[OOC] You find yourself on a beach... Forum RP

SilentAero's Avatar SilentAero8/17/12 5:20 pm
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8/22/2012 11:55 pm
Summertime's Avatar Summertime
IC: you-find-yourself-beach-t139478.html


You find yourself on a beach. The wind's blowing gently South, and the tide's low. You're not sure how you got there, but you're there. The seagulls squawk as you walked across the coast for while, until you see a body face-down in the sand. You begin walking to it, but your pace quickly evolves into a jog and then into a run. You kneel beside the body, and poke it. It doesn't move. You roll it onto its side. It's a young boy with his eyes closed. He isn't breathing, and you can't find a pulse.

You decide the boy is dead and leave. The tide suddenly picks up and carries the body away without explanation.


[1:] Our everyday. forum rules.
[2:] Don't be that guy that terribly RPs, (I.E., OP character, Godmod, bunnying, ect.)
[3:] Use the best grammar skills you have. Minor mistakes are acceptable.
[4:] Your IC posts can not be one-liner, or you will be kicked. Although this is suppose to be something laid-back with little standards IC, something this bad is unacceptable. At least try for a paragraph-ish.

[5:] Since this RP is based off the first official RP on the site, there is no major plot points. You find yourself somewhere and you meet other people. The plot is yours to build, but you'll need maturity and basic ability to keep the world you're building nice and clean. That means making absurd lore, making the story specifically about you, making the story stupid, or making the world stupid and everything like these is something you need to avoid.

[6:] Do not meta-game.
[7:] Don't a total a$s to everyone in the OOC.

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__ Application Format__
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[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Extra Info:[/b]


SilentAero - Accepter - Accepted
Revolver_Ocelot - Accepted
Roxthesox - Accepter - Accepted
ThePlayerofRoles - Accepted
Regomania - Accepted
Vampzi - Accepted
Posted by SilentAero's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Artist

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08/22/2012 11:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
Full Name: Blaire Lucie Bellwood "Bebe"
Age: 12
Race/Species: Mermaid/Human
Sex: Female
Backstory: Blaire was an unloved child by two famous, rich, and successful people. She was a only child, she never had any friends, and she wasn't allowed to go anywhere. One night she snuck out for a swim that's when she discovered she was a mermaid. She traveled all around the world with her family. By the time she was eight everyone started calling her Bebe from her initials B.B. she went swimming in the Pacific ocean one night where she discovered there were other mermaids and mermen. She found these cities allover the world while she traveled.
It was one night when she was eleven when she saw a picture of what a powerful merfamilies daughter was supposed to look like. I looked like her, she learned that her mother and father were doing a movie near the ocean years ago and a mermaid switched them up by mistake. She was heartbroken, but not to sad. She swam in the middle of the night to visit her family and decided when she was eighteen she would live with them. Then, in the middle of the night her family found her missing.
When she returned she was guarded by security and all that stuff. Her family was cruising around islands in their yacht one night, when it crashed. She woke up on the island in her dress barefoot, with no sight of the boat anywhere. All she remembered was sleeping on a boat then on the island.
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en ... 73&bih=757
Extra Info: I have dyslexia, but I try hard not to make mistakes. It takes a while for me to read, a few minutes now since I've gotten really good at reading and typing.
08/22/2012 9:51 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
SkylanderR2001's Avatar
Full name: Sky E. Skylord
Age: 11
Sex: Male
Backstory: Was And will allways be a skylord untill he was kid-napped by Hussky prirates who crashed!!!
Apperence: Cuffed (later finds a key) with blond hair white shirt with a brown vest, and jeans torn to crud...
Extra info: Used to know a man by the name of St. jhonson! before he was killed...
08/22/2012 9:47 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
SkylanderR2001's Avatar
May i join? candlebor told me about this it sound REALLY FUN!!! And i wanna be included !!!
08/22/2012 9:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Lumberjack
Kovren's Avatar
Full Name:Andy N. Williams
Backstory:He was always a man of the ocean, and loved to swim. He would always beg his mother to go swim in the Gulf, and she would bring him there for a while. When he turned 14, he learned how to scuba dive.

