JackIsAZombie's Avatar
Level 37 Artisan Zombie

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    12/12/2013 3:25 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
    JackIsAZombie's Avatar
    It's not a server play, unfortunately, or I'd love to have you! It's all done over LAN, with her being my roommate and all. I actually tried to set up a server so we could get her little brother playing with us from his house as well, but it won't work. We set everything up correctly, including the portforwarding and whatnots, but it just wouldn't let him in. People can join in just fine through the same server address if they're on my internet, but if they're on a foreign internet it kept saying my server was offline, so we kind of abandoned that whole idea because I couldn't find any help with that online anywhere. :c

    As for my recording, it's HD and no lag, though. All of the recording is done from my PC which is a custom built gaming PC from IBuyPower. It's a pretty powerful machine- It can record on Amplified worlds with minor hiccups.
    12/12/2013 3:13 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
    JackIsAZombie's Avatar
    Oh wow. I didn't know it'd be listed like that lol. Do they take a while to reply? :O
    12/12/2013 3:08 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
    JackIsAZombie's Avatar
    I don't know how to spot a moderator. x: Does it say it where like, mine says "New Explorer?"
    12/12/2013 2:59 am
    Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
    JackIsAZombie's Avatar
    Correct, and she's actually my roommate as well! Thanks so much for the welcome, I'm not sure how active I'll actually be on here, but I figured if I'm going to try to poke my head into the world of LP, I might as well start on a forum where people can offer advice and opinions. :3

    I actually skimmed those when I joined, but you putting them there made me realize I should probably read them in a bit more detail, so I appreciate that reminder as well.

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