Kingdoms Apart RP Thread

epiczombeh's Avatar epiczombeh8/6/12 9:23 pm
8/14/2012 2:16 pm
chrisdog's Avatar chrisdog
Welcome to the Kingdoms Apart RP Thread! Did you make an app yet? If it has been accepted then start rping here. BEGIN THE RP!!!

(Note: I will sometimes change the rp a bit like making an announcement or tournament, so get ready!)
Posted by epiczombeh's Avatar
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie

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08/14/2012 2:16 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
Elton built an eagle made of Bronze with golden wings, Ruby eyes, and Diamond Claws. then grabed his ion cannon, set it to 1, and flew out to the battlefeild with his eagle
08/13/2012 3:56 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Shvinkly's Avatar
Fairon swung his sword, killing Kylock knights, then, there was a clash. His sword hit another sword. He quickly kicked the opposing knight, and neatly sliced his head right off.
08/13/2012 12:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
In his workshhop, Elton was puting the finishing touches on his newest wepon, a hand held ion cannon, it was only a prototype but it was less likely to end the world than the 10,367,591 other versions. It was a little slow on the charge up, and the new diamond focas had a very different smell to it but a few 100,000,000 volt ion beams passing through it should end that, its almost like there was a magic attractiveness charm put on it, but his ambishion for science overtook the power of the charm, but with his fly over the battlefeild there might be a chance that kylock and palakie forces might try to attack his workshop
08/12/2012 11:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
mrjraw4207's Avatar
Undaro, watching the ship disappear into the distance wondered what the strange smell could have been. It was unlike anything he had ever known before, dirty and repelling, yet at the same time interesting
The new-born Kelvic decided to put aside his own selfish desires to explore and find what the smell was, and instead decided to direct his attention the the roraing of cannons&clashing of metal outside the city wall. He walked outside and was, at first, startled at the amount of bodies that had already piled up in such little time, and that while he had never fought in a war before that it was time to choose a side. And so he approached the dead body and assumed the proper attire of a Kylock Knight, and proceeded to retreat to the field tent...
08/12/2012 9:10 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Shvinkly's Avatar
Fairon drew his sword, and pointed it to the sky. "For Palarkie!" He shouted. He lead the charge as the other knights followed close behind. He swung his sword, cutting a Kylock knight, then he thrust it forward, into the knight's chest, effectively killing him.
08/11/2012 10:09 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark got bored of the war he decided to get involved and just started slashing soldiers left and right fighting his way threw the two armies.
08/08/2012 11:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
As Elton flew to the battlefield he saw a person loungeing like he was watching two childeren fight over a candy apple. 'sick creep' he tought to himself, he flew past the armys and went to his workshop in the sewers of the castle kylock
08/08/2012 10:13 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark reached the fort he noticed te two armies fighting and smiled he always wanted to see these two armies fight so he hoped of his hourse and sat in the grass on a hill watching the two armies fight laughing when ever he saw someone die without a fight.
08/08/2012 5:10 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
Elton heard canon fire, screams and doors and shutters being closed and locked. " Oh forget you," he said to the man behind him as he jumped on his air-rider and flew off in the direction of the two clashing armies
08/08/2012 4:29 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie
epiczombeh's Avatar
Screams that were quite insane were heard in the air. The foggy air blew away and a flag appeared in the midst, it looked like it was from Kylock! People started shutting windows and doors as the army of Kylock passed around the fort. Cannonballs were fired just on the outside of the fort. Chaos set foot as the two kingdoms, Palarkie and Kylock, attacked just ahead of Fort Grasis.
08/08/2012 11:35 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
Elton walks out of a pub and starts heading to his airship near the stables. It was diguised so well that only a metal detector could tell the diferance of it and a group of trash, as he removes the trash from the bronze hull of the ship he admires how amazing of a job he did making it. It can go twice as fast as the standard airship and it is half the weight, the moter is self contained and barely makes a sound.
Soon he realizes there is someone behind him, taking out his mini guns he turn around and says " Who's there?"
08/08/2012 9:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
mrjraw4207's Avatar
Undaro summons his horse from the stables, yet the beast does not come, Undaro takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, he draws on the powers of his Kelvic blood and heightens his sense of smell. He is then amazed, as this is his first time utilizing the gift the mysterious man had left him, he smelled all kinds of things. He smelt the piss in the street, the smell of ale in the air, and even a women taking a shower in her house. However, there was something in particular that caught Undaro's attention, the smell of bronze and motor oil. Such things were foreign in Fort Gransis, and so Undaro began following the path that the sent followed
08/07/2012 10:36 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
Of all the people in the fort that knew him none of them knew he was there, not that they would care as his parents had died at three and his old friends moved away long ago, as his old memory's came back he activated the camo in his flight suit and tried to stick to the dark corners of the alley that leads to the thieves guild headquarters. He sneaks his way in, takes a chest full of gold and diamonds and puts them in his backpack then climbs out a window floats up to the head thief's room and takes a red ruby ring right of his finger, leaves a stone gear on his forehead and jumps out the window to find the nearest pub to get a drink,or maybe two.
