NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
Level 61 High Grandmaster Ninja

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  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 30, 2020, 3:50 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy Thursday!! Hope you all are having a great day so far!! Thank you guys so much for the support and actually speaking of support a new skinpack has just been released titled Aquatic Guardians! So hope you all enjoy this skinpack the link is as usual below the image! Anyway hope you all are having a wonderful day and if not I pray that the Lord will help make your day all the better! Welp take care guys and I shall cya all whenever I can *potentially tomorrow* and hope you all enjoy the skinpack! :)
    NinjaGirl2024 replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-07-30 17:29:12
    NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    Ya see and. . . .u like?
    Nitgo said 2020-07-30 15:53:42
    Nitgo's Avatar
    I see
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 29, 2020, 11:47 am to Public
    Hey guys happy HUMP DAY or welcome to the middle of the week!! Hope you all are doing well this fine morning and are enjoying your day so far! Thank you all for the support once again with the skinpacks it really means a lot that you guys were purchasing them on EntityBuilds! I wish you all a Blessed day and may the Lord help you guys through any tough times you may have or even to help make the good times 100x better than you could imagine! Take care guys again please PM on here or in the comments if you have anything that needs prayer or even pray to the Lord Almighty for He is the only one who can truly help in the situations we have! Take care hope you all have a Blessed day and I will see ya whenever I do this again!! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 28, 2020, 11:52 am to Public
    Hello guys good morning!! How is everyone doing so far? Also hope you all have a wonderful day today as well as the rest of this week! Also once again thank you all for your support and prayers my family member and I are officially healed from Covid and my parent went back to work at the hospital so their night went well! Hope you all are enjoying the skinpacks and all of you are crushing Elemental Ninjas with a whopping 620 Ratings!ο»Ώ So thank you all soo much for that!! Continue having a Blessed day and let me know either through PM or comments if there is anything that needs prayer cause I am here for you guys if yall need anything! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 27, 2020, 12:33 pm to Public
    Hey guys sorry its been 4 days since my last post but hope you all are having a fun or enjoying your Monday so far! Also my parent and I are fully recovered from Covid and they are actually going back to work tonight so if you could continue praying for them to stay safe I would appreciate it! Thank you all soo much for your love and support! Take care and I shall be back when i can! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 23, 2020, 3:45 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy Thursday!! My family member is recovering from Covid and I got tested last Wednesday along with my other parent and turns out I am positive while they are negative tho not feeling bad. . . .if anything I feel good don't have many symptoms other than a fever, stuffy nose, and loss of smell / taste which is interesting but yeah! My parent that is sick is appreciating the prayers and I thank u guys for them may the Lord bless u in ways I can only imagine!! Have a blessed day and thx guys for the many ratings on the skinpack Elemental Ninjas that I created for EntityBuilds it has over 147 5 star ratings which really brings joy to me that my first skinpack ever made *tho released 3rd among the first 2* is doing very well so I appreciate it and more skinpacks are on the way so I will be showing them off once they are released as for one soon to be released next Tuesday!! Anyway enough of my blabbering on thank u for the prayers my parent is getting better and will be back to work at the hospital next Monday! May the Lord bless your day today as well as this upcoming weekend! Thx again! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 21, 2020, 2:28 pm to Public
    Hey guys sorry for the long delay I have been busy being in Quarantine due to um one of my family members being positive for Covid! But um for this week I have another skinpack to show off to all of you!! I hope you guys enjoy the skinpack and also hope that you guys are having a great week as well as an amazing day! :)

    NinjaGirl2024 replied to sushikay's comment below 2020-07-23 15:40:32
    NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    Thank u for the prayers my family member appreciates it and also thank u I worked hard on it for EntityBuilds and if your able to get it I hope u enjoy!
    - Have a blessed day! :)
    NinjaGirl2024 replied to -Rae- deactivated's comment below 2020-07-23 15:39:46
    NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    Thank you they appreciate the prayer and also thank u worked hard on it for EntityBuilds!
    - Have a Blessed day! :)
    -Rae- deactivated said 2020-07-21 16:56:08
    -Rae- deactivated's Avatar
    I'll pray for your family member! The pack looks lovely!
    sushikay said 2020-07-21 15:35:30
    sushikay's Avatar
    the pack looks so cool! hope things with your family member get better <3 sending prayers!!
