Ftanjo's Avatar
Level 54 Grandmaster Dragonborn

Female/18/Hetero ~♪


Also, here are a few things I like and dislike, if you scrolled down here:

  • The good stuff:
- Sweets, I'm a major sweet tooth -

- Fruits and veggies, and I'm not even doing it to stay healthy, food's real good when you spice things up with different things. -

- Talking about spice, I loooove spicy food, and I handle it pretty well, but Idk if I could handle a ghost pepper. -

- Sometimes being alone brings me comfort, not always, mind you, but every once in a while I just like being by myself. -

- I love creating character designs, it's so fun I can barely handle my excitement when someone asks me to redesign something. -

- Give me that Vocaloid juice babyyy -

- I enjoy swimming, it's fun! -

- Some other stuff not to be mentioned in a family friendly site. -

  • The stuff that stinks:
- Bugs, every single one of them minus butterflies (If they get close to me they are added). -

- Spiders, creepy crawlies suck. -

- Yoga, massages and meditating, I can't get into it, it just makes me nervous and stressed out. -

- I can't get myself to like Dragon Ball, I know it's probably the most popular anime ever, but that's a no for me chief. -

- I can't handle blood, at all, if it's mine, Idc, but if it's somebody's I freak out, same thing with sicknesses. -


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Feb 2, 2015Joined PMC
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