Then, one day, he saw a shadow under the ocean. He felt a tug on his jeans, and fainted. He woke up on a beach...
Appearance:Short brown hair, bright white teeth, T-Shirt with 'NAUTICA' on it, tattered jeans.
Extra Info:My comeback >:D Anyone notice my initials are funny? Like a soda?
08/22/2012 7:26 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
Embrace it, Pokemon.
08/22/2012 7:37 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
ThePlayerofRoles's Avatar
Click to reveal

Click to reveal

I simply had to.
08/22/2012 7:01 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
Pokemon, don't question it.
08/22/2012 7:13 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
I'm surprised nobody's said "embrace it."
08/22/2012 6:26 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
jonasman's Avatar
my character had a lot of potential, and you threw it all away by declining my app.

ajry very sad
08/22/2012 6:50 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
08/21/2012 5:46 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Thank you sir!
08/21/2012 3:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
jonasman's Avatar
Full Name:ajry shpancer [a-jry shanzer]
Back-story:the red and blue clans had a war against the gray sprites, ajry was badly injured and if cursed, would die, so ajry stayed away from caves and traveled the world to keep up with the sun, every once and awhile he would rest a couple of days in a village near a torch, staying near the light and being strengthened by the heat.
Appearance:flame-blue, dark red eyes. height: 1-2 inches tall
Extra Info: sprites can't go into really dark places or they will be cursed and sometimes die.
!IMPORTANT! ajry is as sensitive as fluttershy from my little pony: friendship is magic
08/21/2012 2:52 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Silent Aero or Roxthesox... Vampzi just copied most of my backstory and edited a few names. Please help! You can lopk at my earlier post for proof!
08/21/2012 4:27 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
Woah! I knew something was wrong with that app! I revoke my previous decision on Vampzi's status. Well, I suppose you may be accepted, but as Rox said, do not let me down, good sir.
the gravity blockFull name:Isaac Andrews
Backstory:After getting out of college with a masters degree, Isaac got a job which forced him to be separated from his girlfriend.After realizing that there relationship wouldn't work out his girlfriend broke up with him. Isaac quit his job out of anger and joined a shipment crew thinking that being on a boat would calm his anger and give him a new life. All Isaac remembers was the horn of a large boat.Definitely not his small shipping boat.
Appearance: 6"3', Black hair, thin trimmed beard,torn white shirt for an unknown reason
Extra info:none

Declined. The appearance is too short. The backstory is sub-par, and I'd like for it to be a bit better.
jonasmanFull Name:ajry shpancer [a-jry shanzer]
Back-story:the red and blue clans had a war against the gray sprites, ajry was badly injured and if cursed, would die, so ajry stayed away from caves and traveled the world to keep up with the sun, every once and awhile he would rest a couple of days in a village near a torch, staying near the light and being strengthened by the heat.
Appearance:flame-blue, dark red eyes. height: 1-2 inches tall
Extra Info: sprites can't go into really dark places or they will be cursed and sometimes die.
!IMPORTANT! ajry is as sensitive as fluttershy from my little pony: friendship is magic

Uh... Declind. From what I gathered, you think this is a Minecraft RP, and the backstory confused me. You'd also need a better appearance.
the gravity block
08/21/2012 9:10 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Wizard
the gravity block's Avatar
Full name:Isaac Andrews
Backstory:After getting out of college with a masters degree, Isaac got a job which forced him to be separated from his girlfriend.After realizing that there relationship wouldn't work out his girlfriend broke up with him. Isaac quit his job out of anger and joined a shipment crew thinking that being on a boat would calm his anger and give him a new life. All Isaac remembers was the horn of a large boat.Definitely not his small shipping boat.
Appearance: 6"3', Black hair, thin trimmed beard,torn white shirt for an unknown reason
Extra info:none
08/20/2012 11:54 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Mattp716's Avatar
Ok, and srry.. I wasnt thinkin
08/20/2012 11:24 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
Firstly, it doesn't.
Secondly, why did you quote the whole OP? o.o
08/20/2012 10:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Mattp716's Avatar
SilentAeroIC: you-find-yourself-beach-t139478.html


You find yourself on a beach. The wind's blowing gently South, and the tide's low. You're not sure how you got there, but you're there. The seagulls squawk as you walked across the coast for while, until you see a body face-down in the sand. You begin walking to it, but your pace quickly evolves into a jog and then into a run. You kneel beside the body, and poke it. It doesn't move. You roll it onto its side. It's a young boy with his eyes closed. He isn't breathing, and you can't find a pulse.

