Clashica's Avatar
Level 13
Journeyman Princess

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    07/18/2015 3:49 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    07/17/2015 11:20 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    get skype and will talk
    07/17/2015 11:17 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    add more detail and get skype and will talk
    07/17/2015 11:16 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    is this come kind of joke?
    07/17/2015 7:12 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    you are staff on way to many servers and you are not aged enough for admin result: denied
    07/16/2015 9:47 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    Please do not lie about this kind of stuff i only ask if they are staff to see if they have the time please delete your message and think about what you said
    07/16/2015 9:45 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    Western Untied States lol
    Dont have one But i can make one
    Plugin skills rate:
    about your self:
    I am a skilled builder, I Have a high maturity rate and am kind and nice. I only punish if needed
    speak any other language:
    UPDATEyou started playing on:
    The Very beginning
    time you can play weekly:
    Anytime Unless on Fridays Roller Skating
    are you staff on a server right now:
    No i am not

    admin doesnt seem right for you maybe try a lower rank
    07/16/2015 9:39 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    will think about
    07/16/2015 7:29 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    denied your update skill is way to low and you are staff on another server our staff does not like people being staff on another server Result DENIED.
    07/03/2015 6:28 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    -=-=-=-=-=-=-Co-Owner Application-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 15
    Skype: AshleyMaryCat
    Maturity: i can have a high level of maturity as in i will not goof off nor be distracted if i have free time i can goof around but if i am in need of work then i am to proper
    Why you want this position: i believe if i apply for this position i can help any posible way i can i will explain more in the "what makes you qualified"
    What makes you qualified: what makes me qualified is that i used to own my own network my self but alas it was taken down due to the hosting going outta business what a shame anyways i am qualified to do my part because i am a 24/7 minecraft player need me? ill be there dont worry, owner needs a break? ill take it from here. there is no need to worry anything that is a problem i can fix i am know for many consoles, hardrives, and etc. so dont worry
    Past experience: my past experience is that i used to own my own successful network server untill you know. but i believe i can help your server out alot so i am know for mod 2X admin 4X and Owner 7X(i used to own alot of mini faction servers) co-owner 3X and Builder0X. there you have it but dont worry i am no longer staff on any of these servers i have been staff on so i can mostly spend time on your server to help it grow to something magical.
    07/03/2015 2:24 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    it worked but my charecter is messed up
    07/03/2015 2:13 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    Nickname: Midnight
    RP experience: when i first joined minecraft all i ever did was rp then i went to rock it out at pvp but i am well know with rps
    Server staff experience: i used to own my own network server and little survival server but not anymore due to over kill of money
    Link to character application: i would love to but it will not let me join your enjin website the reason why is when i fill out the catche then press join website nothing happens nothing doesnt even tell me if im wrong or not, but here i am a human
    Reason why you over others: i dont wish to be over others i just wish to be equal and get along
    Age: 15
    Skype:(Option but preferred) AshleyMaryCat
    07/03/2015 1:00 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    posted app on other forum <3
    07/03/2015 12:45 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    IGN: MidnightSparkleX
    Name: Ashley Cassandra Zarzankov
    Skype: AshleyMaryCat
    Staff Position (Administrator/Moderator/Helper): Moderator or Administrator
    Experience: i have used to own my own network server i am very well know with everything simple as multicraft, plugins, etc. so i have also been every rank besides builder i am not well with building
    What YOU can bring to the server: i could bring kindness, help, i speak many languages like 15 so i can help anyone who cant speak english i can help if anyone is being hacked i can record as well so that wont be an issue i am great at catching hackers i do it all the time but believe me i can help alot oh and here ill add some stuff
    Age: 15
    Location: PST, EST
    Staff on another server right now: Nope
    time i can get on: 24/7 when ever im needed
    07/02/2015 11:00 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    IGN: MidnightSparkleX

    Age: 15

    Timezone: PST

    Staff POSITION (global or server): global moderator

    What time(s) do you play minecraft?: 24/7 all night all day i sleep like 3 hours

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server?: yes, it was for fangirl spamming hehe...

    Do you know any coding?: sorta i used to run my own network server so im very knowledgeable about server stuff.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation?: im know to all ranks besides builder

    How many hours can you contribute per day?: ...15 hours maybe more or less

    What advice would you give someone who had to DEAL with people younger than them?: that you must contain good mature style and know that if there young put your self in there place

    How would you handle a situation that got out of control?: mute them and talk them threw it or if it was outta hand take control and stop the madness

    Do you have Skype? (if so include your skype name): AshleyMaryCat

    Are you able to record?: Yes

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes

    Anything else we should know?: im very well at moderation and stalking players i have a really great camera that never really lags so it doesnt block anything or lag out the most important part
    03/21/2015 1:21 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
    Clashica's Avatar
    skills: plugins,coding,servers,bungee,java
    Age:14 will be 15 april 3
    name: Ashley Cassandra Neubaum
    IGN: The_Deadly_Siren
    experience: 2 years, ive been an owner 3 times co owner 5 admin 2 mod 1

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