★Need staff for FCTG Server 24/7★|32GB RAM|QUESTS|

TheArcherNetworks's Avatar TheArcherNetworks9/27/13 7:03 am
10/23/2013 3:53 pm
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar TheArcherNetworks
To view the full post please check: http://tinyurl.com/mcforumspost

The official FcTekkitGamers server finally have some open jobs!
We recently opened the server by request.

You can see the server for yourself, the building design, staff, just to play etc.
IP: fctg.fluctis.com

We want to create a server suited for everyone with multiple worlds plugin of course.

Coming soon:
Hunger games
Cops vs Thieves
Future updates:
Creative world with plots

These are the following staff members needed:

3 Builders:
Will be in survival, but may be creative when an admin or owner is online if they have a good idea.
Access to /fly command.
Access to /tpa commands.

2 Moderators:
Survival group.
Access to /tpa commands.
Access to /fly command.
Access to /cop commands.
Access to /god command.
Access to /jail commands.
Access to /mute (timeinseconds) command.
Access to /kick command.

1 Admins:
Option to change gamemode.
Access to /cop commands.
Access to /jail commands.
Access to /god command.
Access to /bigtree and /tree commands.
Access to /mailall command.
Access to /broadcast command.
Access to /tp commands.
Access to /return and /back command.
Access to /ban commands.
Will not have access to world edit or world guard!
Sorry griefers!

Also we need a GFX designer!

Prefered knowledge:

Redstone mastery: You know all about T-flipflops, Rs Nor Lach, etc
Direct commands mastery. (Common plugin mastery)
Developments: Creating own plugins or 100% about permissions.
Php scripter: Server home page editing.
Html scripter: Images, font, text etc.
Designer: Creating animated pictures, Photoshop prefered.
In game artists: Creations of organic creatures etc
Skilled builders.

Applications goes through this post.

Application copy:

Applying to the following position:



Maturity? (1-10):

How good can you handle situations?(1-10):

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip):

Why should we pick exactly you?:

Redstone ability? (1-10):

Best redstone creation:

Programming skills(1-10)(experience):


Able to donate? And how much ($):

Describe yourself:

I will just make everyone to understand that every donations will be used to buy a server and domain.

Suggestions are appreciated!

Rodbrollin was fired from the Moderator assignment. Reason: childish behaviour, swearing and not professional at all.

Posted by TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Level 23 : Expert Miner

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10/23/2013 3:53 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
10/18/2013 4:49 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
To view the full post please check: http://tinyurl.com/mcforumspost
10/18/2013 5:17 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
10/17/2013 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sweeet_Vengeance's Avatar
Applying to the following position: Builder

IGN: Sweet_Vengeance

Age: 15

Maturity? (1-10): 8

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 8

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): Jivescraft, WWG MC Server, I was an administrator in both. They have both closed due to inactivity.

Why should we pick exactly you?: I have 2 years of experience, I used to play Minecraft a lot, but not only did I play it, I lived it. Minecraft has expanded my creativity and now I think I am a professional Minecrafter.

Redstone ability? (1-10): 7

Best redstone creation: Cannot remember, but something like an elevator.

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 8

Skype: faruk_freako

Able to donate? And how much ($): Cannot donate.

Describe yourself: I'm exceedingly good at Minecraft, creative, a team leader, and I have been experienced as staff in two servers (mentioned above). I forgot to mention that I have hosted my own server but I could not manage it due to financial difficulties.

