Custom Plugin Needed! Reward for Winner!

-RedBird-'s Avatar -RedBird-4/2/17 2:13 am
1 emeralds 382 3
4/3/2017 10:11 pm
-RedBird-'s Avatar -RedBird-
Alright. So I have a big project for anyone daring enough to take this challenge. I am currently working on developing a server with a bunch of my friends, but we are running into one big problem. So, we are running MultiVerse and have a bunch of worlds. In those worlds, we want to be able to have separate spawns, plugins, warps (with same names as ones in other worlds), etc. So what I am looking for someone to create a plugin that when running on one server with MultiVerse, that I can have separate plugins folders for each world, but use the main Bukkit plugins folder for universal plugins. (I would use that for stuff such as WorldEdit and WorldGuard) I am looking for this for Bukkit/Spigot 1.11.2.

I have looked into using BungeeCord and have decided not to use it, thank you for the suggestion. The point of this is to run it off of a single server. PerWorldPlugins does not work either for this situation, as the commands still always link to the same config.

*The rewards for creating this plugin are as follows:
-Bragging Rights
-The Satisfaction of Fueling a Great Community
-A rank on my server valued $50-$100 + Custom Prefix (Like I said, we are still in heavy development, we need to talk over this stuff.)

Multiple people are encouraged to work on this project! Feel free to share a GitHub page on here for many people to come together to code. If multiple people come together, I will give each contribute a rank valued at least $40 plus a custom prefix.

Thank you and please help me! I know there are a lot of you great people out there!
Posted by -RedBird-'s Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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04/03/2017 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Network
-RedBird-'s Avatar
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