Looking for helping making my server

ryry163's Avatar ryry1635/17/14 3:09 am
1 emeralds 276 8
5/18/2014 11:36 am
ryry163's Avatar ryry163
Hello all,
I hate to ask, but I need a few people to help me on building up my server. I need a builder and a person knowledgeable about server plugins / MySQL. This would greatly help me and the people who help me have first dibs on staff positions. This would greatly help me have a successful server so please respond like this

Skype: [Skype name]
TIme Zone: [Time Zone]
Why should I use you?: [Short paragraph about why I should choose you]
Role: [Which role you are applying for]
Pictures of builds would also be nice..

Thanks again ,

IP: mc.krycraft.com
Posted by ryry163's Avatar
Level 1 : New Ranger

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05/17/2014 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Ranger
ryry163's Avatar
[warhead750]IGN: Warlord750
Skype: The_Water_Boy123
TIme Zone: Central New York
Why should I use you?: I am a friendly minecraft member who strides in making sure your server will become successful . I work well with any Age group , and very knowledgeable with plugins so I can quickly build anything you want , but ensuring it's good. I will also spend 8 hours + everyday dedicated upon your server , and would be proud to donate every now and then , and to also stick to your server even when the going gets rough.
Role: Builder -
Pictures: https://warhead750.imgur.com/

those builds are very nice... I will add you on skype
05/17/2014 7:48 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
AmirahassanGGGG's Avatar
Time you can be on?:5 hours
Experience: I have owned many servers and helped so many for free I don't wanna be paid I can make your server one of the best you can also trust me I helped many people so much that they even gave me there console There server is getting donations and I am very excited to make your server the same I am very professional and I know every command and all the plugins your gonna need.
Skype:Raids King
Role:Co-Owner or Admin ( I would appreciate anyone)
Do you develop?: Yes I do develop
Do you hack?: No
Do you know how to hack or did you even ever install hacks?: No I didn't hacking is for loosers

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed
05/18/2014 11:36 am
Level 1 : New Ranger
ryry163's Avatar
I've seen you on a bit... would like to add me on skype? Ill send you an invite right now
05/17/2014 6:42 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
[warhead750]'s Avatar
IGN: Warlord750
Skype: The_Water_Boy123
TIme Zone: Central New York
Why should I use you?: I am a friendly minecraft member who strides in making sure your server will become successful . I work well with any Age group , and very knowledgeable with plugins so I can quickly build anything you want , but ensuring it's good. I will also spend 8 hours + everyday dedicated upon your server , and would be proud to donate every now and then , and to also stick to your server even when the going gets rough.
Role: Builder -
Pictures: https://warhead750.imgur.com/
05/17/2014 5:49 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Jahe0l's Avatar
Skype: jack.ryan987
TIme Zone: GMT +8
Why should I use you?: You should choose me becasue i have had experience with running servers i have been admin on many and even owned my own, my own was hosted on the internet by beastnode so i have had experience using MYSQL ect. I am also very good at building.
Role: Admin/Builder
Pictures of builds would also be nice.. yes look at meh PMC acct and if you want more build pics ill message them over skype
05/17/2014 5:09 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
geothermal007's Avatar
Skype: [Skype name]
I will PM you this if it is required
Time Zone: [Time Zone]
My timezone is Australia
Why should I use you?: [Short paragraph about why I should choose you]
Its not the concept of being used but why I should be staff etc.............
I should be staff or elected as staff because I am a loyal and trust worthy person I am a great and advanced builder I know how to make and do modern homes I can make olden day homes I also know my way around redstone I know all of that admin commands but depending on the server and what other plugins there are I am op on 4 to 7 servers which I had all played on and earned what ever position given out I have a build team which is AlphaOmega
I am a steady worker and I know my way around WE
I try my best to do well and I stay on task

Role: [Which role you are applying for]
I am applying for any available rank but I would like to be Head Admin a lower rank is ok to
Pictures of builds would also be nice..
I can supply some pictures but I would not like to post these public would you be able to pm your email adress
05/17/2014 3:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ShadowGaming987's Avatar
IGN: ShadowGaming987
Skype: Shadow Gaming
Time Zone: GMT -1
Why should I use you?: Well You should choose me because i am a very special minecraft player. I have tons of knowledge sitting in my head and i am very mature. I wouldn't rage at anyone and all that stuff and i will only use my op powers for good reasons. I will listen to all players and help them out. I wont give out anything that should be paid for for free instead i would warn them no asking for ranks. I will make a enjin page too and twitter and maybe even Facebook. But to have me i need 50% of donations or maybe less.
Role: Developer / Co-Owner

~Thanks for reading
Kind Regards
05/17/2014 4:10 pm
Level 1 : New Ranger
ryry163's Avatar
So i tried to add you on skype but I couldn't find you....But I would love to talk to you about this...
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