Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Badlion Build Team Application

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Fraan_20's Avatar Fraan_20
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Hi!My name's Franco and i'd like to be part of the Badlion Build Team.First of all i have to mention that i'm from Uruguay (SA), and if i write something wrong, i'm sorry.Anyway, i want to applicate for the Build Team so i made a map.I made this map with the help of a friend, and we both would like to applicate here.I'm going to send only this e-mail for both of us with all the information, but if he has to send another e-mail contact me.
IGN:Our actual IGN's are FrankiLokuras and AdriiLokuras, and our old IGN's before name change's were Fraan_GamerPvP and defaroval.
Note:I'm going to put images of all the work and two images of our name history in the PMC forum.

¿How many hours a week you can dedicate to building/fixing maps?Since Badlion added SA servers, it is the server where we spend the most part of our time playing Minecraft, because now we have good ping.Adrian is my best friend so we are talking all days and all day, playing together, and i think that we can spend a considerated part of our time mapmaking and fixing maps. (3-4 hours a day. At weekends 6+ hours).
¿Any past build teams experience?Yes. I was a mapmaker in a no premium server 3 or 2 years ago, not famous.Also, i made a CTM map and i send it to a spanish YouTuber called iLuh and he made a video of it, and i made a mansion for another spanish YouTuber called Celopan, and he made a video of it also.These are the links of the videos:Adventure map: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGfF0tvr104Mansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi7d-2ays7cNote: The house was created 4 years ago (2014), i can build much better now.
¿Why you think you are a better candidate than other applicants?I think that we are "better" than other applicants because we have a lot of experience playing Minecraft, i have 5 or 6 years playing minecraft, and my friend has 3 years. I think that we are good Minecraft players, including PvP, MapMaking, Commands, and a lot of more things, and i can prove it, with this build and with the videos. Also i studied english for 7 years and i can speak it fluently.PD: If it minds, 1 year ago i applicated for the CubeCraft build team with another build but they didn't choose me, if you want i can send you photos of this build also.
¿Do you have Teamspeak?No, we don't have, but we can create an account, or install it.
¿Are you experienced with plugins such as Voxel Sniper and Worldedit?Yes, this map was created with Worldedit, and we know how to manage it, but we don't know about Voxel Sniper.
¿How do you respond to critique and criticism? I don't understand at all the question, but i think that it means how we treat other people.I have to admit that, for example when we play Build UHC, and other people type us "eZ" or things like that, we respond them with "insults", but we NEVER start provocating other people.Obviusly, if we can be part of the Badlion Build Team, we are going to take it seriously and with maturity, we can control that.

These were all the questions.I didn't understand at all the part of the article that it says that if i don't have a PMC i had to link screenshots of the work, but not attach photos or videos.I think that PMC means Planet Minecraft, so i created an account and i made a post with all the images of the work and of the history of our names.If you are interested on us, contact me and say me if my friend has to send another E-Mail talking about him.Both of us contributed on the building so i send you this E-Mail talking about us.

Contact: franco-uruguay@hotmail.com
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