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  • Guard | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.20 Mob Data Pack
    10.3k 1.2k 31
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/14/24 2:20 • posted 3/24/23 3:29
  • Car | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.20 Quality of Life Data Pack
    12.7k 2.4k 8
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/14/24 2:19 • posted 7/31/23 10:52
  • Stupidly Weird Stardust Labs Splashes
    16x Minecraft 1.20.6 Other Texture Pack
    1.4k 67 5
    x 7
    kohara_'s Avatar kohara_ 5/14/24 10:42 • posted 11/22/22 4:04
  • -Valery's Avatar
    May 12, 2024, 2:51 pm to Public
    Quite (un)funny how I've already cut out 2 entire chapters for a relatively interesting beginning and had to temporarily get rid of 2 characters for a better pacing. Just so you know, I had like, 5 chapters planned out. Now I only have 2 chapters worth of story and have to figure out how to move all the important stuff from the deleted scenes to next chapters (I do have a general plot, I'm talking about the chapters that were planned out fully).

    At first my intention was to write a story in a rather simple way — just describing whatever the heck is happening and that's it. And here I am, trying to make the beginning engaging, wondering what POV to use, trying to write less straightforward and more pleasing, changing the story just so it blends with the writing, thinking about logic way more than I did before, cutting out scenes that feel unnatural...

    I'm just writing a real book at this point instead of a little cringy fic. This takes far more time than I expected. I'll have such a hard time translating it into English...

    Anyway, once again, I really hope it turns out good... ish, at least. If I ever feel confident with the written chapters, I'll post 'em. Right now though, I fear that I'll have to rewrite a lot, so that basically means no publishing until everything's finished.

    No, I do not intend on making long wallposts everyday. I just had a lot of thoughts and stuff. Thanks to whoever cares to read all that.

    До скорого, ай гесс.
    -Valery replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-05-13 06:29:45
    -Valery's Avatar
    Thank you.

    My writing experience:
    Can't start for hours —> finally starting —> inspiration kicks in —> finishing at 4 am —> cringing the very next day/feeling like it's not enough.

    I've changed my initial writing a lot, so now it at least feels like a book, I think. Sacrificed a lot of jokes and character interaction, though.
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-12 16:11:35
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    I wish you lots of luck and inspiration, writing is difficult (every time when I write something, I get blocked by cringe or moral overthinking)

    I'm a fan of the last line of this post
  • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    May 12, 2024, 8:17 am to Public
    3 days later, I got a brand new tool out of it. This'll help me shave off a ton of time posting stuff (and managing them) across multiple platforms.
    look, building a parser from scratch is tough beans, alright?
  • BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack Terralith version (+Nullscape and Amplified Nether)
    Minecraft 1.18 - 1.20 Adventure Data Pack
    55.3k 11.8k 50
    x 7
    Cavinator1's Avatar Cavinator1 5/11/24 8:25 • posted 12/12/21 5:53
  • -Valery's Avatar
    May 11, 2024, 2:15 pm to Public

    I'm done with music. For the rest of the month.

    Turns out music addiction exists. Turns out it's bad. Wow. Who would've thought.

    I listen to a lot of music, though. I listen to it for hours, all while spinning around my flat. I'm regularly trying to discover new songs. I memorize the lyrics. I decompose them. I translate them in my mind. I'm whispering them to myself the whole day.

    The good thing is, I'm not really suffering as of right now. I don't have much trouble falling asleep and I still enjoy music as always.

    But, yeah, I'm addicted. Having melodies and lyrics in your head at all times kinda sucks ass. Spending hours just listening to stuff also doesn't strike with me.

    So, just for the sake of it, I won't be listening to music for the rest of the month, as I said. Just to see what happens (if happens at all)

    Already having a hard time when hearing any melody playing. Instant reminder to mumble something.

    Another annoying thing is... my characters. You see, a lot of organisations and characters from my universe were based on songs (either that, or I might've found fitting songs for some later on).

