This Map is an entry in the completed Procedural Metropolis Contemporary Edition Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Juxtaposition: A Life in Six Builds

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Algeusia's Avatar Algeusia
Level 20 : Expert Artist

Chapter 1

Daishō: Old and New

Juxtaposition: A Life in Six Builds Minecraft Map

I live in Daishō, which is Japanese for ‘large and small’. In the past, it was used to describe pairs of swords the samurai wielded. Now, it’s the name of two apartment complexes built by the legendary architect, Ichigo Sansaidō.

He was both a visionary and a traditionalist, and loved setting contrast between the old and new. By juxtaposing apartments in modern and traditional styles, he demonstrated the complementarity and architectural genius of both 15th and 21st century architects.

Juxtaposition: A Life in Six Builds Minecraft Map

I love going back to the classics, so here’s my room. Though it may be small, I love its coziness the way it is. I’m a simple guy. In the morning I get up and go to work, and in the evening I come home and go to sleep. Rinse and repeat.

Every day, I am greeted by the sun’s rays filtering between the gap between the two towers, a stark reminder of how time ever moves forward, how life marches on, waiting for no one.

Juxtaposition: A Life in Six Builds Minecraft Map

Chapter 2
New Frontiers Museum: Into the Future

I was quite satisfied with how my life was. Little did I know that one day, my life would change forever.

This is the New Frontiers Museum, the newest building in town. When it was first opened, I knew I had to see it. From the space trees being developed to be grown on any planet to a man-made aurora borealis in the sky, there was no end to the scientific wonders on display.

Just like in my house, the New Frontiers Museum put together old and new. Upon stepping in, one is greeted with a velociraptor’s skeleton beneath the latest oceanic invention: The Conduit, rumored to have unusual properties that allowed humans to alter the flow of water itself.

The second floor was all about biology. The latest experiment where scientists attempted to wilt and restore flowers was on display. Further in were corals and fish in an aquarium, brown bears roaming around in a faux forest, and penguins waddling about the soft white snow.

However, what always strikes me the most is the astronomy exhibit. I have always been fascinated by stories of space travel, and once dreamt of becoming an astronaut like my uncle. Every time I visited the museum, I’d stand in front of the spaceship and wonder what it would be like to fly it.

One day, as I stood and pondered, oblivious to the world, I was nudged from behind. A woman’s voice softly quipped, “Excuse me, I’ve asked you twice already. Could you move out of the way?”

She held a clipboard and scribbled quickly. I tried, but could not quite slip back to thinking about the spaceship. My mind kept drifting back to this lady. Careful not to stare, I made my way out, butterflies in my stomach.

How could one person have such a profound effect on me?

Chapter 3
The Sky-High Recreation Center: The Creation

This is the Sky-High Recreation Center, which had been built back when I was a child. It’s probably one of the oldest buildings in town, though I’m glad that it still remains operational. It has always brought back good memories.

Back then, my brothers and I would all laugh as we raced one another up the rock climbing wall. I remember how I’d scowl with envy when my older brother managed to be the first to ring the bell at the top every single time. How quickly time flies! Now, he has moved into the big city with his wife and daughter, and we’d catch up, say, once a month at most.

One day, though, I felt like visiting it once again. I felt like painting, and wondered whether I could paint up something new to put up in my cozy little nook back in Daishō. I sat down and started painting up a reddish landscape, somewhat like the background of a hot desert day. As I painted, though, I noticed someone vaguely familiar. The lady at the museum.

A bit of anxiety crept upon me, and I realized that I like her. She was painting a phoenix of sorts, oddly similar to the Phoenix Rebirth poster hanging on my wall.

I felt compelled to approach her. My stomach churned with butterflies.

“Hi, it’s me.”

She looked up, eyebrows arched, “Um, have we met?”

I shuffled my feet, “Well, not exactly. We kinda ran into each other at the museum the other day.”

“Ah, you’re that guy who wouldn’t budge.”

To my pleasant surprise, she was smiling, amused, rather than cross about it. My words felt all jumbled up as they spilled out of my mouth. “Haha, yes... Is that a, um, phoenix, you’re painting?”

“Yeah. I’ve been trying to recreate a poster I once saw a few years back. Haven’t seen it in quite a while though. Just drawing from memory.”

“You mean the Phoenix Rebirth poster? I’ve got one at home!”

“Really? That’s great! Didn’t know there were still PR fans these days. Haven’t met one in months”

She smiled, and I smiled back, happy for having broken the ice...somewhat, at least.

“You know, I could send you a photo later. Could I have your number?”

“Sure! Thanks in advance.”

I felt like I had just scored a great victory. That was the most enjoyable conversation I had had in quite some time. We began texting each other, and every weekend, we’d hang out at the art gallery, making ‘works of art’ that might seem sloppy, but surely were getting better.

