Alddoras's Avatar
Level 13 Journeyman Architect

About Me

Hello Planet Minecraft!

Nowadays I go by Alddoras, but I still go by XwingLazer in Minecraft and on PS4. I have been playing Minecraft since version 1.2.5 and plan to continue for quite a long time. Around version 1.7.2, I began to find an interest in building. Since then, I have been working to improve my building throughout my many hours playing through various modded and vanilla Minecraft worlds. In 2014, I began working on my very first adventure map. Although it did not have a name, it was a small CTM style map and eventually inspired me to create the "Advanced Hostile: Chambers" in 2016. Although it took me and some friends who helped over two years to create, I am very proud of the final product and consider it one of my best builds. I am planning on making more maps in the "Advanced Hostile" series (inspired by the "Super Hostile" series). I am very grateful for the support my first map has gained and, because of that, I feel encouraged to keep creating and improving my builds. Again, thank you for your support.

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Jul 21, 2018Joined PMC
XwingLazerMinecraft Name

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