Thank you for reading my application, and I hope you will accept it.
10/17/2013 4:11 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
10/16/2013 7:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
Shadow_Stresser's Avatar
If you are in need of a plugin dev. I am open. i code in many languages. My skype is: Exile_Arts. I am also a GFX editor and web designer.
;p ~peace
10/16/2013 5:33 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
10/14/2013 7:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Gnin's Avatar
Applying for the following position: Moderator

IGN: Gninthgil

Age: 14 (I am very mature for my age so never mind it)

Maturity: 8.5 (I don't swear, use vulgar language, and cannot tolerate mean and rude remarks)

How good can you handle situations?: 9.999999etc (I am a very cool-headed person who always takes the most unbiased view on matters. I have judged many 'playground arguments' turned bad that spiraled into major bullying wars and I have controlled all the unjust people at my school. We have a program called PAL that stands for Police At Lunch where we walk around and make sure that no one ever gets hurt by someone else, and we control fist fights with boys and verbal fights with girls. I help victims calm down after an attack and can make people feel at home instantly)

Earlier experience as staff: I was a moderator on two servers, both of them got shut down due to hackers. The first one was a faction server and its ip was: play.divergent.net:25565. The other server was a prison server called Breakout. The ip for Breakout was: mc.breakout.com.

Why should we pick exactly you?: You guys should pick me because I am a very mature, responsible young adult who is very experienced at handling tough situations and is a good unbiased judge. I am one to think through things before acting and I always research ways on how to make me as a staff member better. I like to familiarize myself with the community of the servers that I play on and like to skype members of the server and help where assistance is needed.

Programming ability: 1 (this is not where my talent is for being a moderator. I am a sociable person who like to make the community feel more welcome rather than type in coding. This is a weak spot in my résumé but I am currently taking classes in JavaScript hence the "1")

Redstone ability: 9 (when it comes to redstone, with every lever turned on, is another spark lighting up inside of me. I love redstone and understand most of the harder terms. I am a big fan of sethbling and all of his work and I guess a little, no a lot of it rubbed off on me.)

Best redstone creation: It took me 4 months to build, but I made a pinball machine using over 10,000 command blocks, 140 million blocks, and around 45 stacks of redstone (estimated). I was really steamed however when my little brother deleted the world by accident.)

Skype: tyler.wong666.teehee (my name should come up as PFUDOR)

Able to donate? And how much($): I have over 200 bucks for my do whatever with money and I can donate just about that much if this server really grows on me. The prison server that shut down recieved $150 from me and the factions gained $250. (I get a lot of this money from the four different jobs I have. Baby sitting, Working at my neighborhood carwash, doing rich kids' chores , and helping my grandparents around town) (don't worry I still play lots of Minecraft )

Describe yourself: I am 14 years old. I was bullied because I haven't gone through puberty yet but I turned those negative energies around and created a positive future for me and all the other kids at my school who were facing bullying problems too. I am very sociable and have a witty sense of humor. I make it my duty to help people before myself. Being a moderator would fit my personality perfectly and I hope that you will accept my application.

Thank you so much for taking the time and consideration to read this app. I hope you will gain something from it and hope to ttyl. Thanks!
10/14/2013 6:42 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
TheR00sterz's Avatar
Applying to the following position: Mainly Admin (But its up to you)

IGN: TheR00sterz

Age: 16

Maturity? (1-10): 9

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 10

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): I am admin on 2 servers, (, can't show the other, its in progress). I am also helper on a pixelmon server

Why should we pick exactly you?: I would like to help out alot, catch any people playing the game unfairly.

Redstone ability? (1-10): 9

Best redstone creation: Storage Room

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 8

Skype: zacharyward08

Able to donate? And how much ($): Maybe, probably up to 20$

Describe yourself: I just a person that likes to play games, and helping out people. I am funny and smart, but it all depends on the time.
10/14/2013 6:14 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
09/30/2013 5:31 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
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09/29/2013 5:51 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Added on skype.
09/29/2013 5:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Koilz's Avatar
Applying to the following position:Moderator


Age: 16

Maturity? (1-10): 8-9

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 9-10

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip):
The ips have been disabled, sorry about that :/
I have had several experiences on servers. My first experience started out as a trial mod on a medium sized server. I then moved to mod, and then to admin. I left the server after it went down due to costs. I then was a mod on another medium sized server. I never moved past this, as i had to leave to go on to my next job, Head Admin. I was Head Admin on a small server, however towards the end it grew, and we could not afford to keep it up. My last staff position was Admin on a medium server again. I worked with the owner to make it optimized etc. I left this because the server closed. I have never been demoted, and I was trusted with handling staff on many servers.

