Nexutron's Avatar
Level 11 Journeyman Architect

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    08/01/2014 11:44 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Age: Fourteen.

    Skype: Don't have one.

    Ign: Nexutron.

    08/01/2014 8:31 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I'd Practice Skills, record, and do all of that things before posting... plus, it could use some effort. Good work over all.
    08/01/2014 1:21 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Applying for: (Preferably) Co-Owner , Admin, Mod, Helper, anything you think I should be.

    Name: Ryan.

    IGN: Nexutron.

    Age: Fourteen.

    Maturity Level: Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, nine or a ten. I don't really enjoy messing around, I behave well, respect all members, I use Proper grammar, I do not use inappropriate words nor builds, I don't Troll, and I will help the Server as much as possible.

    Willing to be on server 6 days a week: Yes. Although on Tuesday I'm a bit busy with some things.

    Trustworthy Level: I am very Trusted. I have been staff on many other Servers and look forward to being one on here.

    How would you handle a staff member Abusing his powers: I would tell them to stop, tell them that Abusing their powers is not tolerated with on this Server, I have a little discussion with him, finish it with, "You will be Demoted if you don't stop, and hope that you won't do it again." I make sure he says, "I vow, to never, ever, abuse my powers again" and then say, "Thank you for your time." I apologize to the Player(s) he abused and make it up to them some how, and then just go on with my Day. If he continues to Abuse, I will say, "Last Strike. You're demoted." And no matter how hard he Rages, or Cries, or whatever, that is final. He's Demoted. As of we can not trust him as a Staff Member this high of a Rank.

    Why should I choose you: Well, I am an Active Staff Member, I'm responsible, I ave Great Ideas, I don't abuse my powers, I am not Power hungry, I have had a lot of past experience, I know how to operate many plugins, I know how to use PermissionsEx, and Groupmanager, I act like a Mature Leader, I use correct grammar so player can understand me, I won't use my powers without permission from the Owner, I Welcome the New players and make sure they read the rules, I am not a Bossy Person who looks down on everyone, I obey the rules, I agree to all circumstances I may be put under for this Rank, I take Demotion well if you agree that I should be demoted, I work hard, I love helping the players, I take great caution into my decisions,I don't Discriminate players, and finally, I know what I am doing.
    08/01/2014 12:08 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Still hiring. Please do apply.
    07/31/2014 5:07 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    HiR3zApplication Format:

    Private Messaged you.
    07/30/2014 9:32 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I recommend refraining from Swearing in your posts. The Mods might catch you. But seems interesting. Nice job.
    07/30/2014 9:21 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    What position are you aiming for? Lore Writer, Staff Member (Preferably), Or Setup-er

    Age: Fourteen.

    Maturity Level: Out of 10, Ten. I use Proper Grammar, I treat everyone with Respect, and handle wide varieties of situation well.

    Why should we accept you? Because, I know my plugins, I have had a lot of past experience, I am not annoying, I do not take in excuses, I know how to handle a lot of situations (Positive or Negative), I am Mature, I do not drain tolerance from anyone (Except Attention Seekers), I do not Abuse my powers, I am not Power hungry, I have never been banned, I have a lot of Patience, I can be Trusted, and know Permissions, and a load of other plugins.

    Previous Experience: On RPG Servers, I have been Lore Writer on The Sianite Network, Builder on another one, Staff on 3, and I use to own an RPG Server... and I think that's all of my RPG Experiences.

    Plugin Skills: I can add the Permissions, I can do Permissions, I can Config Plugins, I know the commands well, I can set up plugins, although unfortunately, I can not code.

    Any Additional Info? Nope.

    Skype: I don't have Skype. But, you may contact me through Via Email.
    07/30/2014 7:16 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    It led me into a different Server...
    07/30/2014 3:47 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Still... Does not... Work... Hm.. We have tried every single thing. (I think) and nothing. 42 Replies in total.
    07/30/2014 3:10 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    What is the Server's IP? If you don't have it look in the Config Files for Vanilla.
    07/30/2014 2:32 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    More Creatures.
    07/30/2014 2:24 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar

    Hello, I am Nexutron I am fourteen years old, animate, and doodle around with a lot of programs. I am a Serious but fun player, I like to play Minecraft, Team Foretress 2, Black ops, and all that kind of stuff. I have a weird imagination, I can build really well designed things and so, yeah. Let's jump into my app.