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 15, 2020, 3:53 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy HUMP DAY!! Hope you all enjoy the lovely skin I posted today which went out of my normal clothing choice and decided to do something from another culture! Please let me know in the comments the name of the outfit cause I have no idea what it is called and would like to know the name of it! Also please pray for my family due to Covid getting into my house seeing as one of my parents works in the hospital and got exposed to it so please keep them in your prayers! I wish you all a blessed day along with a blessed week! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 14, 2020, 4:22 pm to Public
    Hey guys sorry for the long awaited posts but I have something to show you! The reason I am no longer going to be posting skins after this week is because I am creating skinpacks! Be sure to check them out and let me know how they look since I worked really hard on them and wanted to announce them to you now that they are released by EntityBuilds! Thank you guys and I hope your day / week is going well! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 6, 2020, 1:12 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy Monday!! Hope you all are starting your day off well!! As well as this week!! Did you all enjoy 4th of July for those of you who are Americans? (Write in the comments) Anyway have a great July everyone! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 5, 2020, 10:31 pm to Public
    Hey guys so sorry for doing this post late I have been sooo side tracked like you have no idea! *I apologize for excuses heh* hope you all had an amazing weekend as well as a great rest of your week last week! Lets kick off this week with a great start! Take care everyone and hope you all are doing good! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    July 1, 2020, 11:31 am to Public
    Hey guys happy first day of July!! Hope everyone will have a great month and that the quarantine will be lifting even more so that you can hang out without having to be inside your house 24/7! Also posted a lovely new skint that I hope you all enjoy! Also after these next 2 weeks there will be no more skins and you shall see why by July 14th! Take care and have a Blessed day! :)
    NinjaGirl2024 replied to Diiby's comment below 2020-07-01 11:53:10
    NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    Yeah ik it can be confusing to know which months end in 31st I mean look at February being special with only 28 days right :)
    Diiby said 2020-07-01 11:34:26
    Diiby's Avatar
    it is july 1st! my brain is smooth and very slow and confusion im sorr i thought it was like.. 31st
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 30, 2020, 7:19 am to Public
    Hey guys welcome to the last day of June! Sorry for not being here for 6 days was busy with things and did not have time to come online! Anyway hope you all enjoyed the rest of your week last week as well as this past weekend! Also hope this week is going well so far and if it isn't please leave a comment down below as to why or how I can pray for you in order to make this week better!! Take care guys and if I can I will see ya guys tomorrow! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 24, 2020, 1:32 pm to Public
    Hey guys sorry for the late post but just finished uploading a new skin for all of you to see! I hope you all enjoy it and also I am running low on skins so if I go a month without posting skins its just that I have run out of ideas or am working on other things! Anyway hope you all are enjoying this lovely day and take care guys! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 22, 2020, 12:45 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy Monday!! Hope everyone is doing well and finally on Summer vacation for those of you who were still in school! Also hope you had a great Father's day yesterday and gave them gifts or did something to show your love for them! Shout out to all the dads and mothers who have to do both jobs if the father is not um currently with them! So shout out to them!! Take care guys hope you all have a blessed day and cya tomorrow! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 20, 2020, 3:12 pm to Public
    Hey guys happy Saturday!! And happy Early Father's day tomorrow for those who celebrate it!! Those who read this I hope you find something or make something nice for your father this year to celebrate them raising you and caring for you each and every day! So lets give our Father's a big shout out this year! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 19, 2020, 10:22 am to Public
    Hey guys sorry its been a while! Was spending time with my family just like I hope all of you are doing the same! Also happy FRIDAY!!! Hope you are having a wonderful week this week and that this weekend coming up will be the best one yet! Please let me know in the comments down below if you have any prayer quests that u would like me to pray for! Thank you to those who read these it truly brings a smile to my face knowing people appreciate this so thank you! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 17, 2020, 10:52 am to Public
    Hey guys happy HUMP DAY!!! Hope you all are having an AMAZING day today!! Also just posted a skin so be sure to check that out sorry if my other skins have not been as popular as they used to be but hope this one does well! Also also just have a Blessed day and ask the Lord to help guide you through any issued that Covid-19 presented you and your family! Alright take care and remember the Lord will always be there for you! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 15, 2020, 9:36 am to Public
    Hey guys happy Monday!! Hope today will not be as terrible as some of u know Monday's can be! I hope that somehow u find a way to make this Monday fun and enjoyable or even ask God to help make this day go by fast so it does not feel like an eternity! I pray you all with stay safe and that this week will be a blast! Hope you had a FANTASTIC weekend and that next weekend will be even better! Take care guys and have a Blessed day! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 14, 2020, 3:48 pm to Public
    Hey guys hows life? Going well I hope and I really hope you all are having a blessed weekend! Also I know tomorrow is Monday but try to have a good day no matter what cause if you do something u like or enjoy that Monday will go by flying! :)
  • NinjaGirl2024's Avatar
    June 13, 2020, 10:25 am to Public
    Hey guys happy Saturday!! Hope your week went well even if your still in school and that you guys are doing well with not being bored! Also hope you have a blessed day today as well as this weekend that it may fill u with hope that next month will be normal or almost normal I should say! Take care guys and stay safe! :)
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