creaturafeatura's Avatar
i'll eat you
Level 49 Master Witch

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  • creaturafeatura's Avatar
    August 9, 2019, 8:49 pm to Public
    More on what my resource pack updates mean:

    + The plus symbol means I've physically added something to the pack, making it bigger
    This might look strange in some cases, such as when I write something like "+Removed Barrel sounds", but in removing something, I've gotta add something in the pack to replace it, such as a very small silent sound clip.

    - The subtraction symbol means I've removed something out of the pack, making the pack smaller
    Sometimes I make a mistake, or change my mind about something being in the pack, so I have no choice but to kick it out.

    * The asterisk means that I've changed something
    Plenty of things can be better if I figure out a way to make 'em better!

    These weren't always how I used these symbols though.. so you have my apologies if you find some contradictory things in my older updates..
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