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Level 42
Master Procrastinator

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    08/27/2020 3:59 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    It's like java, but more annoying.

    When you press e to open/close your inventory, there's a really quick animation that plays, but it's juuust enough time to be infuriating.
    Picture this:
    You're being snuck up on by a creeper. So you close your inventory and start running. On java it's fine, you're running. But on bedrock, if you don't wait that vital split second for the animation to stop, your keypress just won't register, so you won't start running.
    Seriously, you could go on for days about how bedrock redstone is so bad, or how weird it looks in comparison with java. But no, that tiny window of time after closing your inventory where you still can't do anything is the frickin' WORST THING IN EXISTANCE! I'm not kidding, that was the thing that did it for me, the reason I played bedrock once and never touched it again.

    Only thing I can say in bedrock's defense is that 1. it does run a lot better than java, so players with slugs for computers can still play minecraft and 2. the ability to create custom, animated mob models is pretty damn cool (seriously java, why tf do you not have that already?)
    08/27/2020 3:49 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    Dude, all the time. I even have an assigned macro on my keyboard where g would be, just so I can easily reach one button and swap between creative and survival when I'm working on datapacks! Holy carp it's a good feature!!!
    08/27/2020 3:44 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    They're completely arbitrary, chosen by the user. You get a list of options that you can pick from and every time you level up, that list of options gets a little bit longer
    08/27/2020 3:39 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    I concur; Build a statue of me.
    08/26/2020 10:33 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar

    Jk, I don't really care, though personally I think playing on peaceful means you lose out on a lot of the game and actually make it more difficult due to the inability to make certain mob farms and farm certain resources (plus your imminent demise is what makes it fun anyway XD).

    Unless of course you mean, you're in a situation which you can't get out of, so you turn on peaceful to get rid of mobs. In that case, I would consider it cheating.
    08/26/2020 4:53 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    08/25/2020 12:45 pm
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    What came first? The chicken or the nutmeg?

    I know what I said.
    08/25/2020 12:42 pm
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    do you hear her voice in the morning hours? Does the radio remind you of your home, far away? Does driving down the road give you the feeling that you should haave been home yesterday?
    08/25/2020 12:36 pm
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    I'm talking about when you're enchanting at an enchanting table. Hoping to get enchanted loot from fishing is far too time-consuming in my opinion. And throwing out perfectly good gear is just a waste.

    The grindstone can also be used when enchanting books, because you tend to only get 1-2 enchantments per book. So wiping them clean 1. gets a bit of xp back and 2. means you don't just have to throw away that book and get a new one, because that's wasteful.

    I'd like to point out you saying "I find it to be completely useless" and emphasise "I"
    just because you find something doesn't have a place in your particular style of play, doesn't mean that other people don't. You should never discount potential benefits simply due to a personal vendetta.
    Once again, I implore to think before you speak to avoid sounding like a fool. Or rather, as a wise man once said: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
    08/25/2020 9:06 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    I know, I did mention that at the end.

    I didn't feel it necessary to list every item I listed a second time
    08/25/2020 5:48 am
    Level 42 : Master Procrastinator
    ElectroSheep_'s Avatar
    Dude I use the grindstone all the time. It's great for wiping the slate when you're enchanting, so you don't have to make new tools or combine it with another.

    They're also great for salvaging free experience from gear you get in the end.
    They are also great because they're the work station for weapons smiths, which can sell you pretty decent gear, including diamond swords.

    Before you write angry posts about the uselessness of things, try doing some research next time, it's a great way to avoid looking like a fool :D

    On another note: "Seriously Mojang, either add in items which benefit the player or don't add anything in at all."
    Allow me to present:
    - poisonous potatoes (literally designed to be useless)

    - rotten flesh
    - bats
    - giants
    - the tropical fish item
    - dead bushes
    - illusioners
    - the dragon egg
    shall I go on?

    And even though none of them are particularly useful, they all have their uses under certain circumstances.

    Poisonous spuds are used in one of the achievements
    Tropical fish can be used to tame cats
    dragon eggs can be used for mass-destruction of bedrock

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