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Level 20 Expert Engineer

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    12/15/2014 3:24 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Engineer
    FranticOwl's Avatar
    12/15/2014 2:16 am
    Level 20 : Expert Engineer
    FranticOwl's Avatar
    Tycraft333's Application
    Tycraft333Name/Nick: Tyler
    IGN: tgshowers
    Skype: tgshowers
    Age: 14
    Time zone: UTC/GMT +/- (Google can be resourceful) Pacific
    What hobbies do you have(Optional):
    Building skill(?/10): 8
    Area of expertise: Attension To Detail xD
    Part of a build-team?: nope
    Time dedication daily: 1 hour.
    What input can you provide: What is needed.
    Why should we accept you: Because I am a dedicated worker who loves building!
    Extra information: none
    Proof of work (in spoiler or provide links):

    Your application has been denied since you failed to provide both the correct timezone and proof of your work.
    12/15/2014 2:14 am
    Level 20 : Expert Engineer
    FranticOwl's Avatar
    gametaker3000's Application
    Time zone:GMT
    What hobbies do you have(Optional):Gaming&Building
    Building skill(?/10):8/10
    Area of expertise:building
    Part of a build-team?:no
    Time dedication daily:playing mini-games for ideas in building
    What input can you provide:i know how to use world edit and i can build very complex parts of a build but don't like doing alot.
    Why should we accept you:because i can build amazing structers.
    Extra information:i live in the UK.
    proof of

    (I helped in this creation)

    That's one impressive project you have there! We'll need to finalize some details but for now you're good.

    Welcome to the Ravalis Team!
    12/14/2014 2:15 pm
    Level 20 : Expert Engineer
    FranticOwl's Avatar
    12/13/2014 6:31 am
    Level 20 : Expert Engineer
    FranticOwl's Avatar
    Hey there,

    I love the idea you've set out here. I don't know if this is the same/similar project from a few years back that I saw here on the forums also having a "Frontiers" in the name? The whole concept sounds pretty great and surprisingly somewhat close to what I've been working on, or at least trying to do, for the last year and 2 months now.

    A bit about myself:
    I've been working on setting up my own server network the past year. We've come a long way and we believe that we have finally put enough development into it to make it a reality. I am passionate about helping other people, especially Minecrafters who are starting their own communities or working towards that.
    I am also a fairly skilled builder in the building styles ranging from rustic, gothic, medieval and modern-styles. I also do some* graphics designing and my plugin experience on servers are very extensive. Programming is my best subject in school, but I have not yet started to code in java and javascript. Though php and mysql isn't one of my strong suits, I do know some linux Ubuntu and CentOS command lines. I've worked with setting up Multicraft and Enjin websites as well as some* webhosting on a private vps.

    I'd very much like to help you out where ever you'd like. Perhaps we could join our ideas and create something together. What ever the case may be, please add me on Skype → FranticOwl or just message me here on PMC.

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