XX_The Astroid Belt RP_Xx [application thread]

yoavsnake's Avatar yoavsnake4/27/12 1:53 pm
5/3/2012 2:09 am
yoavsnake's Avatar yoavsnake
Welcome to
The astroid belt

The year 2117, Wonderer 117 ship
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Launch!

Another ship goes away from Earth. Since Earth have been hardly polluted, ships were sent to colonize Mars. Though Wonderer 117 were not sent to Mars. It were sent to the astroid belt. Although the pollution were bad, it made evolution to go much faster. After hundred years since the first evolution 'wave', creatures and plants did not require air to live, and talk, and most of them were supernatural. Although that, they were not able to live in the hazardous level of pollution.

When the ship nearly reached it's destination, the ship started slowing down - the front engines started working, until the ship completely stopped.
All of the passengers, 20 more exactly, took the autojets - which worked on a self recovery power generators, that been used to prevent people flying to the space.

A day later.
One of the members of the project, Henry is his name, took a break from building his house inside the astroid. "Hard work, eh?" Said Henry to another member of the project, Alis. "Indeed... Hard to work when you float" Alis replied. Then, Henry saw a green, somewhat transparent thing. The "thing" seemed to... Move. "Alis, look at this!" Said Henry. Alis jumped to his astroid. "Wow... That's strange." Said Alis. Suddenly, the "thing" jumped on Henry's face. Alis screamed. "Henry!!!" Alis Jumped to her island, to bring something to hit it. When she was back, with the handrill they used to dig inside the astroids, Henry disappeared. Then she saw the "thing" below her legs. She screamed again, and she hit the "thing" with the handrill, and the "thing" flew kilometers away.

They were not alone.

This roleplay starts 50 years after the ship reached to it's destination.

•No being overpowered.
•In case you want to talk, not a part from the story, use a spoiler or ((do this)).
•Please, try using correct grammar, though small failures will not affect anything.
•Do not spam/role play after your own comment (which could also be selfish). * Excluding spam.
•Do not post very short comments - must be 2 rows or above. *
•Do not play as other whitelisted people, unless they gave permission.
•Be R.E.A.L.I.S.T.I.C.
•Read the comments before you post. If there are too much to read, ask for a quick update. *
•Please, do not use emoticons, or it will destroy the story feeling. *
•The "things" are named slimes.
* Allowed on non - role play talk (rule two).

Character's name:
Character's age:
Character's gender:
Character look (If you want an image, please put on a spoiler):
Character's abilities (read rule 1 again):
Character's feelings:
Character's backstory/biography (make it long as possible!):
Other information:
Private message IF accepted? [yes/no]

If you were accepted, check this page: the-astroid-belt-t77087.html
Please also check RipClaw's RP: Deep Earth, about a huge collapsed mine in the 'near' future: deep-earth-t69912.html
Posted by yoavsnake's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Herobrine

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05/03/2012 2:09 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
Bumps aren't bumped!
04/28/2012 2:17 pm
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
I'll see when the biography is done.
04/28/2012 11:12 am
Level 29 : Expert Ninja
_books's Avatar
Character's name: Vannessa
Character's age: 16
Character's gender: Female
Character look (If you want an image, please put on a spoiler):
Character's abilities (read rule 1 again): Part wolf....
Character's feelings: Sly and popular
Character's backstory/biography (make it long as possible!): She was a spoiled little rich girl when she was younger, but she didn't take it for granted. With her mother and father gave her loads of "dough", she would sneak and take it to charity. Her father soon found out. He promised not to tell anyone. Sadly, her mother found out, and was secretly, phyco. She murdered her father, and in front of her. She started living through the forest, tree to tree, den to den, untill another rich family found her. Before the family found her, however, a odd wolf, polluted wolf, found her in its den. It chased her off and bit her. With the power of the pollutionation the wolf, it technecailly made Vannessa part wolf. (I know, lolwhut.) They let her stay and took them in to their home and family. She may be popular, and living with another rich family, (They're not greedy though.) she will never forget her mother's last words before Vannessa ran away for good:
"This is what you get, yes. Murder in your dreams, thoughts, and heart. Go crazy with me. I want to-" She didn't want to listen to the rest.
Click to reveal
Have you take after me..... murder everyone in sight, my phyco daughter...

Other information: Probably not the best bio, but hey. Everyone she lived with now- well, still on earth. So she's starting to leave all that behind =P
Private message IF accepted? [yes/no] Nada!
04/28/2012 9:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
alewis18's Avatar
Character's name: BEM
Character's age: 1
Character's gender: shemale
Character look (If you want an image, please put on a spoiler): green blob
Character's abilities (read rule 1 again): he can fart
Character's feelings: he is sad
Character's backstory/biography (make it long as possible!): he found cheese on the moon
04/28/2012 9:30 am
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
04/28/2012 9:37 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar

Click to reveal
04/28/2012 9:39 am
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
I don't find the concept interesting, but good luck with the thread.
04/28/2012 9:30 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
04/28/2012 8:44 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pony
yaghend's Avatar
Character's name: Sgt.Squid p.h.d.
Character's age: 20
Character's gender: male
Character look : http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/squ ... or-819473/
Character's abilities : Fighting, self healing, shape shifting and that virus thingy from prototype
Character's feelings: Happy and guilty
Character's backstory/biography: sgt.Squid was an assassin disguised as a medical officer for the wanderer 177 team, and during the incident on board, tried shape shifting into one of the crew members in order to assassinate them with his failed virus experiment but didn't work and ended up getting stuck in squid form (Derp) after this incident he decided to cover up his failed attempts of assassinating his crew, but they had other plans for him
Other information: I am a squid
Private message IF accepted? Yes
04/28/2012 9:17 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
Thanks for fixing! Acceptment!
04/28/2012 6:26 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
Didn't understood.
04/28/2012 6:15 am
Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat
Paril's Avatar
*kills everybody and becomes supreme king of the universe*

Sorry, I've always wanted to do that in an RP thread. *locks thread because he won* :p

Have fun, guys.

04/28/2012 2:23 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
aaron5699's Avatar
Dude such a fail troll app LOL.
04/28/2012 6:12 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
Yeah, I guess.
Rageful Bean
04/28/2012 2:13 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Hunter
Rageful Bean's Avatar
Character's name: Ben
Character's age: 14
Character's gender: female male
Character look (If you want an image, please put on a spoiler): Fat, stupid, ugly, patronising and posh.
Character's abilities (read rule 1 again): Can read minds and stop time and slow time and fly and be incinvible and is immortal. Can tell when people hate him.
Character's feelings: **** THIS BULL**** I HATE MY LIFE
Character's backstory/biography (make it long as possible!): Grew up in posh country, could tell that his parents hated him (Because he's fat ugly and stupid) so he
ran away and hid up a tree. He then hitchhiked to London where he found a living begging for money, getting more and more depressed when he knew everyone hated him. So he lazed around, until he saw a beautiful woman who didn't hate him and he fell head over heels in love with her, even though she raised him as a mother.
Other information: ****head
Private message IF accepted? [yes/no]
04/28/2012 1:18 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
yoavsnake's Avatar
A lone bump on the road, getting smashed from cars...
Planet Minecraft


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