You decide the boy is dead and leave. The tide suddenly picks up and carries the body away without explanation.


[1:] Our everyday. forum rules.
[2:] Don't be that guy that terribly RPs, (I.E., OP character, Godmod, bunnying, ect.)
[3:] Use the best grammar skills you have. Minor mistakes are acceptable.
[4:] Your IC posts can not be one-liner, or you will be kicked. Although this is suppose to be something laid-back with little standards IC, something this bad is unacceptable. At least try for a paragraph-ish.

[5:] Since this RP is based off the first official RP on the site, there is no major plot points. You find yourself somewhere and you meet other people. The plot is yours to build, but you'll need maturity and basic ability to keep the world you're building nice and clean. That means making absurd lore, making the story specifically about you, making the story stupid, or making the world stupid and everything like these is something you need to avoid.

[6:] Do not meta-game.
[7:] Don't a total a$s to everyone in the OOC.

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__ Application Format__
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[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Extra Info:[/b]


SilentAero - Accepter - Accepted
Revolver_Ocelot - Accepted
Roxthesox - Accepter - Accepted
ThePlayerofRoles - Accepted
Regomania - Accepted
Vampzi - Accepted

Need a forum signature for this, I'll make one..
08/20/2012 9:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Loremaster
Poke's Avatar
So is this the part where all of those well-known RolePlayers come, and then RP. And then fly away on their majick horses?

Applying. I think...
08/21/2012 8:51 am
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
I've been taught the true meaning of roleplaying.
08/20/2012 4:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
ThePlayerofRoles's Avatar
I shall post another application. Mostly because I'm bored. Now...

Full Name: Nemesis
Age: A few thousand years. However, he has spent most of his time in “the stone”. It is almost impossible to tell how old he is.
Race/Species: Arterius
Click to reveal
The mysterious Arterius are rumored to be long dead. The last reported case of one was before recorded history. What little is known about them, has been passed down to each generation of a now dead family. They managed to record some of the information on a tablet long ago, but nowadays people regard the Arterius as myth.
Able to live centuries at a time, the Arterius were once apex predators. They dwelled in rain forests, and would ambush their prey. Being strong, and heavy, their only disadvantage was being slow. But their thick hides made it hard to kill them.
It was rumored that the Arterius had a dominance “chain-of-command”, where the strongest would lead the attacks, and get the most meat of the kill. They would hunt the primitive humans, and devour them for fun. But, when the food surplus was low enough, they’d hunt other packs of Arterius. This is what caused their eventual downfall.
Not much else is known about the race shrouded in mystery, other than these few things. It is rumored that one still exists, but such rumors are silly. And are most likely from those that do believe in fairytales.

Sex: Male
Click to reveal
Nemesis, as he is now referred to as, was around when the first packs of Arterius hunted. He was the leader of a rather large “clan”. They wouldn’t accept defeat, and when they won, they absorbed smaller clans. Nemesis’ clan soon dominated the continent they inhabited, but the food began to run low. They turned on each other, and the clan’s numbers dwindled.
This didn’t stop Nemesis. No, he just kept going. Killing. Dominating. Nemesis was strong, and set on killing everything. He was a beast, and he would eat the weak. And make trophies of the strong. But Nemesis had a hard time keeping what little left of his clan together. They ate each other, killed each other. And made trophies of each other.
Nemesis was eventually attacked by an Arterius about his size. The fight raged for awhile, before Nemesis crushed the “usurper’s” skull in. Nemesis left his clan to each other, where they eventually died out. Nemesis was now alone to wander.
And wander Nemesis did. He lived for a while, he learned languages after humanity evolved to the point of the “Dark ages”. He learned English from his victims. And one day, followed a heavier mage to an island. The mage was attacked, and with his dying breath, cursed Nemesis to live in “the stone” until his unmarked tomb was found by passers by. And his tomb was just like any other stone. A boring boulder. In which he rested for eons.

Click to reveal

Extra Info: Yes, he has the armor. I’ll explain in the IC thread why he has the armor.
Loopo Paw
08/20/2012 8:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Geek
Loopo Paw's Avatar
Coco, what about:
BlackFTW (Heheh),
That list goes on~
08/20/2012 7:35 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
Oh you.
You shouldn't put me on the list, Coco'll find some way to flame me and in result lock the thread.

Speaking of Vip, does she even RP anymore? Haven't even seen her on the site at all.

