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NeoMcCreations's Avatar NeoMcCreations
Level 33 : Artisan Architect

Build Off is a game where 4, 6, or 8 players all build a structure inside the theme (you can either choose your theme or have each player pick something to build and swap], once everyone finishes you must score each player's builds on a scale from 1-10. Don't worry, you won't know who built what! (2 Players can play if you don't assign each other words)

Players have the option to either build freely what they want or to assign each other things to build! Then, players must rate each other's rooms (not your own!) on a scale from 1-10, the player with the highest rating wins!
So obviously the game is only fun if you rate honestly!

You can use any of the following tools or options in the lobby:
Randomly Select Theme: Optional. You can all put named papers in the dropper and the machine will randomly pick one for you.
Time: MANDATORY! You need to set a time using the intervals of five, and there is a +1 min button on the far right.
Guess Settings: MANDATORY! Leave it alone if you want to just build whatever you want. If you want to assign each other words (needs 4, 6, or 8 people) you have to flip the lever to the assign words option.
Player Count: MANDATORY! Only need to set this to the number of players if you are assigning words to build using the game.
Start Game: Once all settings are setup, press to start the game!
Time of Day: Optional. You can change what time of day it is.

Known Bugs:
- When you play without using the "Assign words" option, you do not have to set your player count!
- When you vote, make sure NOBODY is close to you and stand inside the button to make sure all the commands reach you!
- People sometimes forget that the line of text labeled "Display Room Ratings by Player" can be clicked on! Just press "T" to open your chat and then click on the text. The votes for each room appear for every player, so you can click through and see the votes!

Map by NeoMc
Based for SkyDoesMinecraft's Build-Off series.
PLAY ON 14w20b!

Youtube www.youtube.com/user/LuckyG1514
Twitter twitter.com/NeoMcCreations
Website http://neomc.weebly.com/

How to download/play this map:
1. Download the file and save the zip onto your Desktop or another easy-to-access place.
2. Double-click the file and open it. Drag the folder onto your Desktop.
3. Navigate to .minecraft by following this path Users>Appdata>Roamng>.minecraft>saves or search %Appdata% to reach the hidden file.
4. Drag the folder into the saves folder.
5. Launch Minecraft.
6. Change the version to 14w20b (enable development builds, its a tick box above the version dropdown).
7. Hve fun! The game needs multiple people to play though!
Progress100% complete

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08/28/2014 8:16 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
NeoMcCreations's Avatar
Yes it can work for two players. I never built in a 2 Player setting for the assigning words since you know what you gave each other, but if you leave the option on "Choose what to build" all you have to do is set the time and press play.
08/28/2014 7:20 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
CobraSting333's Avatar
can this be a 2 player map?
Planet Minecraft


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