eldin's Avatar eldin5/27/12 3:26 pm
1 emeralds 1.6k 154
8/6/2012 5:43 pm
WaterNode's Avatar WaterNode
The following is obsolete. Moderaters, lock this if you feel the need.
OK, this is the only RPS I am ever gonna do (except perhaps one or eighty-two more ). We are gonna film it, BTW.
K, so this RPS is one I made up myself once again.
It has ten species, Human, Animagi, Dragon, Spirit, Elf, Vampire, Sorcerer, Hell-Dragon, Ghost, and Dwarf. Humans: Good people with WWII technology, but no magick or ability. Animagi: Good people who can morph into a single animal at will. Kind of like a werewolf, but still can control his own body and can morph into a wolf at will. It doesn't have to be a wolf, though. Dragons: Beatiful flying creatures who are serving the Gods (the rulers of all good people and creatures). There are six types: the most common ones, Cloudstar Dragons (a striking blue with white stripes) and Ironclaw Dragons (a bright green with a steely cream-colored belly). The medium-rare ones, Seascales (a glossy blue with blue-green streaks), and Firebreaths (firey scarlet). The rarest ones: Treetearers, (dull green stripes), and Earthwings (brown with grey ridges). Spirits: Spirits of fallen Humans, can hover and pass through walls. Elves: Wood-folk with healing and defence magick. Their only offence is their special drink, which will poisen the drinker (and they have some crude spears, but against dark magic, they are as useful as a sprig of rosemary.). Vampires: Men captured by the Demons (the rivals of the Gods) and morphed into Vampires. Can suck your blood and fly. Sorcerers: the willing servents of the Demons. Has a LOT of dark magick and can poisen your mind. Hell-dragons: The seventh speies of dragon. Serves the Demons. Ghosts: Ghosts of fallen sorcerers. Same abilities as Spirits. Dwarves: Ground-dwelling little men who have a keen sense of direction and are very fast for their size. The greediest things on the World (except perhaps the Demons.). The only magick they have is the ability to sense when enemies or friends are around. You cannot lie to them or hide from them.

Crew: Special Effects: 2/2, Server Host: 1/1, Recorders: 2/2, Skin Maker: 1/2 [OPEN], Mod Creator: 1/3 [OPEN], Builder: 5/5

So far we have...
eldin: Animagi: Cat, Special Effects, Builder
govito1: Server Host, Builder, Special Effects
Aphex: Dwarf
connollys1998: Website & forum hoster & story writer -RESERVED JOBS-
MegaTreeGiant: Dwarf
PackedGaming: Recorder
xXx_ARC_xXx: Builder
dof12345: Elf
telamonianajax: Demon
Pielover246: Elf
trenty43: Animagi: Wolf, Builder
knifeassassins: Spirit
Megalandrys: Dragon
skilletdabomb: Sorcerer
piekingmmm: Human
eoinpox: Hell-Dragon
RokMonstaSkins: Animagi: Owl
NachoAvrGamer: Recorder
LloydTheDuck: Human
hellyeah44: Animagi: Lion
MClion9: Mod Creator, Builder

Application Form:

-deleted due to apps AFTER the thread was dead-

NOTICE: The filming will be held July 27! (Postponed due to interferrment)
Posted by eldin's Avatar
Level 31 : Artisan Geek