Full Name: Nemesis

Half of me doesn't want to accept it, but the other half does. I'll just say sure.

VampziFull Name: Fabian Rutherford

Is Fabian some kind of character from a show or something?
I feel like it, and that makes me suspicious, but then again... Fine, accepted. But don't do anything cray-cray.
08/20/2012 8:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Vampzi's Avatar
Full Name: Fabian Rutherford
Age: 18
Race/Species: Human
Sex: Male
Backstory:Fabian was a teen who always settled in quickly, hes Nerdy, Cute, Funny, Sweet, Caring, Kind and Helpful. He never stops on anything, if it's scary.. He may a little bit. Hehe.
Appearance: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fabian ... e&ie=UTF-8 (Click on Images and just look at them. ) Brown shorts, light grey Vest, Various cuts and grazes on his knee and face. Technically this: (Please go 5 down and click on girl, Look at blood)
Extra Info: None

A Little Bit Of Fabian's Storyline:Thick fog surrounded the boat, and occasionally, odd voices could be heard. One day the fog cleared up, but a strange black ship appeared. Humans could be seen running on it. Then, the black ship started to sink and the people would jump off the boat they were in. The Captain started to become scared. A storm started very suddenly, and Fabian quickly searched his bag and found his revolver. Yes, he is always prepared. He fired on the humans in the black ship, taking down several, but it seemed like thousands were on it. He gave up and heard a cry of agony! Nina had been shot! He rushed to his side but all Nina said was "Look in the satchel I brought." "It is your only chance" Then Nina fell over, dead... "Where am I?" He said to himself. He slowly stepped up to the noises of seagulls and fires. H slowly turned around to see his two best friends, Jack and Lara were behind him "Lara! Jack! Oh my god!" he shouted as he grabbed Lara's waist and hugged her. Turning to Jack he could hear a fire coming from something nearby "Uh oh..." he said.
08/20/2012 8:15 am
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Pinkie_Pie12570's Avatar
BrookeG *She may be an rather new one, But she's amazing at Roleplaying*
And Clue

Those are just about the only roleplayers better than you, Dont even try to list others, I could counter them all.
Unless Ihazrabiez makes an appearance, Then he'd be on the list...

Anyhoo, My app is coming.
08/20/2012 8:53 am
Level 44 : Master Pokemon
jackattack4000's Avatar
I would argue, but I sort of suck at RPing....
08/20/2012 4:46 am
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
_LoveBunny_'s Avatar
The first rp on this website o.O *Must join* though I kinda get nervous around all of these frickin' awesome roleplayers x3 App coming.
08/19/2012 10:45 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Has it been accepted or denied?
08/19/2012 5:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Ok I fixed it.
08/19/2012 12:19 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
08/19/2012 12:17 am
Level 26 : Expert Ranger
Revolver_Ocelot's Avatar
To the rescue!
CandleborFull Name: Tyler Black
Age:34. Race/Species: Human. Sex:Male. Back Story: Tyler had few friends. He was not very social and didn't realy understand how to make them. He was, however, extremely intelligent and always made top grades throughout school and college. However, right when he was about to graduate, his hometown was raided by a large group of bandits and mercenaries. He wasn't the best athletically, but joined a resistance to fight off the raiders. He discovered he was a very good shot and sniped a large portion of the enemy, leading the way to the city to be restored. His only real friend after the fight was Dillon, a civil engineer. He was also very smart and didn't have good social skills. Eventually, Tyler got a job in the company Dillon worked for. One day they were both called to a business trip on a large island near Florida. The company provided a luxury boat to ride there. However, the boat got lost and strange things began to happen... Thick fog surrounded the boat, and occasionally, odd voices could be heard. One day the fog cleared up, but a strange black ship appeared. Humans could be seen running on it. Then, the black ship strted firing cannons upon the boat they were in. The Captain started to become scared. A storm started very suddenly, and Tyler quickly searched his bag and found his revolver. Yes, he is always prepared. He fired on the humans in the black ship, taking down several, but it seemed like thousands were on it. He gave up and heard a cry of agony! Dillon had been shot! He rushed to his side but all Dillon said was "Look in the satchel I brought." "It is your only chance" Dillon fell over, dead... Tyler rushed to the satchel and looked inside. There was a fedora, which he donned, a blunt knife, some granola bars and bottled water, but also there was a neclace with a purple gem in it. Attatched was a note saying "This will be salvation in times of great need" He pondered this and put it on. He put the rest of the items back in the statchel and put it on. He hurried to his bag and grabbed a few bandages and a pair of fingerless gloves. He jumped off the boat and swam to a cluster of floating debris. It was able to hold him for a few days, most of which he was unconsious. Tyler woke up on an island. He felt pain all over and saw how badly he was cut up. He wondered if there were any other people here. Then he noticed the satchel and it's contents were miraculously dry! He set off looking for food, water and shelter with a slight limp, because of a cut on his leg. Appearance: Wears a tattered short sleeve white buttondown shirt and khakis. All of his clothes are waterlogged for now. He also wears a fedora and satchel. He has a slight amount of facial hair and brown colored hair. He has a gash on his leg that badly needs medical attention, which is hard to find on an island. He may have to gather supplies to bind it. His eyes are brown and he has a normal, slightly thin build. One of his shoes has a large hole, revealing the sock below. His height is somewhere near six feet Extra Info: His mother is still alive, but his father was killed when his hometown was raided. He was never good at athletics. He does not talk much, but usually speaks wise words. He is known to quote many famous people. He likes waffles more than pancakes. He has an affinity for canines. He has learnedd many survival skills. He is not very strong. Hates cats. He can get obsessed with one thing somketimes. He is a mediocre chef, but can cook. NOT a biologist, so dosen't know much about animals. Cannot run fast. Has a lot of stamina, but cannot hurt much without a good weapon. Wears a pair of fingerless gloves, which may be useful. Can take cold better than heat. Not very brave but willing to sacrifice himself if needed.

