xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
Level 9 Apprentice Architect

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    05/14/2014 3:25 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    In-Game-Name: xUSMCxMARIN3x

    Age: 16

    Skype: theforgerunner

    Screenshot of your buildings:
    http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... 79b2eb.png
    Thats the city of drakaria, from Hero of the Void adventure map (sorry, PMC isnt letting me post the full picture
    http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... 79b2eb.png
    Thats The H.I.V.E. from Orbit Inc. Adventure Map
    http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... 79b2eb.png
    Thats a half built, vally city thing

    Past buildteams: Solari (Short term low level member, I had reasons to leave it. Leader of Hero of the Void build team

    Tell me a little bit about yourself: Ive been building for as long as i can remember, i learned from SirCrazyKings of HonourWarCraft server. He tought me everything i new in the beginning. Ever since i was a medieval builder but have since enjoyed changing up tastes. My strong suits are terraforming and map designs.

    WorldEdit / Voxel Sniper Skill: I am really good with World Edit, havent used VS too much but i have experience
    05/13/2014 6:25 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    1. What position are you applying for? Builder
    2. What makes you the right person for this position? For all I know I might not be the right person, but you don't know until you try. Also Im a fun guy if you get to know me.
    3. What sort of experience do you have in relation to our project? None in relation to your specific project, but I have worked on small servers before, none actually got off the ground sadly
    4. How much time would you be able to dedicate to the project? I could dedicate as much as was needed
    5. How much experience as a builder do you have? I have been building for about 3 years. Learned from a guy named SirCrazyKings, and ever since have been in love with it, mostly because it reminds me of Halo forging which I was very good at, so this fit well.
    6. Share some screen shots of previous projects. http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1 Recently had my computer whipped clean so these are some picture my friend had and sent to me
    7. What your build style, and how important is paying attention to detail is to you? For example, medieval, modern, etc.. I build medieval mostly but I love to switch it up. I built a futuristic adv. map and have done fantasy side projects
    5. IGN: xUSMCxMARIN3x
    6. Name: Aaron
    7. Age: 16
    8. Skype: theforgerunner
    9: Time Zone: Easter Standard
    10. Why would you like to join our project? Took a break from minecraft and want to find something to get me back into the groove again
    11. What is your level of maturity? Describe past situations that you’ve shown a good level of maturity, where you handled a high stress situation well. Ive been in many fights with people aging from 10 to 30 and usually can calm the situation, I have a quick temper like my father, but can hold it back like my mother, so its an even balance
    12.Tell us a little more about yourself. Im a baseball playing teen who has been gaming since gamecube. I love FPS but minecraft somehow was one of few games that I can play for 5 years and not get bored.
    05/13/2014 5:04 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Age: 16
    Rate your Building Skill (1 to 10): 7
    Why do you want to be part of Project Mitica?: looking for something to do, was part of an adventure map but its died out since
    Skype for eventual contact: theforgerunner
    Pictures/Videos of your work: http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1 Had to whipe my computer recently so this my friend sent me pictures of what he had that was mine.
    Experience as builder in other server/project: Ive built on a hand full of servers. Even built the spawn of a survival server for my friend. Ben part of small time build teams and creative servers.
    05/13/2014 4:46 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    - Minecraft Username: xUSMCxMARIN3x
    - Building Experience: Been building for quite some time(3 years). Learned from a friend of mine, and then wanted to learn more and I did.
    - Estimated Active Time: Depends on what is happened. Have been known to play for hours at a time when needed such as with build teams or adventure map making
    - Age: 16
    - Skype: theforgerunner
    - Few pictures of your creation: http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1 I had to whipe my computer clean and lost all my pictures sadly