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08/04/2012 10:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Delete that app! This thread is DEAD. I ought to change the first post.
08/04/2012 10:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dr_gingee's Avatar
Age, Maturity, : 15 quite mature
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal): actor Elf
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: done a few let's plays
Gender: Male
Are you good at the job you want?: Yes
Anything Else: sounds like fun
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Name: Preston
Age: 15
Species: elf
Background Story: group up in a forest, learning the arts of his people and his trusty bow until one day his home town "milakey" and got raided his family were killed and now he swears revenge
Appearance: a wood elf, dressed like a archer in green with ginger hair
08/04/2012 10:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
08/04/2012 10:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dr_gingee's Avatar
love to be in one , if there's still gonna be one let me know and i will fill at app
08/04/2012 10:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
WaterNode's Avatar
I can host the server and do a few other things if still needed.
08/04/2012 10:06 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Then you're accepted already! :3
08/06/2012 4:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
08/06/2012 4:41 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
08/06/2012 5:33 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
WaterNode's Avatar
Why no u reply to my PM?
08/06/2012 5:38 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Sorry, Getting on server naow!
08/06/2012 5:43 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
WaterNode's Avatar
I got on right as you left xD
08/06/2012 4:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
08/04/2012 5:01 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Guys, this thread is dead. No one but a few people came on the server when the practices started, and the filming date came and went. Also, mega, I might. I might. :3
08/04/2012 5:42 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
07/27/2012 10:52 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Megalandrys's Avatar
Will you be making more RP's/Movies? When will they start if yes?
07/03/2012 9:28 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
Twitch974's Avatar
What is the ip?
06/20/2012 2:42 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
IvyTheLeopard's Avatar
Age, Maturity, Dedication:13 realy high,realy high
Job (Actor; Animagi:herobrine :3):
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: youtube and minecraft
Are you good at the job you want?: yes
Anything Else:....
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Background Story:you probaly know it >>>
Appearance:default skin with white eyes
How would you RP?:i would randomly appear in foggy scenes
Anything Else:
06/20/2012 2:23 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
so its july the 27th cause i thought it was post-poned?
06/18/2012 1:45 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
No, fill out the first part of the form.
06/17/2012 1:23 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
Name: Jack Ericson
Age: 27


Background Story: Jack was born and raised outside of civilization, he learned survival skills and other useful things in the wilderness. He loved the wild and at the age of 14 he ran away, using his animani abilities to survive.After that he grew reclusive, getting unhealthily attached to his area of the forest, and 13 years later, his condition has only gotton worse.

Appearance: Has green eyes, dark brown hair,and his clothes are made of tatters. He has slim and agile build and his ears are slightly pointed because of his ability to morph into a cat.

How would you RP?: Somewhat stalker-ish, following travelers just out of sight,then if they cut down a tree, he would attack them, or if they didn't run them out,but overall my character would act slightly insane, antisocial, and be very protective of the wildlife, only destroying it if he had to.

Anything Else:So this is a server role-play right?

Is this what you wanted?
06/17/2012 12:42 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Yes, Grey this is an role-play server (role=R play=P server=S) but we are filming it. Also you need to fill out the rest of the form, X. Gem, look at the bottem of the first post. We have a forum, too: http://minecraft-rps-movie.forumotion.co.uk/
06/16/2012 10:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
when does the movie thing start?
06/16/2012 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XtheAngel's Avatar
(Username in MC is Chaos959595.)
06/16/2012 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XtheAngel's Avatar
Name: Maxen
Age: 14
Species: Vampire
Background Story:A child who was born with no idea of his true meaning, he discovered his power at 9 when he was thrown into a blinding rage, and the next thing he remembered is a pile of dead bodies, that were once his parents.
Appearance: Shaded, dark, black hair and usually wears a grey hoodie.
How would you RP?: Mature and serious, not unrealistic. Especially no god-modding.
Anything Else: Usually friendly, loves parkour, but he remains in the shadows, and mostly unseen by the towns.
06/16/2012 9:25 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
Wait does RPS stand for Roleplay server?
06/16/2012 9:07 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Fill in the rest of the form, Grey!
06/16/2012 11:18 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
Name: Jack Ericson
Age: 27
Background Story: Jack was born and raised outside of civilization, he learned survival skills and other useful things in the wilderness. He loved the wild and at the age of 14 he ran away, using his animani abilities to survive.After that he grew reclusive, getting unhealthily attached to his area of the forest, and 13 years later, his condition has only gotton worse.
Appearance:(So do I make a skin?)
How would you RP?: Somewhat stalker-ish, following travelers just out of sight,then if they cut down a tree, he would attack them, or if they didn't run them out,but overall my character would act slightly insane, antisocial, and be very protective of the wildlife, only destroying it if he had to.
Anything Else:So this is a server role-play right?
06/16/2012 10:54 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
SelenaPikerson's Avatar
Btw,i re-bought minecraft so my new name is NizzlesNozzles
06/16/2012 4:00 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
it 6:04 where i am and really 1 in the morning!
06/16/2012 3:58 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
I'm getting really tired, its 1 in the morning where I am, 'night
06/16/2012 3:56 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
thx so it starts when?
06/16/2012 3:29 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
06/16/2012 3:25 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
my ign is Geminine not Geminine101 soz
06/16/2012 2:57 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Geminine101's Avatar
Application Form:

IGN: Geminine101
Age, Maturity, Dedication:13, 9/10, 9/10
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: yes i have a channel and upload videos and i have been playing minecraft for months
Are you good at the job you want?:definitely
Anything Else:i take this very seriously so don't judge me on my age
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Name: Geminine
Age:327 years old but is immortal, so she looks 16
Background Story:her mother and father was killed by a werewolf before she got turned. She decided she would have revenge on the werewolf and so she met a demon that has guided her onto the path of evil. She has not yet claimed revenge on the werewolf for she has been busy with her human high school.
Appearance:wears a lot of black and purple, has red hair , a pink pale face and pearl eyes(will need someone to make skin)
How would you RP?: like a pro
Anything Else:no
06/16/2012 2:13 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Also, um ip is
06/15/2012 11:17 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
SelenaPikerson's Avatar
IGN: TheDashingRainbow or SelenaPikerson
Age, Maturity, Dedication: 15
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):Actor,Cloudstar Dragon
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: a bit
Are you good at the job you want?:yes
Anything Else:I have skype
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Species:Cloudstar Dragon,Female
Background Story:When she was born it was war.Her parents thought of moving away from that place,though they were killed by hunters.An older dragon found Samantha and he kept her,and moved somewhere far away with her.When the war was over,Samantha was a beautiful adult dragon,and she could take care of herself.and so she started to travel around the world seeking new places and helping creatures in need.
Appearance:a striking blue dragon with white stripes and a black birthmark in shape of a bolt on her right front leg
How would you RP?:Pretty good
Anything Else: um I am really looking forward being accepted. :L
06/16/2012 2:13 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
06/15/2012 11:05 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
NewProphet's Avatar
ok thnx for accepting me, what do i have to do now?
06/14/2012 10:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Xandoria's Avatar
Tell me what you need done. I can also build pretty well. What is the server ip?
06/13/2012 9:05 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
bossXman123's Avatar
Aaron Leavens


Amagi - Wolf

Background Story:
As a child, Aaron was always treated like an outcast. he was treated like an outcast by his friends, family, and teachers alike. when he turned 10, he underwent training to be an Assassin. he learned to be Smart, Swift, and Fearless. finally, after years of long, hard training, he was assigned his first mission. he was to kill the Dragon King's daughter, to send the Dragons a message that the Amagi are not to be messed with. when he began studying the target, he fell in love, and was terminated from the mission. then, he was relieved of duty because he was too soft. so after that he went rogue, observing his sorroundings and serving justice. *optional ->* He runs into the hero and decides to aid him in his quest, watching from the shadows and helping deal with any threats.

Human Form: Light Brown hair and Blue eyes
Wolf Form: Fur Black as night and eyes Black as night

How would you RP:
I would do as I'm told, but still give suggestions if i think it would help the story

Anything else?:
my IGN is bossXman123
06/14/2012 6:36 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Uh... bloody hell, you need to fill in the rest of the form!
Age, Maturity, Dedication: 12, pretty mature, very dedicated
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):elf, builder (if possible)
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: some experience In YouTube lots of mc experience
Are you good at the job you want?:yes
Anything Else:nope thanks for your time
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Name:elrathnah takani
Age: 21
Background Story: elrathnah was a wood elf that left his village in search of new skills.
Appearance:bear skin cloak, 6 feet tall, white skin, black ruffled hair.
How would you RP?:with all of my heart
Anything Else:nope thank you for your time. Please respond as soon as possible

Age, Maturity, Dedication: 13, I was mistaken to be 20 once 0_0. I would be dedicated I want to get my skin making skills out there.
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):I want to be a Skin maker.
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: Both.
Gender: Male
Are you good at the job you want?:Would I be applying if I wasn't
Anything Else: I'm awesome?