Thats all! I hope it's O.K. :)
08/19/2012 12:10 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Ok got it... But for some reason the text wont seperate? It's like the space/enter buttons do nothing?
08/18/2012 11:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Sorry, the format got messed up
08/18/2012 11:57 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Full Name: Tyler Black

Back Story: Tyler had few friends. He was not very social and didn't realy understand how to make them. He was, however, extremely intelligent and always made top grades throughout school and college. However, right when he was about to graduate, his hometown was raided by a large group of bandits and mercenaries. He wasn't the best athletically, but joined a resistance to fight off the raiders. He discovered he was a very good shot and sniped a large portion of the enemy, leading the way to the city to be restored. His only real friend after the fight was Dillon, a civil engineer. He was also very smart and didn't have good social skills. Eventually, Tyler got a job in the company Dillon worked for. One day they were both called to a business trip on a large island near Florida. The company provided a luxury boat to ride there. However, the boat got lost and strange things began to happen...

Thick fog surrounded the boat, and occasionally, odd voices could be heard. One day the fog cleared up, but a strange black ship appeared. Humans could be seen running on it. Then, the black ship strted firing cannons upon the boat they were in. The Captain started to become scared. A storm started very suddenly, and Tyler quickly searched his bag and found his revolver. Yes, he is always prepared. He fired on the humans in the black ship, taking down several, but it seemed like thousands were on it. He gave up and heard a cry of agony! Dillon had been shot! He rushed to his side but all Dillon said was "Look in the satchel I brought." "It is your only chance" Dillon fell over, dead...
Tyler rushed to the satchel and looked inside. There was a fedora, which he donned, a blunt knife, some granola bars and bottled water, but also there was a neclace with a purple gem in it. Attatched was a note saying "This will be salvation in times of great need" He pondered this and put it on. He put the rest of the items back in the statchel and put it on. He hurried to his bag and grabbed a few bandages and a pair of fingerless gloves. He jumped off the boat and swam to a cluster of floating debris. It was able to hold him for a few days, most of which he was unconsious. Tyler woke up on an island. He felt pain all over and saw how badly he was cut up. He wondered if there were any other people here. Then he noticed the satchel and it's contents were miraculously dry! He set off looking for food, water and shelter with a slight limp, because of a cut on his leg.