    - Any comment: No hard feelings if you decline me I can only wish the best of things.
    05/11/2014 12:08 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Name: xUSMCxMARIN3x, call me Aaron though
    Age: 16
    Skype: theforgerunner
    Builder type: I can build most types, I like to be different and its how I keep inspired and into building.
    Experience: I have made some half maps that were all abandoned sadly. I have also built on multiple server that were all shut down.
    Attachments: Check out my photobucket and YouTube for some pictures/videos. Most of my builds were on servers, and when they went down, so did my builds and I never got to take any screenshots cuz I never had to.
    http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1
    05/11/2014 11:33 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Application to fill out
    Name: Aaron
    Skype: theforgerunner
    Age: 16
    Youtube: TheFreckleStudios (don't use it anymore)
    Minecraft Experience: Been playing since beta, mostly a builder now a days, but love to play mini games and what not every so often
    Minecraft type you like to play: Build
    Minecraft Skills : Build
    Do you have a server/ Could you host one: No and No sadly
    How good at pvp are you: 7 or 8 from the times I do play pvp
    What is your timezone: Eastern Standard
    Where do you live: Massachusetts USA
    How often do you play Minecraft: depends on time of year and whats happening
    Personal Traits: Funny, serious when needed, good leader, will fight to defend those who deserve it
    Servers you play: Dawn Creative mostly, and then the occasional minigame server (ex. Hive, Hypixel, Jerry and Harry)
    Are you dedicated: I'd say yeah
    Would you be keen to play UHC (Ultra HardCore): I've played it, but just never had a lot of people to play with
    Would you like to do a 12 player pixelmon (Pixelmon Mod) series: No
    Describe yourself: Idk funny and mature, like to have a goal in what we do and hate to waste time. I like sports and video game and most of all I love my dog dory (forget my cat and other dog)
    Anything Else you want to share: Im secretly a gigantic geek (Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who)
    05/11/2014 8:33 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Age: 16
    Do You have skype and or Teamspeak: Both but I hate Teamspeak
    What Country do you live in: US (East Coast)
    Past Experience: Been on small build teams and servers. I also was a low level member of solari for a short time but left for reasons
    Specialty:(Detail, Interior, Exterior, Atmosphere): I can build everything really, but i'd say my specialty is designing and terraforming
    Do you have a server: Sadly no
    05/10/2014 2:18 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    First Name: Aaron
    Age: 16
    Skype ( necessary ) : theforgerunner
    Pictures of past builds: http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1 those are pictures my friend had, my computer had to be whipped and lost all my good pictures and videos
    Past BuildTeams ( If any ) : Solari (Was a minor builder, stopped playing with them for reasons though) and Hero of the Void Map build team
    Do you expect to become a Lead Builder? I don't expect it, but I did become head designer and architect for Hero of the Void team
    Why do you want to join Veroy? Because I stopped playing minecraft for 4 months and want to get back into it
    11/09/2013 2:32 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Pro Builders
    Minecraft Name: xUSMCxMARIN3x (But I prefer to be called my real name, for if im accepted)
    Age: 15, turning 16 soon
    Role: Builder since this is a builder app?
    Maturity Rate: You cant rate maturity
    A way I can contact you? Skype, youtube, here, MC forums, facebook even
    How long you can be on the server? Whenever really
    Have you been ban before and why? No, well, yeah, but it was as a joke because I was messing with the owner who I was friends with. Then he unbanned me like 5 minutes later
    Have you staff on any server before?(If so please list them.) I have, usually small servers like yours. I like to help other people get on their feet then ill move on and help others. One server I was an admin was my friends server, but it is no longer active and the forums and what not were taken down. So I cant physically give proof of it, its name was HonourWarCraft
    Are you able to work with others? Yeah, im a very likable person according to most people I meet
    Proof of builds: Most of my builds are on servers that are long since gone, so I cant show much. Here is some stuff from my photobucket though.
    http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... =3&page=1#

