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Level 22
Expert Dragonborn

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    05/01/2014 12:09 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    @Kadanz, I have sent an application over PM.
    02/05/2014 8:43 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    IGN: Taterbunz
    Gender: Female
    What pokemon: Deino ~<3
    02/05/2014 3:10 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Well, the leader for me right now, even if im a girl, is Elsa. Like that freaking hip shake and cut in the dress. Getting a lil to hot Disney!
    02/04/2014 3:11 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Whic type do you want?: Team Crafted.

    IGN: taterbunz

    Youtube: Im not really that popular... So really wouldn't help if i gave a shout out. Most I can do would be able to subscribe.

    Skype: *cough*username*cough cough*

    What can you give me in return? (Like a shoutout): I have many friends and servers that have been big-fans of team crafted.Plus, I can shout out your Youtube on my PMC Page and other forums. Also probably subscribe you with Youtube.

    Which items/ colours do you want as your background: I would like my skin (Of course) with Gray on the Left and Orange on the right. As for the items on the sides I want (If you can) Wolves on the Left and Ocelots on the Right. (If you can't do those, use Netherstar's on the left and Enderpearls on the right ;3)

    02/04/2014 12:24 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar




    Why do you deserve this rank:
    I think I deserve this rank for a number of reasons. First of all, I can try to help the with the knowledge I know. From experience, I know anything can happen on a server, so you always have to expect the possible to happen in the future. Next, I can be a very loyal staff member, so even when I'm staff on another server I can make time to go on here. I have seen many ocassions of when staff never come online, so some players have to try to help the best they can. Finally, probably the upmost reason, I can be one of the staff that actually knows what they're doing. Many people get like a Trial-Mod rank, but don't really know what to do. Like its first time experience, so atleast you need one staff that has the knowledge of all the basic commands and maybe some of the challenging commands. Clearly, I do have a lot of evidence to prove I'm worthy.

    Any experience:
    I have experience on many servers. Probably the most popular of the handful is Pixelrealms, hence I'm a recently promoted Co-Owner on there. I know basic World Editing skills and all the Modding commands, so I can use them wisely to the server rules. I have been staffing on Pixelrealms for a couple months, so I have gotten a lot of experience on there and probably on most other servers. I do have a lot of knowledge on staffing, so I can help with most issues.
    11/28/2013 3:15 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Even though its been in the US twice, maybe somewhere in Idaho or Montana. Gotta love the small cities and wilderness
    11/26/2013 11:28 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    May you list the other entries?
    11/26/2013 9:38 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Them falling nightmares.... They sure give you a jolt XD.
    11/25/2013 12:23 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Try restarting like, shutting it down completely then turning it back on.
    11/25/2013 12:20 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):
    I would love another server to spend my time on. Sometimes other servers get boring or I get done with everything so i would like to try here! I want to work hard and improve BuildersUnited, and give the server my all.
    Time Zone:
    MST (Mountain Standard Time)
    Experience (details):
    Right now, Im Mod and Admin on two Pixelmon servers who have a lot of players on Daily. I can control mobs of people, maybe with a little help. I know most commands of regular plugins, if there is going to be different plugins I might want to learn more. I know the basics of WE (World Edit), and have some knowledge of WG (World Guard).
    Contact info:
    My Skype is: taterbunz, otherwise thats all i have.
    Do you have any experience with plugins?:
    I have some experience with some of the Popular plugins like WorldEdit, WorldGuard, GoldShovel, Factions.
    How long can you dedicate to the server? (In days and weeks):
    I can spend 4-5 days a week on the server and around 2 Hours a day on Week Days and 4 hours a day on Weekends possibly.
    What can you bring to improve the server:
    I can bring many builds to this server. If you check out some of my builds on this account they do look good. For Admins/Mods, I can stay up late on those Weekends when no one else is on. Due to maybe Timezones, I can try to arrange days that i can get on earlier for a 1 hour on Week Days, to guarntee the server will have someone to look after it.
    Proof of work:
    Ok, not knowing how to post proof of this, here is the Website I am Admin on If you surf through the page you will see my Rank for the Server. Otherwise if your looking for builds you can just check out this PMC account.
    Extra Information:
    Im female, just before anyone mistakes that.
    11/24/2013 11:42 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Hmmm.... Have you resetted your Nokia? Haven't really touched a Nokia before, but I do have an Iphone who had that issue and it resolved by restarting.
    11/24/2013 11:39 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Lets see my worst injury...
    Well around a couple months ago my volleyball coach made us run laps... A girl fell and pushed me forward, and i fractured my elbow. I tried to continue playing but my arm was twisted in a odd shape so i had to go to the ER since my mom was freaking out. I had to sit there when they popped it into place... It hurt even though i had pain medicine. Overall now i have a huge bump XD. Going to the doctor soon for it.

    Overall Horrible Surgery
    For most of my life I walked on my tip-toes. Doctors said I would grow out of it soon. I didn't and to 5th grade i got surgery as i couldn't run well. On my birthday, which is before school started that year, I had to get surgery to shorten the ligamites (Lulz).
    I ended up wearing casts for a month and i fell on my face several times. Including i fell down the stairs and I couldn't walk after that well. Atleast im better now!
    11/24/2013 9:55 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
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    Minecraft Name:

    Why Should I trust u:
    I can be highly active at times. Even though im 16, I can try to be active after school. I am a Admin on a Pixelmon server that is fairly popular, also I am one of the favorite staff on there. I don't abuse abilities I get, if im accepted, any abilities that other staff abuse I will tell imediately. Even though I can be a handful at times if I went over the edge with sodas, I still can be a fun person to be around. Hope to see you soon! ~Taterbunz
    07/19/2013 4:43 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    My common nickname
    06/30/2013 9:27 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
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    06/29/2013 1:10 am
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Obviously we haven't had feedback for a long time. Also the person who actually started this is not even talking about it. I might leave if i don't get feedback soon...
    06/24/2013 11:40 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Pwease!!! I love Cops N' Robbers!
    06/24/2013 11:23 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    Whitelist me pwease! ign:Taterbunz
    06/24/2013 10:10 pm
    Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
    Ruvel's Avatar
    I'd personally say Hi Sky! *Hand him a cardboard "Budder"* then hug him and be on my way.

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