Just as our relationship was growing deeper. Minutes stretched into hours as we talked over barbecue by the rooftop campfire.

One day, she and I decided to try chilling by the rooftop beach with an infinity pool, which quickly became our favorite place in the recreation center. One time, we watched the sunset together, and talked about our friends and college experiences for nearly three hours.

Man and woman, minds intertwined in the orange glow of the sunset. I’d say that our relationship unofficially began there.

Chapter 4
The Traveller's Lodge: Timelessness

One of my favorite restaurants was The Traveller’s Lodge. Small and quaint, it provided the perfect atmosphere for intimate conversations. So that was where I invited her over for our first date.

That day, I was pacing around, waiting for her under the shade. After a few minutes, I saw her coming around the corner. She was smiling and was wearing a light blue blouse that fluttered in the wind. Despite having known each other for weeks, I sometimes still feel queasy when I see her.

She placed her soft hand on my arm, and we went inside. It was an automatic restaurant, with our orders being taken by a computer and being delivered by a little train on rails. We talked and talked, until the staff politely told us to leave. The restaurant had closed quite a while ago.

We went outside. I managed to take a few steps before she nudged me. We locked eyes, and she whispered, “I love you.”

I was starstruck. “I love you too.”

It all felt surreal, and I stayed up nearly all night, heart pounding in my chest, thinking about how it all felt too good to be true.

Were we going too fast? No. This was perfect. She was perfect.

Chapter 5
The Swan Lake Park: Eternal Embrace

Three more years flew by, and we decided that it was time. Time to be together forever.

The birds were chirping, the bells were tolling, and guests murmured and chat with one another. I could feel the proud gazes of my relatives and old classmates.

As melodies emanated out from the piano. We walked down the aisle, hand in hand. Her bright eyes were glistening with tears of joy, just as mine were. When we exchanged vows, we knew that this marked new horizons, new opportunities, and new beginnings.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

And we locked into an embrace and kissed, as our family and friends stood up and applauded. We embraced for a while longer, wishing the moment to last forever.

Chapter 6
Elysia Mansion: Life Ever After

Seven years passed. We moved into a new upstate mansion with a balcony that overlooked the horizon.

We had the architect put up a beach umbrella and lounge chairs, so that we could forever relive that night by the rooftop beach.

Life had settled into a new norm. We would get up each day and go to work, have lunch together, and come home in the afternoon. On weekdays, we’d lounge about our living room.

On weekends, we’d bring our young son to the museum.

We were now a family of three, all different but all juxtaposed together in one cozy home. Who knows what life would bring in the future for all of us?

This story may or may not be based on the true events surrounding one of the members of the Algeusia build team. No one has to know :)


We strongly encourage you to download the map to experience the build for yourself!
CreditGiancarlovan, Audible_Druid, Starnityu01, Pixelpew
Progress100% complete

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05/01/2020 1:02 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Cassie Rombour
Cassie Rombour's Avatar
My sister told me about this map and this story and she helped me read the hard words but i t was so niceeee she was smiling and made me smile and the sunset manison are reallyyy coooool!!
05/01/2020 1:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Audible_Druid's Avatar
Glad you enjoyed the build and story Cassie! We as a build team poured our hearts into this, and I am so happy that it was able to touch others.
04/27/2020 12:13 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
This is cool.
The build designs are pretty epic while still fitting the theme and the story was surprisingly interesting to read through - I wonder what the true events surrounding that build team member are. :o Diamond for you. :D
04/28/2020 12:36 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Thanks for the great comment! I'm glad you liked the story!
As for the true events, well no one has to know about what really happened to this person. Let's just say that I might have helped their story move forward :>
04/28/2020 12:41 amhistory
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Well, in some way that helps the process of elimination about who it is as there's only two left that it could be, but- You're welcome for the complimentary comment. :) And the idea of helping someone's story move forward like that seems pretty nice. :) I approve of that. Also nice to see the description now has visible pictures too as I feel like it adds to the feeling of the story when there are locations to set the characters in presented while the scenes are described. o:
I am still curious though.
04/28/2020 3:19 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Logic and curiosity together? Now that's a nice rarity among people!
04/28/2020 3:27 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
xD That's true~. People are usually either logical and thus not as interested due to growing a little duller to things (or the myriad of other reasons which I'm lazily not listing), or curious but not particularly logical enough due to things like the curiousity being spurred by impatience and attachment where they just don't give themselves time to do the thinking to start with. Those kind of things make it rarer~. :) But thank you. ^-^ I like being curious and thinking about anything I get the chance for except when I realise I don't want to know and regret finding something out, as a curious person's inevitably going to find sometimes.
04/27/2020 12:14 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
Algeusia's Avatar
Thank you very much!
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