    Real Name


    IGN Name


    Time Zone?
    Mountain Standard.

    What will you do if someone was hacking?

    Well, first, if someone saw them Hacking, I would first ask, "Proof?" And if they do not have proof, I say, "Okay, Thank you for your time." And then go to which whom is the Hacker, Vanish, and Watch him. If the "Hacker" was not appearing to be using hacks, Then I ask the Hacker, "Were you Hacking?" and if he Replies, "No." I will simply ask for a couple people to join the conversation and then we'll chat. If it concludes the Hacker was not hacking and the Player was reporting him for nothing, then the Player will get the punishment and I will talk with him. If it turns out he was Hacking, I would blame him for Lying, Breaking rules, etc etc, tell him that's a Temp ban/Permanent ban.

    Do you have skype? if so whats your username

    Nope. Don't have Skype and don't tend to get one in a while.

    Do you have experience at being staff. If so, where?
    Yes. I have had lots of experience. I will name the Rank, Status, and Server.

    (A Note, I can not list all of them for they have been shut down for troubled reasons.)

    Google MC: Head-Admin Currently offline. IP:

    Azure Gaming: Mod+ Server restarted, and I do not have the Rank.

    Castrophic Craft: Retired from Admin, but Banned for being Retired?

    SOMC Craft: Head-Moderator, Currently Offline, IP:

    Head-Admin on IXP Prison, currently Offline. IP:

    Captain MC Craft: Alpha Rank (Moderator/Admin Rank)

    Pie Jak's Server Admin:

    Twisted Branches: Head-Admin

    And many more.

    Do you cuss/spam
    No. In fact, cussing and spamming are the bane of my existence. (Mostly cussing. It's annoying to players who don't cuss, and me.)


    Building, World editing, Voxel Sniping, Managing, Permissions, configuring, Group manager, PermissionsEx, and other things. I can keep players under control if they are going Berzerk, or breaking the rules. I am also good at designing. I love designing. No, not like put a ring around glowstone, no. I mean like Taking my time at adding such things as Stair Cases, Slabs, full blocks, item frames, etc. If you're wondering what kinds of designs I do well, I do Medieval House Designs, Light designs, Pillar Designs, and all that fun stuff. I'm also good at managing servers along with managing the players. I am 100% trustful with op, as of I have been one before and nothing abusive or Power-Hungry happened with OP on any of those servers and I am still op to the very day. So don't worry, you can trust me. But, you don't have to OP anyone, if you don't want to.

    What are your favorite plugins :

    Citizens, Chairs, Pixelator, Mob blocks, Tim the Enchanter, ImgMap, Disguise, Zombie Apocolypse, McMMO, and Multiverse.
    Most of them are for fun, but others are Admin Tools that I simply just enjoy to have around on the server for certain reasons.

    Why do you want to be a Staff Member:

    Listing the obvious reasons, it'd be that I want to help Manage the Server along with managing the Players, plugin, and Staff. Also, because I have lots of skills and knowledge I could bring to the Server. I know how to operate PermissionsEx, Group Manager, Voxel Sniper, World Edit, Core protect and such. I do not abuse my powers with them no matter who it is, or what rank. I will keep loyal to me word and never abuse my powers. I am not Power hungry so therefor, I am applying before all the power-hungry players do. I am Straight, I get the message sent, and I never let the Excuses pass by. I can also bring lots of building skills to the Server. I use to have a Build team called, "The Build Code" but I had to kick all of the Builders out due to inactivity and now I currently have a building Partner. His name is BrettBusiness and if you want, you can look his name up on Planet Minecraft. His name being xBrettBusinessX. We have build for a couple months now and do lots of things including building. Naming: Designs, Architecture, Buildings, House and such. We do lots of styles. Medieval, Modern, Ruins, and such. But, back on track why I want to be a Staff Member, it's because I do not discriminate players by Race, or Age. Honestly, I do not get why players judge each other because of Age's or Race. I have had lots of experience before like Owning my own Server, being Head-Admin, Admin, Jr. Admin, Mod, Helper, etc. Etc. I have played Minecraft for two years and this summer, I am looking for a time spender which will be this Server.