08/07/2012 2:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark reached the gates of Kylock he noticed the guards were watching him. "guard: Whats you'r buisness here?" "Just looking for work." "guard: Leave we don't need any of you mercs here!" then Mark turned his horse and galloped back towards the Fort
08/07/2012 2:53 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
chrisdog's Avatar
Elton was clinging to the bottom of an Elto air ship as it passed over the fort, it was funny how fast people went back to their normal lives after an announcement, he could see one of the richer people return to picking his nose and a man in an alley drew a wicked looking claymore out to an other bandit, the put it back and walk away. But Elton had no time, he had to put on a test for his new flight suit, he switched the suit on and let go of the ship, he fell for a second and then he started to float. He sped silently off to the more grimy part of town to look for the thives guild headquarters
08/07/2012 10:39 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
bluefrostt's Avatar
At the end of Tyler's last match of many.the island got seiged but,Elto island won.
08/06/2012 11:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
((Hm... My 'enjoyable rp vibes' arent tingling... This is quite boring.. Im gonna leave... I'll be back when there are more people... If there are more people... Goodbye for now...))
08/06/2012 11:35 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark made it to the stables he hoped on his horse raze then galloped to the kingdom of Kylock to get some work from the nobles.
08/06/2012 11:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Mai looked back at the man. Well he's awfully cheerful. Makes me sick.. she thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. She jumped back on the roof, and jumped over the mans head as she headed to the tallest building in the area. Hopefully, she could spot her target from there.
08/06/2012 11:21 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As he sheaths his claymore he says "Well sorry for makeing you loose you'r target see ya around!" then we waved behind him as he walked to the stables. (god I hate my keyboard)
08/06/2012 11:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
"Calm down. Im here on a mission. And you arent my target. So just sheath your claymore and keep walking" She said as she peered around the corner, noticing that the man had left the pub without her noticing. "Ah. Damnit. Now I've gotta find him again.." She said to herself as she looked around the street, trying to see if her was still in the area.
08/06/2012 11:13 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark spun around and unsheathed his claymore he said "Well I'm gonna take it from you!"
08/06/2012 11:05 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Mai watched the man walk down the ally and heard his conversation with... himself. "Yeah... That protection is me..." she spoke in reply, as she jumped down from the building.
08/06/2012 10:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
mrjraw4207's Avatar
Undaro had just reached the gates when the message from Elto was announced. Stopped, stood for a moment, rubbed Carnwennan for reassurance, then he turned around and started toward the stables
08/06/2012 10:54 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Mai looked up in the sky as the airship's message was announced. She sighed. "Even when i'm out of Palarkie, there's still war. Then again, theres always war... Why cant evenyone just live in peace...?" She said to herself as she closed her eyes. She relaxed herself as the warm breeze blew through her hair.
08/06/2012 10:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
"What the?" he said as he saw the girl turn the corner and jump up on the roof then he shaehes his claymore." Must have wanted to steal my gold but saw my claymore." he said as he walked down the street with his hands in his pockets. Then he noticed the airship and listend as the airship flew away he smiled thinking "The rich people will need someon to protect their houses buisnesses from the warring armies!"
08/06/2012 10:45 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Zombie
epiczombeh's Avatar
Above the horizon, soon appeared an airship clearly made by the steampunks. As it roared overhead an announcer spoke into a megaphone. "All inhabitants of Fort Grasis, may I have your attention! A war has been raging on between Kylock Castle and Palarkie. You may get in the midst of the battle, so please take caution!"
The airship soon flew away with a black smoke trial behind it.
08/06/2012 10:44 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Mai leant against the wall with her eyes shut as she waited for her target. She heard the door open and jumped onto the roof in a flash. "God, that gave me a fright.." she said to herself as she watched a man walk out of the building. "Ugh, wrong guy.." she said to herself as she sat down on the roof of the building and closed her eyes again.
08/06/2012 10:36 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark spit the rum out he looked at the bottle and threw it against the wall shatering it. "Man I hate this place." then stood up and walked out throwing his hood up makeing sure his face was still covered he unsheathed his claymore and wiped the blade clean and the shapire.
08/06/2012 10:23 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
BrookeG2106's Avatar
Mai breathed in the fresh air and sighed. She closed her eyes and relaxed and she perched herself on the roof of a tall building. She opened her eyes and looked for her target. She spoted him in a pub store and grinned mischieviously. She jumped bulding to building, untill she reached an allyway between the butcher shop and the pub. She jumped down and waited around the corner for her target to approach.
08/06/2012 10:22 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Modder
homie118's Avatar
As Mark sat in the tavern he grabed a bottle of rum then poured it into his mug. Swishing it back a fourth he took a sip hopeing for something good.
08/06/2012 9:30 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
bluefrostt's Avatar
(waiting to get accepted)
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