    Minecraft Name: still xUSMCxMARIN3x
    Age: still 15 turning 16
    Role: Now a Mod since this is the mod app
    Maturity Rate: you still cant rate maturity
    A way I can contact you? still Skype, here, ect
    How long you can be on the server? Same as before
    Have you been ban before and why? Same as before
    Have you staff on any server before?(If so please list them.) Same as before
    Are you able to work with others? Same as before
    Proof of mod capability: I don't understand this question, you can only show mod capabilities by letting someone be a mod and then after a while you can tell if they can handle the job
    11/09/2013 8:21 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Your builds look pretty nice, its nice to see someone can build in default. I prefer not to, but its always a good attribute, I'll message you on skype
    11/08/2013 2:46 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Your build looks great, ill message you on Skype to talk. Welcome to the team!
    11/08/2013 2:41 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Thanks for the offer, but at the moment it is just me, that's why I wish to form my own build team, contact me via Skype and we can talk some more about your project and maybe ill help, im always looking for a new side project. My Skype is "theforgerunner" so just message me or something and we can talk some more.
    10/26/2013 7:38 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Server IP does not wok and you aent responding
    10/26/2013 6:22 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Position: Builder/Terraformer
    Age: 15 soon to be 16
    Skype?: Yes, theforgerunner
    Time Zone: US eastern
    How long have you played MC?: 4 yearsish
    Example of work?: (Builder only) Please provide a link to a picture of your own work: http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1, you can also check my youtube (TheFreckleStudios) for old builds. Most of y builds have been on past servers.
    Past servers you've worked on: Ive worked on small servers to some decent sized ones. I once ran a small 100 slot server but I ran out of money and had to cut it short. All servers ive worked on are gone now though.
    Are you willing to commit to the server?&(How much per day/week): Whenever I can really, and that's usually 90$ of the time that Im not in school haha
    (In your opinion) How mature are you?: You cant rate maturity in my opinion, its just who you are inside, but I'd say im mature, its not like ill go ape on you for no reason, but im not one that takes constructive criticism though, I will admit
    Are you knowledgeable in history;such as, ancient civilizations, different time periods,etc. (If so 1-10) : Im an A student in History, I know a fair share of history, mostly WW2. And I build many styles so yes i'd say 8-10 depending on time period/style
    Extra information about yourself?: Well there is tons to say, and if I ever get to join you, we can talk more about that stuff and you can learn tons about me
    10/26/2013 5:23 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Ugh whatever, thanks for nothing. I appreciate your time though. Good luck with PMCBA
    10/26/2013 5:15 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Blah those are all old builds on servers, no way you can make an exception? I got no saves of maps at this moment. I got none in progress or any at all. If you cant I understand and I guess ill just look somewhere else.
    10/26/2013 5:03 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Name: xUSMCxMARIN3x
    I don't usually make builds to make builds, like to put up on display and stuff, If I do its usually for fun and then end up deleted the maps to save space. Also ive built a lot on servers that have all been shut down so all like 90% of my builds have been deleted. But heres some stuff I guess. Shun me all you want, I don't care, I know they aren't my best builds, these are actually some of my worst.
    Build 1: http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... 79b2eb.png
    Build 2: http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... ffa0bb.png
    Build 3 (optional): http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y41 ... b40ee1.png
    What building style would you like to be under?(e.g. Modern,etc): I mostly build medieval but I usually change it up to keep things interesting. I also terraform 90% of what I build on, other wise it is usually world painted terrain, which I then terraform to fit my taste exactly the way I want it.
    Why would you like to join?: Because I have been lacking in things to do, and building with a group is always best. Its also nice to make some new friends.
    10/26/2013 4:40 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    Name: xUSMCxMARIN3x, call me Aaron though
    Age: 15, soon to be 16
    Skype: theforgerunner
    Builder type: I can build most types, I like to be different and its how I keep inspired and into building. (My specialty however s medieval)
    Experience: I have made some half maps that were all abandoned sadly. I have also built on multiple server that were all shut down.
    Attachments: Check out my photobucket and YouTube for some pictures/videos. Most of my builds were on servers, and when they went down, so did my builds and I never got to take any screenshots cuz I never had to.
    http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1
    10/26/2013 4:19 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    I submitted application on website and still no response
    10/21/2013 4:36 pm
    Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
    xUSMCxMARIN3x's Avatar
    I'd be interested. I don't have many screenshots cuz most of my builds were on an old server my friend and I were admins of, but here is some of my more recent stuff. Not the best pictures, but pictures none the less. I also had some really nice builds for fun on my old computer but they're all long gone, my hard drive blew up practically.

    http://s1273.photobucket.com/user/xUSMC ... t=3&page=1

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