Appearance: Wears a tattered short sleeve white buttondown shirt and khakis. All of his clothes are waterlogged for now. He also wears a fedora and satchel. He has a slight amount of facial hair and brown colored hair. He has a gash on his leg that badly needs medical attention, which is hard to find on an island. He may have to gather supplies to bind it. His eyes are brown and he has a normal, slightly thin build. One of his shoes has a large hole, revealing the sock below. His height is somewhere near six feet
Extra Info: His mother is still alive, but his father was killed when his hometown was raided. He was never good at athletics. He does not talk much, but usually speaks wise words. He is known to quote many famous people. He likes waffles more than pancakes. He has an affinity for canines. He has learnedd many survival skills. He is not very strong. Hates cats. He can get obsessed with one thing somketimes. He is a mediocre chef, but can cook. NOT a biologist, so dosen't know much about animals. Cannot run fast. Has a lot of stamina, but cannot hurt much without a good weapon. Wears a pair of fingerless gloves, which may be useful. Can take cold better than heat. Not very brave but willing to sacrifice himself if needed.

Thats all! I hope it's O.K.
08/18/2012 4:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
I believe I made the correct changes to my application. I changed the age and certain events to make it all fit.
08/18/2012 4:35 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Pinkie_Pie12570's Avatar
I'd make a tree 800 years old

Just so it would stay there and become a tentacle root monster if anything attacks it...
08/18/2012 4:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Hells_Herobrine's Avatar
Full Name: Neslyr Waterhyor
Age: 16
Race/Species: Human
Sex: Male
Backstory: When Neslyr was 12 he found out that his brother died by an arrow, therefore making him go deep within the lakes seeking revenge and to avenge his brother's death. He fell in a trap and was dragged to the temple beneath the lake. When Neslyr woke up, we was stranded on a beach in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
Appearance: Tall, wavy black hair wears a purple hoodie all the time and wears dark blue jeans
Extra Info: Loves surfing, lives in Oregon
08/18/2012 4:21 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Goblin
hornetsboy21's Avatar
Full Name:Ricky Boston
[b]Backstory:Was a Dwarf adventurer and he was paid a lot for finding new islands and animals,he was a modern dwarf so he had a few guns and sonar on his ship,he was a happy dwarf until his ship was attacked by a Huge Shark known as Jaws,his boat crashed and he washed up on the beach,knocked out because he hit a rock,he wakes up not remembering anything but his own name.
[b]Appearance:Long beard,A dwarf-size Trench coat and a fedora!
[b]Extra Info:If i am accepted please tell me through a Private Message!
08/18/2012 4:12 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
Alright, that makes sense. I'll fix the age and work the backstory to fit it.
08/18/2012 4:08 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
Thank you Rox. I wasn't exactly sure about the age. What do you think a decent age would be?
08/18/2012 3:43 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
I added a bit to the backstory to make him seem less over-powered.
08/18/2012 2:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
ah punctuation my old enemy we meet again.
08/18/2012 12:21 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
I thought it might come across that way, so I shall explain a bit in this post and then add to the backstory. After a thousand years of war, there weren't really a lot of dragons left. Most have been killed, and there were only a remaining few. I shall clear that up in the backstory as best I can.
08/18/2012 12:15 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
SilentAero's Avatar
ruaidhriFull Name: Roswell Harris./Ross
Age: 27
Race/Species: Human.
Sex: Male
Backstory: -Snip-
Appearance: Tall, black shaggy long hair, green eyes, thick eyebrows, a green button shirt and a pair of jeans,
Extra Info: He has a wallet in his pocket

Declined. The bakstory has a disturbing lack of punctuation, and the appearance needs to be way better if you're going to write it.
Dr_TrapezoidFull Name: Krahjuntin

Age: 31,337.

Race/Species: Dragon, specifically an Elder Dragon.

Sex: Male

Backstory: -snip-

Appearance: -snip-

Extra Info: The temple he is trapped in just so happens to be visible from the shoreline.

He seems immensely over-powered, killing every dragon on the island.
08/18/2012 12:10 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
Full Name: Krahjuntin

Age: 650

Race/Species: Dragon, specifically an Elder Dragon.

Sex: Male

Backstory: Deep within the jungle, thousands of years ago, Dragons were alive and well. They were viewed by some local villagers as Gods, while other villagers resented the dragons and plotted for their demise. Ten years before Krahjuntin's birth, a group of villagers who had been plotting for years to destroy the dragons had finally set their plan into motion. They began telling rumors among other tribes that certain dragons were thinking about stealing the Elder position from Odavuntin, Krahjuntin's father. The rumors finally began to spread through other dragons, until finally reaching Odavuntin himself. He gathered his most trusted advisers, and banished Vinnick, Trinitdun, and Syridun. They were sent across the island, and were to be killed if they were found anywhere near the Dragons' Den. which is a large cave system inside of a mountain where all Dragons rested.

