Emporerwolves's Avatar
Level 24 Expert Architect

Hey I'm Wolves

Hey guys I'm Emperorwolves (usually have the name wolvesbane1 but someone had it already) aka wolves. I enjoy building many things though military history and sci fi/fantasy is usually my favourite building styles.
I'm always open to working as part of a team or just having fun so feel free to msg me or send me a friend request on discord :(Discord-Wolvesbane1#5567) .
As for using my designs I'd say go for it though as u can see there's no download for them though if u copy them using their photos I'd ask u to credit me and feel free to make better versions of anything you see and send me the pictures the creativity of this community on PMC never ceases to amaze and astound me.

I am a member of the server build team on the Firework server so come join and play along side a great friendly community on survival or creative
IP: play.fireworkserver.net

Member Statistics

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6Discussion posts
Jul 16, 2018Joined PMC
Wolvesbane1Minecraft Name

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