    [center][u][b]Rate your building skills 1-10 : [/u][/center]
    [/b]9 or 10. I have a building partner and we are highly experienced with a lot of things. We have built 3 Prisons, 8 Survival Game maps, 15+ Spawns, 15+ Shops, along with Small Pixex art, mountains, Medieval Houses, Modern houses, and mostly everything else. I have also been accepted for builder and Head-Builder on countless servers. Most of them have been closed or Shut down because of how old they were. But, if you're wondering what my building Partner's Username is, it is BrettBusiness. But once again, his PMC Username is xBrettBusinessx. Our Build team is called The Build Code. We are currently handling 5 requests if you're wondering, but that's no sweat. I still have time to Manage a Server. But, my build Partner has also been well experienced with these kinds of things and we first met up on a server we were both Head-Builder on. He is now Head-Admin and I am Head-Mod on that server.

    Age: I am currently Fourteen years old. I'm not sure by 14+ You wanted someone over 14 but really, I don't see how it matters concerning their Maturity.

    Thank you for reading my application. Have a nice day.
    07/30/2014 2:23 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Find a Tutorial on youtube. If I were you, I would search, "How to port forward a Minecraft Server"
    07/30/2014 2:18 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I love Nirvana. Best. Band. Ever.
    07/30/2014 2:08 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Listen, did you download the Minecraft Server Host thing?
    07/30/2014 1:52 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I'll start the Server off with a few things. Everyone accepted, please reply with a username and I'll get back to you. I have a Surprise up my sleeve.
    07/30/2014 12:58 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I'm not Ryuk, but no. It doesn't.
    07/30/2014 12:11 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    I'll apply for Co-Owner, or Owner. I am highly experienced with these things and would be glad to help in any way I can.


    Hello, I am Nexutron I am fourteen years old, animate, and doodle around with a lot of programs. I am a Serious but fun player, I like to play Minecraft, Team Foretress 2, Black ops, and all that kind of stuff. I have a weird imagination, I can build really well designed things and so, yeah. Let's jump into my app.

    Real Name


    IGN Name


    Time Zone?
    Mountain Standard.

    What will you do if someone was hacking?

    Well, first, if someone saw them Hacking, I would first ask, "Proof?" And if they do not have proof, I say, "Okay, Thank you for your time." And then go to which whom is the Hacker, Vanish, and Watch him. If the "Hacker" was not appearing to be using hacks, Then I ask the Hacker, "Were you Hacking?" and if he Replies, "No." I will simply ask for a couple people to join the conversation and then we'll chat. If it concludes the Hacker was not hacking and the Player was reporting him for nothing, then the Player will get the punishment and I will talk with him. If it turns out he was Hacking, I would blame him for Lying, Breaking rules, etc etc, tell him that's a Temp ban/Permanent ban.

    Do you have skype? if so whats your username

    Nope. Don't have Skype and don't tend to get one in a while.

    Do you have experience at being staff. If so, where?
    Yes. I have had lots of experience. I will name the Rank, Status, and Server.

    (A Note, I can not list all of them for they have been shut down for troubled reasons.)

    Google MC: Head-Admin Currently offline. IP:

    Azure Gaming: Mod+ Server restarted, and I do not have the Rank.

    Castrophic Craft: Retired from Admin, but Banned for being Retired?

    SOMC Craft: Head-Moderator, Currently Offline, IP:

    Head-Admin on IXP Prison, currently Offline. IP:

    Captain MC Craft: Alpha Rank (Moderator/Admin Rank)

    Pie Jak's Server Admin:

    Twisted Branches: Head-Admin

    And many more.

