Batman008's Avatar
Level 3
Apprentice Miner

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    08/19/2013 6:29 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    When did you start playing minecraft: When it was in early Alpha
    How often do you play and for how long: I play as often as i can, around 5-6 times a week and for about 2-3 hours.
    What country do you live in: Australia
    How goods your internet: Extremely good, download speed of 2mbs per second
    Do you have skype(we don't have to talk in skype it just to msg): Yes i do, gpazrulz
    Do you have a youtube channel: No( can create one if wanted)
    Building skill: 8/10
    Redstone skill: 6/10
    Do you have a sense of humour which could take someone pranking you, but not griefing: I would consider myself to have a good sense of humor. I like pranking people, with like decorating their house or signs around leading to nowhere... I dont mind if someone pranks me, but i would love to get them back for it.
    Why do you want to join: I want to join because I have always wanted to do a combined vanilla survival with someone and i think i would be a great addition to the family or squad. I like joking around, surviving with other people and in general enjoying minecraft.
    08/19/2013 6:23 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    When did you start playing minecraft: I have played minecraft since Alpha
    How often do you play and for how long: I play almost everyday and for around 3 hours log if i do.
    What country do you live in: Australia
    How goods your internet: 9/10
    Do you have skype(we don't have to talk in skype it just to msg): Yes, Gpazrulz
    Do you have a youtube channel: No
    Building skill: out of 10, 8/10
    Redstone skill:out of 10, 5/10
    Do you have a sense of humour which could take someone pranking you, but not griefing: I do have a good sense of humour and i am able to deal with people pranking me also. I dont grief and yea, i love joking around.
    Why do you want to join: I have always wanted to play an online survival with a bunch of people as I think it is very fun. I love playing SP, but to do a survival with a lot of people would mean the world to me. If I am allowed on the server, it would mean a lot to me and yea.
    08/19/2013 6:17 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    Sure, i am wanting to see if i can be a builder in your mini game server, if you are still looking for builders
    06/27/2013 9:17 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    Username: gpazrulz
    Age: 15
    Timezone: UTC+10:00
    Previous staff experience: I have been Staff before on my friends server, and i have been Head-Admin on another server
    Why you believe you deserve the position: Becayse I am mature, but I still have a little fun in myself. I have been staff before, and I have a lot of experience but I still have a bit to learn. I also know of good building ideas, and good plugins. I am also very friendly.
    Why you believe that you can handle the responsibilities: Since i have have been staff on previous server's, i know what it takes to handle responsibilities. I also am a mature person who can handle situations.
    Plugin configuration abilities: I am good with plugins, i have worked with plugins a lot like essentials, multi-verse portals, voting servers etc.
    Additional abilities: I can make logo's and designs with photoshop, i have built large medieval towns, Mini adventure map that i am releasing soon..., Overall i can build large or small builds that is needed.
    Skype (and other forms of contact): Facebook, Skype, PMC, gmail, Hotmail

    My App
    06/27/2013 8:18 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    Username: gpazrulz
    Age: 15
    Timezone: UTC+10:00
    Previous staff experience: I have been Staff before on my friends server, and i have been Head-Admin on another server
    Why you believe you deserve the position: Becayse I am mature, but I still have a little fun in myself. I have been staff before, and I have a lot of experience but I still have a bit to learn. I also know of good building ideas, and good plugins. I am also very friendly.
    Why you believe that you can handle the responsibilities: Since i have have been staff on previous server's, i know what it takes to handle responsibilities. I also am a mature person who can handle situations.
    Plugin configuration abilities: I am good with plugins, i have worked with plugins a lot like essentials, multi-verse portals, voting servers etc.
    Additional abilities: I can make logo's and designs with photoshop, i have built large medieval towns, Mini adventure map that i am releasing soon..., Overall i can build large or small builds that is needed.
    Skype (and other forms of contact): Facebook, Skype, PMC, gmail, Hotmail
    Additional information:
    06/27/2013 7:41 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    Name: Geet
    Experience: I have been moderator and chat mod on servers but sadly they are shut down but i do have proof that i was once a moderator. I have also once been whitelisted onto Machinima's channel. (Not Lying) i even have a photo
    Skype:(yes/no) Yes
    Skype name: gpazrulz- India
    What are you applying for:Admin
    Why do you want to be apart of the team: I want to be part of this team because i think i think i can be a good helper and support this server. I love playing minecraft and i love helping out people wherever they need it. I also build a lot of things like server spawns, towns, buildings etc.
    Can you donate: Of course
    Age: 15
    06/26/2013 9:36 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    Batman008's Avatar
    Age- 15
    Skype- I can pm you that because i dont want randoms adding me
    Experience- I am currently a Mod on a server, and a chat mod on another. I have been told that i am a good staff member.I've been a member of staff on multiple servers but sadly they've all shut down after a few days, I'm experienced with many plugins like :essentials, souppvp, Factions, Xteam, World edit, World guard and many more, if there are any plugins I am unfamiliar with I will soon familiarise with them, I will watch over the server and ban any who break the rules and laws of the server
    Why should i add you- You should add me because i am a consistent staff member who is always on servers and keeping that server a safer place for more people to enjoy. I am a great person on servers and irl, and i believe by having me in the server can make it a better place

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