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Draconic Evolution (1.12.2) - Pre-Built (v1.0.2)

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MozerBYU's Avatar MozerBYU
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Ah, the Draconic Evolution Reactor. Setting up these things is a beast., to say the least. So I went ahead and did all the hard work for anyone who just wants a working reactor from the get go to play with, or to blow up :). Choice is yours.

Specs about the world:
- World spawn should be at the reactor control panel. If not, it is at Coords: 229 99 -885.
- Everything is based off the reactor from The MindCrafter's Tutorial video on YouTube -> youtube.com/watch?v=8rBhQp1xqEU
- Reactor is loaded with 8 blocks of Awakened Draconium Fuel. It has already been charged. Currently on standby at 2000 c
- Reactor flux gates are controlled with an Advanced Computer powered by a lua script from AcidJazz on Github -> github.com/acidjazz/drmon
- Reactor energy output is stored in a Tier 7 energy core multi-block (2 TRF storage)
- Reactor energy input and output is sent through cryo-stablized energy flux ducts

I tried to make it all look semi-decent. Just hope you enjoy it like I do!

Everything runs on Minecraft 1.12.2, using Forge

Heads up, there is a quite large mod-list for this sucker (all of which can be obtained through curseforge). And yes, with the exception of Forge, the versions are for the most part incredibly specific.

Note: You will need these or the freaking thing will break or not load, or the reactor might just explode

- ComputerCraft Tweaked -> 1.89.2
- Draconic Evolution ->
  - Brandon's Core ->
  - CodeChicken LIb ->
  - RedStone Flux -> 1.1.1
- Thermal Dynamics ->
  - Thermal Foundation ->
    - CoFH World ->
  - CoFH Core ->

Note: Not crucial to the reactor or its setup. But they are nice to have
  - JEI helps with the GUI for the PI mod which contains the Draconic Evolution Guidebook (and all the recipes for those of you who want to attempt to build this sucker in survival -- my cudos and prayers you poor souls).
  - Tesseract is for energy transfer. I didn't use it in the world as I just couldn't get it working right, so I choose the energy flux ducts instead. Feel free to swap out if you're feeling brave enough. Don't screw up though :)

- Just Enough Items ->
- Project Intelligence ->
- Tesseract -> 1.0.18

Note: Again not crucial, just adds more armor and things you can do. RFTools has a whole ton of stuff that I'm barely diving into

- Draconic Additions ->
  - Baubles -> 1.5.2
- RFTools -> 7.73
  - McJtyLib -> 3.5.4

Like I said. Enjoy the world! If anything is broken, or that you would like changed feel free to leave a comment.
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by MozerBYU 05/08/2021 1:13:28 amMay 8th, 2021

v1.0.2.2 - Fixed problems. Also added reactor panel coords in case world spawn fails.

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