Silentvoidshift's Avatar
Level 54
Grandmaster Artist


First of all, thanks sorry to the many subscribers that have either been very hopeful for over a year or too lazy to unsubscribe. I'm still alive, if anyone was wondering, just super busy with... I don't even know anymore actually...

Steam: Enderald
Minecraft: silentvoidshift
AQW: theunknownhealer
AQ3D: Dénoun
Star Trek Online: Denny Saolo


Likes to: Draw, think, sleep, cook, play videogames, sleep some more, watch comedies, eat food, breathe.

Fave Pokémon: Chimecho, or Gardevoir, or Combee, or Swirlix, I dunno, I like a lot of em.
Fave animés: Non Non Biyori, Interviews with Monster Girls, Konosuba
Fave games: Subnautica, Zelda, Mario, Minecraft (duh), Pokémon

To anyone who reads this sentence: I wish you a good night sleep and a small amount of your national currency in your pocket you didn't know was there.

You still here?

You could just stop scrolling. You know that, right?

Hm, you just won't give up, huh?


It's funny...

The chances that anyone actually goes to this site, finds this account, reads the "About"-section, gets offered free money, still scrolls down and then reads this sentence are so incredibly small. You might be the only other one who reads these words, in the entire world, hell, the entire known universe. That's quite incredible. If you read this please send me the magic word "Booply-wooby-woo". Thank you. You're awesome.

Member Statistics

6,721Profile views
176,719Experience points
138,878Submission views
153Discussion posts
May 3, 2012Joined PMC
silentvoidshiftMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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