CountlessFairies's Avatar
Level 1 New Explorer

☾about me☽

Hi, I'm Alyssa! (or Fairiez on minecraft)

[size=1em]Right, these things always seem a bit pointless to me and thats a tiny bit upsetting. I
mean, in all seriousness, are you going to read this and be like 'wow,
that right there has changed my life!' No, I didn't think so, either.
But then, if you did read this and decide that I've provoked some sort
of spiritual journey or life changing experience, then you're very
welcome... Any-who, I could write pretty much anything in here, such as:
I like raisins! Which, of course, I don't, but if I did put it in here,
would you know about it and tell me that you like raisins, too? Who
knows, you might, but I doubt it very much. I think it's about time that
I put something productive in here instead of some waffle about
raisins. [/size](I know, waffles, raisins, I seem food obsessed -.-)[size=1em] As you're here, you probably want to know a little something about me. So, in honor of your visit, I've listed a paragraph of pointless facts.

I am in highschool and like most high school students I make a lot of death jokes and I hate my life. There's this really cute dude that I like and I got a picture with him but not even a minute later I started crying. He's a beautiful human being and I love him. I make a lot of puns to cover up the fact that I want to jump off a bridge, and I'm a professional giggler. (don't ask I dont even know) I am always up to play minecraft with anyone and make new friends! My username is Fairiez and you can mainly find me on The Hive or on Hypixel. I honestly have no life and I want to start making skins? But? I can barely keep up with my youtube channel? So this is a bad idea?


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Jan 16, 2016Joined PMC
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