012 9:12 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Kainzo's Avatar
Forward this message to your community and or have them email the needed sources
(Godaddy/his ISP/Mojang)
08/12/2012 8:54 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
If someone hacks into your Facebook they are nice and prompt about fixing it, If someone hacks into your YouTube account it is no problem to have them fix it. If someone hacks into your iPhone you can call up Apple and they will get it sorted.
08/12/2012 8:50 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
PtrkLnk's Avatar
I must say I am very disappointed in the minecraft forum and in Mojang for there reaction to this. The fact that they can stay neutral with something that is clearly against the law in multiple ways, is just awful.

Also the fact that mojang will not stand behind its paying customers is just ridiculous. In any other company or for any other product that would result in a boycott of that company/product.
08/12/2012 8:48 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
CloudPhantom's Avatar
I am an admin on the server LegendCraft, and our server highly depends on your plugins. The owner, Marzion, has contacted you on the Bukkit forums, and is trying to do anything he can to help stop this. I really hope that Spunkiiez stops being the immature brat he is and stops Ddos'ing HeroCraft.
08/12/2012 8:39 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie
epiczombeh's Avatar
I hope you can stop this selfish freak from going on any further with this, best of luck to you!
08/12/2012 8:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
Alator's Avatar
netolokao C'mon Kainzo, just ONE real proof and it's over.

One proofs to rule them all?

One proofs to find them.
One proofs to bring them all, and in the Minecrafts bind them.
08/12/2012 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Angyles's Avatar
netolokao C'mon Kainzo, just ONE real proof and it's over.

One proofs to rule them all?
08/12/2012 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
netolokao's Avatar
How can we stop something that we never started?
08/12/2012 8:23 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Miner
Kainzo's Avatar
The proof you are speaking of has been forwarded to the authorities - I will not be providing private tcp dumps or ip logs to you or your server.

Spunkiiez (Netolokao) - just get a hint, stop DDOS'ing servers and this will go away.
08/12/2012 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
netolokao's Avatar
netolokaoAnother forum. Same reply: Where are the PROOFS? C'mon Kainzo, just ONE real proof and it's over.

Nice grammar you got there buddy boy.

MAYBE because English isn't my native language? And also because i'm tired of asking for proofs, and Kainzo don't give me a single proof?
08/12/2012 8:17 pm
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
Alator's Avatar
This has been going on for four days now. What is spunkiie and Craftlandia trying to prove? That they can hide behind their botnet and attack any server they wish? Gotta get this under control.
08/12/2012 8:16 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Prince
TheMrLief's Avatar
netolokaoAnother forum. Same reply: Where are the PROOFS? C'mon Kainzo, just ONE real proof and it's over.

Nice grammar you got there buddy boy.
08/12/2012 8:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
netolokao's Avatar
Another forum. Same reply: Where are the PROOFS? C'mon Kainzo, just ONE real proof and it's over.

08/12/2012 9:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dasoren's Avatar
So you are admitting that you are DDoS'ing the server? There we go.
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