Looking for Staff

Mrbeepb0pb00p's Avatar Mrbeepb0pb00p10/19/12 9:10 pm
11/8/2012 9:00 pm
Dabmaster133's Avatar Dabmaster133
Reason Why you think you should be staff:
When will you log on:
How good is you're internet connection(0-5):
Why should I trust you:
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before:
What Rank do you want to be:
Why should i let you be that rank:
[Don't Copy]
-Few APP's Will be Accepted.-
I'm not easily convinced. make the app's good and put some time into them.
You will be auto-declined if you're under then age of 11.
Current staff:
eveol [Owner]
Mrbeepbopboop [Co-Owner] (me)
M0GO [Super-Admin]
bilybobjo032 [Super-Admin]
DevilOfKarma [Senior-Mod]
Posted by Mrbeepb0pb00p's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect

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11/08/2012 9:00 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Taco
Dabmaster133's Avatar
Age: 16
MC IGN: Etano
Reason Why you think you should be staff: Because i am experienced and love to help people in Need. And that dont have much
When will you log on: Straight when i get accepted
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 5
Why should I trust you: I Own a Server and im currently staffing 2 more servers
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: Yes ^
What Rank do you want to be: Whatever you assign me to
Why should i let you be that rank: Because im Trusth Worthy And Love Helping Everyone!
11/07/2012 10:23 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
CrayonCrafter's Avatar
Age: 14
MC IGN: iTz_A_Crayon
Reason Why you think you should be staff: I work well with other and can inforce the law when needed
When will you log on: As soon as i get the ip
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 4.5
Why should I trust you: I have great character. I never let a friend that needs help down and i dont plan on it
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: Yes
What Rank do you want to be: Senior-Mod or Admin
Why should i let you be that rank: I think that you should let me be senior-mod or admin because I have been this rank on many other servers before. From my prior knowledge i understand the difficulties of achieving the task. I am up for the task and willing to be the Senior Moderator or Administrator of your server. I will do my best to make sure everyone has a fair and fun time during their minecraft experience on your server. As im doing this i will also make sure that the mods below me dont step out of line and get themselves in trouble or become abusive. Not only this but i will make sure that i do my part and help build and moderate the server in any way,shape or form that leads to success! Please message me back! I hop to do work for you on your server
11/07/2012 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_ken_'s Avatar
MC IGN:_ken_
Reason Why you think you should be staff:i have been staff in many big servers and a server with a lot of plugins so i know how to use plugins
When will you log on:asap or when u give me the ip XD
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 4
Why should I trust you:because i always play legit on all of the servers and i have been mod or admin on a lot of servers.
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before:yes i have a own server of my one but i got rid of it because i never used it but when people got on i helped them and greeted them and stuf like that.
What Rank do you want to be: mod or admin
Why should i let you be that rank: because i have only been mod or admin in a server so that should tell u that i am very trust worthy
11/07/2012 8:22 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
fignutten's Avatar
Age: 12

IGN: fignutten
Why I think I should be staff: I've had experience. I'm homeschooled. I am a dedicated and loyal player. I like turtles, trains and potatoes. BAM.
When will you log on: I'm homeschooled so on my lunch break 1:00-ish(PM) and after I'm done 2:00-3:00-ish(PM) and before school 7:00-10:00-ish (AM)
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 4 (Internet is good, computer kind of bad)
Why should I trust you: I know this might hurt my chances of being picked but, this question is kind of dumb. You shouldn't trust someone over the internet just because they said "I'm so awesome I <3 ur server I wont evar grif it:):):)" but whatever enough with my rant. I will always listen to you and anyone ranked higher then me. I will not give special treatment to any of my friends. I will respect your choice if you ever choose to demote me for whatever reason or ban any of my friends. I will be patient with new and old players. If because of what I said earlier, you don't trust me I would still love to play on your server
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: Yes twice. Both failed miserably also have lots of experience as staff (Will give IP's if needed)
What Rank do you want to be: Senior Mod or Admin?
Why should i let you be that rank: **Look at why should I trust you** I'm fast typer so if I see someone breaking a rule BAM. banned.
11/07/2012 8:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Deadjeep's Avatar
Age: 17
MC IGN: Tozeko
Reason Why you think you should be staff: im very helpful and nice to players
i help out anyway possible
When will you log on: after swim pratice around 3 o'clock
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 5 (5's good)
Why should I trust you: I can help out the server and help advertise, i will listen to you and anyone ranked above me
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: Yes, i run my own server and manage serveral others
What Rank do you want to be: admin or mod
Why should i let you be that rank: I am very nice, trustful, funny, great at working with others, great with dealing with problems.
11/07/2012 7:51 pm
Level 43 : Master Poro
DinoWolf's Avatar
MrBeepb0pb00p I forgot the ip! Can you pm me again?
10/21/2012 9:33 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Mrbeepb0pb00p's Avatar
Accepting one more person for Senior mod position.
10/19/2012 11:12 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Archer
sebasdrummer's Avatar
MC IGN: sebasdrummer
Reason Why you think you should be staff: iam a very good builder can do anything you want
When will you log on: everyday 5 hours a day
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): 4
Why should I trust you: i was staff in 3 famous server (not a little kid)
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: yeah once
What Rank do you want to be: admin
Why should i let you be that rank: i was admin in that famous servers and you can trust me i can deal with hackers and know about much plugins
10/19/2012 9:54 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Mrbeepb0pb00p's Avatar
Read you're PM's.
10/19/2012 9:42 pm
Level 43 : Master Poro
DinoWolf's Avatar
Age: 12
Reason Why you think you should be staff: I've been staff on multiple servers and I play MC alot and I mean alot. I stay up almost all night on weekends and I can get on alot during the weekdays.
When will you log on: I will log on when you tell me the IP.
How good is you're internet connection(0-5): I say 4 1/2
Why should I trust you: You can trust me because I am a trustworthy person and I have never betrayed any server ever. And I mean ever.
Have you ever managed/ran a MC Server before: Yes. I've had a server before and i've helped my bff with hers.
What Rank do you want to be: I'd like to maybe be hmm... Admin or mod, doesn't matter. <3
Why should i let you be that rank: Why? Well, i'll tell you why. I have been staff on more then 10 servers and I am really good at catching griefers, hackers, modder, ect. I really would love to be staff on this server no matter what rank I get.
Thankyou for reading my application. Later.
Planet Minecraft


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