    Pale Association? — When The Weak Go Marching In
    Deuce Association? — Traffic Jam
    Dante? — First Death
    Lyra? — Through Me To You, DOKUZU

    So, yeah. All the time I just have an urge to— to snap the sinew I want to get within you I want to scar the tissue butterfly and rectify you

    To end the post, here are my favorites that you must listen to:

    Mili — favorite Japanese band (favorite album: To Kill A Living Book)
    Дайте танк (!) — favorite Russian band
    Ferry — favorite vocaloid musician
    Ado — favorite singer (shares the place with Mili's vocalist)

    That's it. If you're reading this, you're probably insane (or genuinely interested in the topic ig)

    My next objective is murdering "TikTok attention span" syndrome in me. Not once have I watched a TikTok, but YouTube's making me procrastinate so damn much. Skill issue tbh.

    Аривидерчи ор смфн айдк
  • lukidon's Avatar
    May 10, 2024, 10:01 pm to Public
    Mobs Refreshed v2 is out, I'll update the Fresh Animations addon as well as Boss Refreshed tomorrow.
  • Invisible Item Frame | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.19 Crafting Recipe Data Pack
    3.9k 635 2
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/10/24 1:48 • posted 7/7/21 3:41
  • Parachute | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.20 Item Data Pack
    3.5k 356 4
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/10/24 1:47 • posted 7/20/23 9:51
  • -Valery's Avatar
    May 9, 2024, 6:24 pm to Public
    The good and the bad thing about my whole "chelyabacorpse" nickname is that if you Google it, you'll get pretty much EVERYTHING that involves me, (except the things where I use other names of course, like this account for example) because who the heck else would think of a name like this.

    Unrelated to all of the above: I've found a comfortable way to sign my drawings. I didn't do it before 'cause:
    1) Who tf would want to steal my shitty scribbles
    2) I didn't want to put damn watermarks over my art and just making a signature in the corner is useless.

    From now on I think I'll have a signature, but with a little twist, in case someone tries to cover it. Or maybe I won't, I don't care that much, I'm getting, what, 1-2 likes on Tumblr? Yeah, no way someone steals from a nameless person. This will be of more use if I ever make a VK account or smth.
  • TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    May 9, 2024, 5:32 am to Public
    Decided to speedrun HTML and CSS in 4 hours - I'll need them for future update shenanigans.
    Just the basics of them anyway, I can always improve it later on.
  • Sun Fox from Isle Granchio
    Fox (Java) Mob Skin
    102 4
    Ercerus's Avatar Ercerus 5/8/24 4:08
  • Adventure Maps by Ercerus
    Minecraft Collection
    • 5
    Ercerus 05/07/24 • posted 01/06/22
  • Ricordia | Map
    Land Structure Map
    3.3k 256 1
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/7/24 9:47 • posted 2/23/24 8:21
  • Gun | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.20 Weapons and Armor Data Pack
    45.3k 12.7k 28
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/6/24 1:46 • posted 2/21/23 11:20
  • Hidden Nickname | Data Pack 1.20.5+
    Minecraft 1.20 Server Utility Data Pack
    27.1k 5.5k 20
    x 1
    Jumbo_Studio's Avatar Jumbo_Studio 5/6/24 1:45 • posted 6/11/21 10:58
  • Advancement Count [1.20]
    Minecraft 1.20 Challenge Data Pack
    4.3k 248 2
    x 2
    2mal3's Avatar 2mal3 5/6/24 8:26 • posted 2/25/23 11:14
  • Minecraft But You Can Mine Lava
    Minecraft 1.20 Minecraft, but Data Pack
    3.9k 962 7
    x 1
    Th3A554551n's Avatar Th3A554551n 5/5/24 4:03
  • War Plane Datapack(voxel planes datapack)
    Minecraft 1.16 - 1.20 Technology Data Pack
    43.5k 7.5k 59
    x 8
    uran2471's Avatar uran2471 5/5/24 11:48 • posted 8/22/21 1:53
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