LOL Accepted
Age, Maturity, Dedication:15, very, In very decdicated im all that a do because im a perfectionist
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):actor
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?:ive been playing minecraft for almost 2 yrs
Are you good at the job you want?:I believe that i could do an exellent job a this
Anything Else:please choose me

Name: Venyas Shadcan
Background Story:As a little boy Venyas was a lonely child with no human friends.the only thing that made him fell better was a bat that stayed and kept him company. when his parents found out they killed it. his parents hated and beat him. they locked him in small rooms and fed him rarely. he ran away from home and lived under the stars. he became dark and evil inside and wanted to destroy everything. when he was older he went to his parents. they were really sorry that they mistreated him but he just laughed in their faces and killed them slowly and painfully. he woke one night with two little holes on the side of his neck and hated of the light and the sun, he also felt like something possessed him but he discarded the thought from his mind .from then on the was a vampire and he enjoys it a lot. every now and again he would find someone and hunt them as a sick game! he has only one goal to Destoy everything that lives, moves or speaks
Click to reveal

How would you RP?:i would do as im told and try as hard as i could to succeed
Anything Else:pleas choose meh and could u msg me if i get a spot
I <3 Vampires

Accepted!Thank you for our first vampire!
06/13/2012 8:46 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
NewProphet's Avatar
Age, Maturity, Dedication:15, very, In very decdicated im all that a do because im a perfectionist
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):actor
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?:ive been playing minecraft for almost 2 yrs
Are you good at the job you want?:I believe that i could do an exellent job a this
Anything Else:please choose me

Name: Venyas Shadcan
Background Story:As a little boy Venyas was a lonely child with no human friends.the only thing that made him fell better was a bat that stayed and kept him company. when his parents found out they killed it. his parents hated and beat him. they locked him in small rooms and fed him rarely. he ran away from home and lived under the stars. he became dark and evil inside and wanted to destroy everything. when he was older he went to his parents. they were really sorry that they mistreated him but he just laughed in their faces and killed them slowly and painfully. he woke one night with two little holes on the side of his neck and hated of the light and the sun, he also felt like something possessed him but he discarded the thought from his mind .from then on the was a vampire and he enjoys it a lot. every now and again he would find someone and hunt them as a sick game! he has only one goal to Destoy everything that lives, moves or speaks
Click to reveal

How would you RP?:i would do as im told and try as hard as i could to succeed
Anything Else:pleas choose meh and could u msg me if i get a spot
I <3 Vampires
06/13/2012 8:29 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Xandoria's Avatar
Age, Maturity, Dedication: 13, I was mistaken to be 20 once 0_0. I would be dedicated I want to get my skin making skills out there.
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):I want to be a Skin maker.
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: Both.
Gender: Male
Are you good at the job you want?:Would I be applying if I wasn't
Anything Else: I'm awesome?
06/13/2012 8:21 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
Twitch974's Avatar
Age, Maturity, Dedication: 12, pretty mature, very dedicated
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):elf, builder (if possible)
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?: some experience In YouTube lots of mc experience
Are you good at the job you want?:yes
Anything Else:nope thanks for your time
RPS Form (include this is you are an actor):

Name:elrathnah takani
Age: 21
Background Story: elrathnah was a wood elf that left his village in search of new skills.
Appearance:bear skin cloak, 6 feet tall, white skin, black ruffled hair.
How would you RP?:with all of my heart
Anything Else:nope thank you for your time. Please respond as soon as possible
06/11/2012 11:48 am
Level 44 : Master Modder
TheOneDotStar's Avatar
Age, Maturity, Dedication:12 and maturity 8
Job (Actors: include which role; Animagi: Include which animal):well im really good at VFX ( speacial effects )
Any Experience with Youtube? Minecraft?:yep I have got Youtube and of course minecraft
Are you good at the job you want?:WELL better than nothing else
Anything Else:well I got all programs for GFX and VFX like photoshop and after effects
06/11/2012 2:30 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Um... Declined.
1. you didn't fill in the IGN
2. you didn't tell how dedicated you'd be
3. we don't need photoshop, we just need music and command-peoples
4. special effects job is not open
06/11/2012 11:40 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
Who made that railroad... if I find out who did I am going to fire them >:(
06/07/2012 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HouseMusicMinecraft's Avatar
APPLYING FOR: Skin Creator
IGN: ExoMouse
Age: 14
Maturity: 9.5/10
Dedication: Fully Dedicated
Experience on Minecraft, Youtube: For Minecraft, I've been designing skins since my second week playing, which was back in Alpha. On YouTube, I had a channel with 1,192 Subscribers, and 30 videos.
Gender: Male
Skype: aqwpe2000drorox
Good at the job I want? I'm a professional.
06/07/2012 9:52 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
One: Odd-looking
Two: Unless you show me your channel, I don't believe you
Three: You are "perfect," "perfect" apps are not accepted.
06/07/2012 9:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
connollys1998's Avatar
Sorry kid eldin has the final word just be a little less boastful
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