Vinnick, Trinitdun, and Syridun were outraged by their banishment. They secretly recruited other Dragons, using the Tribes as messengers, to go and overthrow Odavuntin. Having amassed a group of Dragons large enough, they stormed the Den and created the Hundred Year War. For a hundred years, as the title of the war suggested, war was waged between " The Dragon Order " and " Kalluhkden ". The Dragon Order being Odavuntin and his followers and Kalluhkden, meaning Rebellion in Dragon, being Vinnick, Trinitdun, Syridun, and their followers.

Before the war ended, Odavuntin was killed in a raid on the Dragons' Den. Kalluhkden though they finally took the thrown. They were very wrong, though. As days before that, Odavuntin gave his Elder powers to his only son, Krahjuntin. Upon finding his father dead, Krahjuntin went into a rage never before seen in Dragon kind. He killed what was left of Kalluhkden, but he went out of control in his rage. He ended up killing all of what was left of the Dragons on the island beside himself. After the War, Dragons had almost become extinct. The few that were left were very weak and barely fought back. Krahjuntin finally came out of his rage, realizing he had wiped out the rest of his kind.

The nearby tribes had become terrified of Krahjuntin, so they banded together their strongest mages and Dragon experts together to try and contain Krahjuntin. They trapped him inside of a large temple, and turned him to stone. The only way to release him is for anyone to say three Ancient words next to him. These words can be found inside the temple, carved into the wall next to him.

Click to reveal

Extra Info: The temple he is trapped in just so happens to be visible from the shoreline.
08/18/2012 11:24 am
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Pinkie_Pie12570's Avatar

Full Name: Dahg (Monster) Hieyyt
Age: 16 *We all need dat unoriginal 16 year old*
Race/Species: Enhanced human
He has the healing powers of a starfish
The smelling and hearing powers of a dog.
And the eyes of an eagle
Sex: Male *Once a week sir*
Backstory: Soon...
Appearance: Soon...
Extra Info: I'll make an app for his parents soon...
08/18/2012 9:55 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
The_Nerdiness's Avatar
Full Name: Roswell Harris./Ross
Age: 27
Race/Species: Human.
Sex: Male
Backstory: Roswell worked in a shopping center selling camping gear ironically all he had to do on a break was watch bear grylls on the portable tv in the break room. Ross had a girlfriend a family and pretty good life. One day Ross faked sick so he could get out of work his boss believed him. He left his house to get lunch at the chinese restaurant down the street. On his way he saw a group of men beside a van they looked a bit dangerous he ignored them and kept walking. Ross entered the restaurant after he got his food he left with a full stomach.
He was halfway down the street when a bag came over his head and something hard hit him. Ross woke up in a dark room a man told him that he called his parents asking for a ransom and if it wasn't paid in 24 hours he would be killed. Three hours later Ross was being punched repeatedly to get the password to his bank account. Two more hours later he cracked he gave them the password. Ross fainted he was asleep for eight hours during that time a few men brought in a large tank of water.
The man who was running the operation told woke Ross up and told him his parents called a few times telling him they only had half the money wanted. The man told him his time had been shortened to fifteen hours which men't he only had two hours left. Two hours passed it was time. The man came back into the room to tell Ross he was going to be killed now but that the money would still be delivered. Two men pulled Ross over to the water tank. The last thing he heard was the leader of these men say ''goodbye'' his head was dunked in the water the two men kept doing this until Ross was almost dead. The leader came over pat Ross on the head and then dunked it back in. The last thing Ross remembered was everything going black and then when he woke up he was on a beach.
Appearance: Tall, black shaggy long hair, green eyes, thick eyebrows, a green button shirt and a pair of jeans,
Extra Info: He has a wallet in his pocket
08/18/2012 9:07 am
Level 22 : Expert Unicorn
Gagaking's Avatar
08/18/2012 8:58 am
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Pinkie_Pie12570's Avatar
I would join....
08/17/2012 9:07 pm
Level 41 : Master Taco
Gargoyle's Avatar
I will attempt an application very soon, which I need to go deep in thought to think of its good idea, and go through my basic process of applying.

For now, I leave you with an invisible cat. Enjoy.
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