    Do you cuss/spam
    No. In fact, cussing and spamming are the bane of my existence. (Mostly cussing. It's annoying to players who don't cuss, and me.)


    Building, World editing, Voxel Sniping, Managing, Permissions, configuring, Group manager, PermissionsEx, and other things. I can keep players under control if they are going Berzerk, or breaking the rules. I am also good at designing. I love designing. No, not like put a ring around glowstone, no. I mean like Taking my time at adding such things as Stair Cases, Slabs, full blocks, item frames, etc. If you're wondering what kinds of designs I do well, I do Medieval House Designs, Light designs, Pillar Designs, and all that fun stuff. I'm also good at managing servers along with managing the players. I am 100% trustful with op, as of I have been one before and nothing abusive or Power-Hungry happened with OP on any of those servers and I am still op to the very day. So don't worry, you can trust me. But, you don't have to OP anyone, if you don't want to.

    What are your favorite plugins :

    Citizens, Chairs, Pixelator, Mob blocks, Tim the Enchanter, ImgMap, Disguise, Zombie Apocolypse, McMMO, and Multiverse.
    Most of them are for fun, but others are Admin Tools that I simply just enjoy to have around on the server for certain reasons.

    Why do you want to be a Staff Member:

    Listing the obvious reasons, it'd be that I want to help Manage the Server along with managing the Players, plugin, and Staff. Also, because I have lots of skills and knowledge I could bring to the Server. I know how to operate PermissionsEx, Group Manager, Voxel Sniper, World Edit, Core protect and such. I do not abuse my powers with them no matter who it is, or what rank. I will keep loyal to me word and never abuse my powers. I am not Power hungry so therefor, I am applying before all the power-hungry players do. I am Straight, I get the message sent, and I never let the Excuses pass by. I can also bring lots of building skills to the Server. I use to have a Build team called, "The Build Code" but I had to kick all of the Builders out due to inactivity and now I currently have a building Partner. His name is BrettBusiness and if you want, you can look his name up on Planet Minecraft. His name being xBrettBusinessX. We have build for a couple months now and do lots of things including building. Naming: Designs, Architecture, Buildings, House and such. We do lots of styles. Medieval, Modern, Ruins, and such. But, back on track why I want to be a Staff Member, it's because I do not discriminate players by Race, or Age. Honestly, I do not get why players judge each other because of Age's or Race. I have had lots of experience before like Owning my own Server, being Head-Admin, Admin, Jr. Admin, Mod, Helper, etc. Etc. I have played Minecraft for two years and this summer, I am looking for a time spender which will be this Server.

    [center][u][b]Rate your building skills 1-10 : [/u][/center]
    [/b]9 or 10. I have a building partner and we are highly experienced with a lot of things. We have built 3 Prisons, 8 Survival Game maps, 15+ Spawns, 15+ Shops, along with Small Pixex art, mountains, Medieval Houses, Modern houses, and mostly everything else. I have also been accepted for builder and Head-Builder on countless servers. Most of them have been closed or Shut down because of how old they were. But, if you're wondering what my building Partner's Username is, it is BrettBusiness. But once again, his PMC Username is xBrettBusinessx. Our Build team is called The Build Code. We are currently handling 5 requests if you're wondering, but that's no sweat. I still have time to Manage a Server. But, my build Partner has also been well experienced with these kinds of things and we first met up on a server we were both Head-Builder on. He is now Head-Admin and I am Head-Mod on that server.

    Age: I am currently Fourteen years old. I'm not sure by 14+ You wanted someone over 14 but really, I don't see how it matters concerning their Maturity.

    Thank you for reading my application. Have a nice day.
    07/30/2014 12:07 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    Type your IP into the Search bar, Your username is Probably admin
    and your Password is whatever is on your Wifi Console. Then follow the Steps in here:
    07/30/2014 11:46 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
    Nexutron's Avatar
    What Ryuk Said. If it's home hosted, make sure it'd port forwarded.

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