Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Dragon

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    03/10/2014 3:24 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    No, I always turn off my laptop properly so I don't damage it. Is there anything else I can do?
    11/04/2013 9:48 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I know it's in America mostly, but if it could be just once, let it be in Kentucky. Nothing big besides the horse race is in Kentucky, and I never get to go to minecon. I just hope it is in Kentucky or at least close to Kentucky.
    10/24/2013 1:13 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I might have a solution. Completely delete the files from the tekkit launcher you previously had. Then, re-download the newest launcher version. I know you might want the worlds you had to still stay there, but they won't work with the new launcher. I already tried. It should work fine after that. But you did say that the launch button goes black right? That just means it's loading tekkit. But if you do this and it freezes like that again, try the 1st solution.
    10/17/2013 4:23 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I can help u price things.
    10/17/2013 4:12 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    carwyn123Hey, fellow minecrafters! If you want to be any type of staff on my new, popular minecraft server then apply now! You can apply for:
    Joint-owner {You have to donate a bit of money}

    Why do you want to be staff?:
    How long can you play?:
    How mature are you out of 10 and why?:
    What can you do for our server if you become staff?:
    How old are you?:
    First name:
    Email address:
    If you want the rank Owner how much can you donate?:

    Many thanks

    I don't want rank owner. Im good.

    I would like to be staff because I am a staff member on many servers and I am a fun kind of guy to have. I'd say I am an 8/10 mature level because I can have fun and follow rules at the same time, but I very rarely break the rules on a server. I would like to apply for head mod because I am good at helping people and spotting out griefers. I can easily see when someone is hacking and when someone has been hacked. I can get on on weekends during the school year and every day during summer and Christmas. I can help almost anyone solve their problems or whatever they need so the owner(you) doesn't have to. Please send me a private message with the ip if you accept me. Oh, and please send it soon.
    10/16/2013 5:15 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I agree I'm also bored to death on the other servers I play on.
    10/16/2013 5:11 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I would like to test. Why? Because I am a good survival player. I have beta tested plenty of times, and all the servers I tested were a great success. And because I can be on all the time on the weekends and sometimes on the weekdays, and 95% of the time during Christmas and summer. If you want, I can also help u build or anything. And I can be a great moderator cause I know how to solve problems easily.

    Minecraft ign: Diamond_Knight8

    Please reply back to me soon.
    10/16/2013 10:57 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    This happened to my friend. Me and my friends were walking around at recess on the playground when my one friend tripped and landed on his but in the mud. It totally looked like he had diareah in his pants. We told him to put his sweatshirt around it. We never let him forget about it though.
    10/16/2013 9:04 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    Ok, I can help u out bro. Follow these directions. First, be yourself. Don't make yourself seem like something your not, because she will find out and she will probably never talk to you again. Second, take it slow. Don't rush in to ask her out until the time is right. And you will know when to ask her out. Trust me. And finnaly, try to find something you and her both like. Ask her what her favorite video game is. Bond with her. If all else fails, here's what you can do if your friend zoned. To avoid friend zone, just ask her to hook you up with someone. There is two outcomes to that. One is that she will hook you up with someone. The other is that she might get jealous and admit your true feelings towards you. WIN WIN BRO. WIN WIN.
    09/30/2013 11:53 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    This will most likely get removed for spam by mods. They've removed 3 things from me already.
    09/17/2013 2:30 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    Are you serious? You probably didn't learn English from minecraft. I mean, just look at your comment. Edit it man. People won't take you seriously.
    09/16/2013 10:58 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I also think all people who buy minecraft should have to take a test and do stuff to prove that they aren't noobs. If they aren't, they can play on any server they want. But if they don't pass, they have to play on one specific server for noobs only. That way, all the pros and noobs aren't mixed up like they are now, which is total bullcrap.
    09/16/2013 10:54 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I agree with you. In the next update, we will have more plants, more biomes, Better fishing items, and even water breathing potions.
    09/16/2013 10:53 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    Honestly, I think that we should make minecraft for kids 10+. Theres So much cursing in servers, little kids are learning things they should only know when they're 13.
    09/16/2013 10:51 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I would have a diamond sword, a portal gun, and Mario's cap.
    09/11/2013 6:28 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I am amazing at pvp I can kill people with diamond armor with just an iron sword I also know defensife tactics and how to be a boss and pwn people.
    I am avalible on weekends, and sometimes on weekdays.
    05/13/2013 12:27 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    Samoratt because he is an epic sword pokemon and has really balanced out stats.
    05/02/2013 6:34 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    Also, remember to ask me for things on my other topics!
    05/02/2013 6:20 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    When I was little, like 8 or 9, I was scared to death by my dad. He had found this super hard internet game called the maze game. My brother played it and I watched. On the third level, he was so close to wining. He messed up and hit the wall. A girl who had a creepy smile accross her face and blood dripping from her hair screamed, and this pic was full screen. Later, I found out it was the exorcist. I still have nightmares to this day.
    05/02/2013 9:28 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
    Diamond_Knight8's Avatar
    I got my name from myself. I liked Diamonds, and I thought knights were pretty cool, and my favorite number is 8. So I thought, hey, why not just put them together? And the name Diamond_Knight8 was born.

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