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Level 27 Expert Engineer

How to make Unbreakable items with a Title, Lore, and Enchantments

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Here's how to make an Indestructible tool with Enchantments, a Title, and Lore. I'll post the whole command, then go bit by bit with it.

/give @p iron_sword{display:{Name:"\"Knight's Blade\"",Lore:["\"A Sharpened Blade used by a knight\""]},Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5}]Unbreakable:1} 1

/give @p iron_sword{display:{Name:"\"Knight's Blade\"",Lore:["\"A Sharpened Blade used by a knight\""]},Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5}]Unbreakable:1} 1

/give is the main function command here.
@p is who the command is for.
iron_sword is the item being given.
{ = the start of the command process of the item and } = the end of the command process.
display: is used to give the item it's title and lore.
{Name:"\ is the set up for whatever you want your title to be. Your title begins after the space and second " in this case it's Knight's Blade and the title command ends after the \"" note there is two quotation marks here. To move onto Lore simply add a comma , after the quotation marks.
Lore:["\" works similar to the title command as this is how to start your Lore. Lore starts after the second quotation mark here. Notice the [ after the Lore: this is to separate the lore lines on your item. Simply put a | (Same keyboard key as your \ but shifted) if you want to create a new lore line. The Lore ends after the \""} make sure you start the {Name: with a bracket and end the \""} with a bracket so it ends the command for display. Note these { brackets are not the same set of brackets that come after iron_sword{.
Put a , comma after the \""} so that you can move onto the Enchantments:[{ command. Enchantments:[{ works similarly to the display commands with the [{ except that they are reversed. This creates another command spot specifically for enchanting the item.
id:sharpness identifies what kind of enchantment you want on the item. In this case it is sharpness. After add a , comma.
lvl:5 is the level of the enchantment. In this case it's 5 making it Sharpness 5. You can go above 5 which is the highest in a survival mode with an enchanting table. It can go up to 1000 if you like. End this part of the command with a }]
Unbreakable:1 is what makes the item indestructible. You know you did this right once you see a blue Unbreakable under all the other writing for your item. Notice theres no , comma after the }].
} will be the final bracket ending the command. The Single 1 behind this bracket signifies the amount of this item that will be spawned.

Note: If you want multiple enchantments on your item, put a , comma after the } bracket after the level of the other enchantment, and type in your new one. It'll look like this: {id:sharpness,lvl:5},{id:sweeping,lvl:3}

Hope this helps you guys. This was a lot of work to figure out.
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