Why should we pick exactly you?:

First off, I know exactly what to look for in hackers. I know how to follow xray tunnels etc. I know how to keep a crisp (good looking) chat, as well as mature and friendly. I like to keep a loose (can take a joke as well as have fun with the players) community that has a guaranteed good time every time they get on the server. I think I should be staff because I know how to deal with hackers. I also know how to deal with immature players, as well as mature players. I like to keep a mature, calm chat, so I deal with arguments quickly and in the necessary way, depending on the situation. I think i should be staff because not only do I know what i'm doing (see moderation experience), but I am a mature player/admin.

Redstone ability? (1-10): 5-7

Best redstone creation: Door that only opened when certain levers are pulled in a certain order.

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 1-2, very little experience, although I have TRIED it.

Skype: ri0tzzz

Able to donate? And how much ($):

Describe yourself: I am calm, laid back and i love to have a good laugh. I am also (kind of) quiet, however can lead a conversation. I like to have a fun time with players and get to know them, however when needed i can be serious. I like to keep an open conversation with players about where they stand, how they fair and if i am a rank managing position, what position they are. This lets the server know what is going on and that the staff cares about them. I think this is crucial to the servers success.
09/29/2013 5:25 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
09/29/2013 3:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hejhugo's Avatar
Applying to the following position:Mod



Maturity? (1-10):9.8

How good can you handle situations?(1-10):10

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip):Not in minecraft, but few servers of a game called Urbanterror

Why should we pick exactly you?:A fresh face to be a rank would have some advantages, for one i wouldnd know anyone so wouldnd treat anyone better as another, + if you don't like me you could get rid of me again

Redstone ability? (1-10):8

Best redstone creation:Sadly no picture, but it was a timed blaze grinder

Programming skills(1-10)(experience):5

Skype:in pm preferably

Able to donate? And how much ($):no, but i dont think u need to be able to pay to be a rank, might as well sell ranks otherwise

Describe yourself:calm personality, dont expect me to play 24/7, i have a job IRL but ill try to play at least 2-4ish hours a day(if possible), i rather mute annoying players than go into a discussion in front of the whole server to watch
09/29/2013 2:21 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
ivo02's Avatar
Applying to the following position: Any, but if possible mod or +

IGN: ivo02

Age: 14 (I guarantee you, I'm not like other kids at my age.)

Maturity? (1-10): 8. Look ^^^^^

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 7-

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): Only some big hamachi parties.

Why should we pick exactly you?:
Because i always wanted to be next to some actually mature people, and help the server and it's players as much as i can. I love helping people in minecraft. Well, that is, non-retarded people.
Redstone ability? (1-10):8 as i've been off a while since 1.5.2 released comparators, but i'll learn it eventually.

Best redstone creation:Self building house in beta 1.7.3. Saw the idea and build my own theme

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 2 None. If by programming skills you mean developing games and that then no, I only messed a bit with gamemaker to create a disaster.

Skype: ivo-gelezarov

Able to donate? And how much ($): I would donate as much as i can, but i'm only 14 yrs old.

Describe yourself: I'm usually a fun guy. I like messing around with people a bit and afterwards fix everything. I can instantly switch to fun & funny guy to serious mod. Overall, i like people having fun with me.

Oh, and here's my email, just in case: ivogelezarovtb@mail.bg
09/28/2013 3:35 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Added automatic Drop Party
09/28/2013 2:00 pm
Level 24 : Expert Mage
LukeyWolf's Avatar
Applying to the following position: Moderator

IGN: LukeyWolf

Age: 14

Maturity? (1-10): 8

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 8

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): No experience but know what to do.

