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Level 34
Artisan Architect

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    03/02/2013 9:10 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    what is the server info and stuff?
    03/02/2013 8:10 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    I applied here! Please take a look
    03/02/2013 7:54 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Your using right? Add me to your gmail or yahoo or so we can talk
    03/02/2013 7:08 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    APP: Admin

    IGN: _XENON54_

    SKYPE: I dont have one but i can tell you both of my emails if i get accepted

    AGE: 17

    SKILL: Permissions, Some redstone, Ranks, Managing server, following directions

    PAST EX: I have much experience with staff positions like the following: I am Co-Owner on Medieval Craft And Blargh Craft. I am admin on Battle Craft. I am Moderator on Thunder Craft and TorqxCraft (These are all current postions. I have been Staff numerous times before.) I am Head-Archetect for CapeCraft and hoping add a new rank on this server. For the servers I was Co Owner on, I did ALL of the ranks and permissions for those aswell.

    ABLE TO ADVERTISE: Of course

    GOOD WITH BUILDING: Yes, Exspecially in groups and details

    Other Info: I would like to be a staff member because I would want to take a break from my server and help out other servers. I really think I can help out the server with all of my experience and I would like to be more than just a player on another server. I think you will be pleased with me being staff and I would be a very good person to have on the team.

    Thanks please comment if Im accepted! And ask any questions
    03/02/2013 6:56 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    nick i can do all of your permissions and ranks for you. Please reply!
    03/02/2013 6:52 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    02/26/2013 8:43 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Hi! I would like to apply Heres my app I Just Posted on pmc:
    02/23/2013 8:49 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Ip :
    02/22/2013 9:06 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar

    * Application Type: Moderator/Administrator

    * IGN _XENON54_

    * Experience I Own my own server Called United Nations with 16 Gb of ram with a quad core processor. I am admin Right now on Midevil craft and have been mod on tons of servers that have shut down. I am 17 years old and Have been playing minecraft for about 1 year now. I am a very good person in handling situations and coping with players. I Am very good at doing permiisions on the server and i can do prefixes and configure any rank you want. I know most of the world edit and essentials commands and almost all of the factions commands. I also Work with groupmanager and am best with that to make your server look like a professionals! I will do things that you need help with and do my best to help other players.

    * Times Available/Timezone EST

    * Links/IPs to servers that you've moderated on (My server) (Admin) (Head-Architect) (Mod) (Mod) (Co-Owner) (Co-Owner)

    * Why should I pick you? You should pick me because I have great experience from working on servers. From owning them all the way down to playing on them. I know how it is when you first join a server and You have NO idea what to do. They wont have to feel that anymore. I will show them ALL they have to do to get started and even help them into the wilderness. I will follow all rules as well as enforce all of them. I will keep away griefers and ban them as fast as you can say grief. I listen to every word you say and do anything you please. I am a very handy person when it comes to designing websites and doing permissions and ranks. I Know a place where you can make websites where they can be free forever no matter what. And like i said I have much experience with doing permissions and ranks.

    *Skype? I am Very sorry but I dont have one. I will tell you why on the server if you are that desperate to know.

    Thanks, I Will be a Great addition to the staff if you accept me!

    02/22/2013 8:26 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Hi I am _XENON54_ and I am great at doing permissions for people. I work with Groupmanager and it is my best. I can configure any file and have Lots of experience With server and doing permissions for them. I did all of the permissions and ranks for my server, both servers i am COowner on, A server i am mod on and can do yours too.

    Minecraft IGN: _XENON54_
    Skype Name: I dont have one but my email is and I really hope you understand
    Age (don't care as long as your mature): 17
    What mods / plugins you want: groupmanager and essentials definately

    Please quote if You would like my service!
    02/22/2013 8:20 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    It cant reach server. When it is up I will be happy to help out!
    02/12/2013 9:37 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    i have to go right now but i PROMISE i will be on tomorrow!
    02/12/2013 9:26 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Permissions Guy Application:

    What is Your In Game Name?: _XENON54_
    What is Your Age?: 17

    What is your Skype Name?: I hate to say this but I don't have one. I really do hope you can understand this. I will tell you why I don't when i get on the server or by my gmail or yahoo accounts.(in the chat boxes) I am a fairly fast typer and can really help out your server a lot. Please keep reading. I think you will like my application.

    Please tell us Your experience with Being a staff member: Well let me start off by I own my own server and did ALL of the permissions and ranks for that. Also I configured the plugins for it. I am Co-Owner on Medieval Craft And Blargh Craft. I am admin on Battle Craft. I am Moderator on Thunder Craft and TorqxCraft (These are all current postions. I have been Staff numerous times before.) I am Head-Archetect for CapeCraft and hoping add a new rank on this server. For the servers I was Co Owner on, I did ALL of the ranks and permissions for those aswell.

    How long will you be active?: If the server Really absolutely need me then i will be on all i can which is about 3-4 Hours on the weekdays and about 5-7 On the Weekends.

    In 100 words or More tell us about yourself: To start out, I am very creative with minecraft. I love to build (even though its not my best. I am more of a techy person) and experiment with redstone. I am willing to try new things such as now i am learning java script to create plugins. I know almost all of groupmanager, faciotns, essentials, world edit, and some more i cannot remmeber. I am very friendly and support all of the rules of the server. As you can see above under the minecraft experience that I am very experienced with minecraft and minecraft servers. I think that I am a very unique person because I know more than an average person looking to goof off on a server and grief it and all that stuff. But no. I am not like that; I look to help out and give all I can to minecraft servers since that is what they have done for me. I know how desperate people can be when their server gets griefed considering i have numerous times. I will help stop that and listen to everything you say.

    Is there Anything else?: I pretty much explained it above, but we can talk more on the server if you want. I will prove myself however it take to get you to trust me. If you want proof of those servers up there I will give you proof. I can also make a website of your choice that will be free and will always be free. And it is not enjin.

    Thanks for reading my app and hope that you will consider it.
    My emails are:
    02/12/2013 9:06 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    I can do your permissions so save a spot for me I'm doing the app now
    02/10/2013 10:33 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Hey zippy..... I would love to be whitelisted
    02/10/2013 10:29 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    *walks away* XD
    02/09/2013 10:21 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    ⚀ How old are you? 17
    ⚁ How mature are you 1/10? 9/10 but i have a laugh
    ⚂ Have you ever been banned from a server before if so why yes because a staff member gave me a god pickaxe and i wouldnt give it back because i killed someone with it
    ⚃ Do you have paypal no
    ⚄ How many hours a day do you play 4-5
    ⚅ Do you have any java,html coding experience? Some im learning it now.
    ⚅ Additional details: Well i am admin now on your server and would like a promotion. I own my own server wiht 16 Gb of ram and am Coowner on blargh craft and medieval craft. I am mod on Thunder Craft and a trial mod on another server. I DO have a skype i just would rather not give it out to people. I am really good with permissions and am a 9.5/10 builder if i really put my head into it. I like joining contests on pmc like this one i just did: ... l-contest/ I try my best on servers to keep players in order and to keep them out of trouble.
    Thanks and im getting on the server now,
    02/10/2013 10:29 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    *walks away* XD
    02/09/2013 1:40 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Zippy why isnt the server up?? this is (Xenon54 btw)
    02/08/2013 6:01 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    The Ip is If anyone wishes to join!
    02/04/2013 4:48 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Architect
    slicer692's Avatar
    Still need ONE mod and ONE builder!

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