Needing support for server,

ElectricMusiq's Avatar ElectricMusiq4/27/15 12:29 pm
4/29/2015 1:26 pm
ElectricMusiq's Avatar ElectricMusiq
Hello, I recently bought a server from a company called www.omgserv.com and they offer a dedicated IP, I have already talked about it but sadly I am not great at networks or custom IP addresses and I tend to get confused, and it takes a while to propagate so I don't want all the time going into something that is already done wrong if you know what I mean. What I am trying to do is make my server have a custom IP of "prison.thecodus.com" as well as my IP being so far from the server "minecraft122.omgserv.com:12940".

Before, I contacted them and this is what they had said.
Click to reveal

Please go to your DNS manager, add a CNAME field as following :

subdomain : server
host : minecraftXXX.omgserv.com

Then add a SRV field as following :

subdomain : _minecraft._tcp.play
Priority : 3600
Weight : 5
Target/Host : server.yourdomain.com

Then please wait between 3 minutes and 48h (propagation time (TTL).
If you can set your TTL, set it to 180 before add your CNAME and SRV field.

Best Regards,
The Technical Support Team

I use the Enjin DNS service as I have had no problems (but sadly this is my first time) with it, and was wondering if I have done it right by Enjin's standard and set up.

Just want to note that I know they said a priority of 3600 but I can't even go over 99, as well as the SRV settings won't save.

Any help?
Posted by ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner

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04/29/2015 1:26 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Sorry @staff but I sadly still need help, I am still unsure about it all and it's been around 2 days since I updated it.

I asked again from my host and this is what they've said:

You can't use "prison" on both CNAME and SVR field.
Please use "sever", for example, on your CNAME. In your "target" field please enter server.yourdomain.com.

We aren't sure that you enter "minecraft122.omgserv.com" please check out.

Best Regards,
The Technical Support Team

I have tried what they did in reply and ended up with this:

Can someone tell me if I did something wrong?

Thanks if so!
04/27/2015 1:31 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
It changes port numbers? mhm i have never came across that i'm afraid i cant help you with that as i'm not sure how to fix that.

Contact your host reporting this problem
04/27/2015 1:33 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Thanks for your help anyway man, I appreciate/d it
04/27/2015 1:25 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
Alright then you must change the IP and port to the server you would like for it to connect to.
04/27/2015 1:28 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
It's always the same IP, just it goes up in different port numbers.
04/27/2015 1:21 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
Yes do not use the port ':40465' remove that and put that in the 'PORT' Section below
04/27/2015 1:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Oh okay.
End result:
Thanks so much! This has been bothering me for days!

Edit: It works but it redirects to, which is not my server.
04/27/2015 1:19 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
So which one is the IP you would like for the domain to connect to?
04/27/2015 1:20 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Either one works, however, when I try to change it, I get this error:
04/27/2015 1:17 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
Once you followed all the STEPS, make sure to wait at least 24 hours for the IP to work, usually takes 0 - 2 hours
04/27/2015 1:16 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
You current IP: minecraft122.omgserv.com:12930

That is not a dedicated IP because the port is '12930' instead of '25565'

ask your host for a your actual dedicated IP not your subdomain
04/27/2015 1:18 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
I don't need one, they can be generated from the control panel by just a click. Right now, I have two: &
04/27/2015 1:13 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
You have set it up wrong,

where it says IP ADDRESS/DOMAIN you should put the server the actual server IP in,
for example: ''

for _service

and for _protocol

set the record type to A (Address)

and then set the TRAGET to 'prison'
04/27/2015 1:09 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
CaptainEds's Avatar
So what is you current server IP?

and what would you like to change the domain to?
04/27/2015 1:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
Current IP: minecraft122.omgserv.com:12940
Wanted IP: prison.thecodus.com

I own the domain, and omgserv.com gives a dedicated IP address and gave me a solution how to set it up in @OP
Pugster +-+
04/27/2015 12:52 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Pugster +-+'s Avatar
Excuse me if you cant even let me go on your server to explain. Nobody will help.. -.- I was just explaining and then you kicked me and whitelisted me, dont expect anyone to help after you come crying that your server doesnt have a proper ip or a good capacity. Remember that..
04/27/2015 12:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
1. Server is in W.I.P and you also advertised on my thread, which is also very unrelated to the post thanks very much.
2. Server has good capacity, you seem to know nothing at all apart from basic DNS settings.
Pugster +-+
04/27/2015 12:40 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Pugster +-+'s Avatar
Sorry, I didnt read the rest. Also go on your server, I'll try to explain there. :3
Pugster +-+
04/27/2015 12:39 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Pugster +-+'s Avatar
Buy a server from creeper hosts, you cant trust servers from other people unfortunatly they dont offer as good as creeper host
04/27/2015 12:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
ElectricMusiq's Avatar
No thanks.
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