Why should we pick exactly you?: Because I would love to improve servers such as, tackle hackers, cheaters and spammers and such from ruining the servers community.

Redstone ability? (1-10):4 (Yes I'm pretty BAD, Even though I love redstone)

Best redstone creation: t flip flop door

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 2

Skype: LukeyLol24 (Hardly use it but might if I get a new mic!)

Able to donate? And how much ($): Around 1-5 (I don't usually get much money btw I live in UK)

Describe yourself: I am a 14 year old guy who loves to play games and also is in need of moderating a server and helping out people and spotting hackers etc.
09/28/2013 2:07 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
I'll Watch you a little bit In-Game, Be online much and you have a great chance to get a staff position!
09/28/2013 2:22 pm
Level 24 : Expert Mage
LukeyWolf's Avatar
Alright, I'l try! See you!
09/28/2013 7:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
smozey's Avatar
Applying to the following position: Admin

IGN: smozey

Age: 14

Maturity? (1-10): 9

How good can you handle situations?(1-10): 9

Earlier experience as a staff (also add ip): several times as staff. Moderator on: UrbanWarCraft.zapto.org That is the only current one, I have been Admin on 1 server before and Head Admin once. But those two are shut down.

Why should we pick exactly you?: Because I am experienced and intelligent. I can help in all situations, whatever you need help with, whether it be advertising, building or sorting something out. I also have some experience with coding and plugins.

Redstone ability? (1-10): 6

Best redstone creation: Redstone elevator

Programming skills(1-10)(experience): 7, I can use VB, HTML and some JavaScript.

Skype: Haven't got a mic sorry, but it's ben.rouse7

Able to donate? And how much ($): Sorry I can't, I;m broke atm.

Describe yourself: I am intelligent but I am also quite funny. I am a pleasant person and can have a joke (but i can also be serious.).

Thanks for your time!
09/28/2013 1:43 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Added on skype!
09/28/2013 3:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
smozey's Avatar
I don't have a friend request...
09/29/2013 1:37 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
09/28/2013 3:24 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
09/27/2013 11:16 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
KurafutoMine's Avatar
Name: Justin
MC Name: KurafutoMine
Age: 13
Skype: Justin Simon (i kinda forgot it but this maybe it)
Handle Situation: "Griefers get lost and gth"
Why?: I want a server mixed up and filled up with redstone
Redstone ability: Probably 9
Download my redstone adventure map (not ads just wanna show my skill) just click my name, projects, then trapped (the name of the map)
Another reason why: I love helping newbies cause i was once also a newbie
Experience: hmm... I only figured out how to get money fast in my old surver (well I do became a millionaire)
Well that's about it and thank you
09/27/2013 3:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Added on skype.
09/27/2013 10:37 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Cheesepie121_'s Avatar
Real Name:Charlie
Minecraft Name:Cheesepie121
Staff Position:Up to you!
Why?:1. Because in my opinion,this server has a lot of potential and i would love to help this server on it's journey to success!
2. I Can dedicate up to 2 hours a day on the server,that's a fact.
3. I can handle with hard problems like griefers and hackers,Bringing them to justice
4.I use the SG Plugin All the Time and Can build some Amazing Maps
What Makes me better?
1.I'm Kind to the people but not kind in the way that i give out free items
2.I Don't Abuse my powers as any rank.
Experiance?Much Experiance but they went down due to lack of donations and the Owners Giving up,they gave me the best of luck in the Future!
09/27/2013 10:43 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Are you able to advertise?
09/27/2013 9:51 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Brandon Barbuto
09/27/2013 7:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Brandon Barbuto's Avatar
hey man go check out my last post and see what you think , im looking for a server to join but read what i posted. thanks man
09/27/2013 7:58 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
TheArcherNetworks's Avatar
Where was that good for?
Planet Minecraft


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